The <object>.updateByPK API updates an existing record in the local database for a given primary key.
Note: The column names and values provided as key value pairs are case sensitive.
Volt MX Iris (JavaScript)
- Supported for Windows from V8 SP4 Fix Pack 6 onwards.
- Supported for Mobile Web and Desktop Web channels from V8 SP4 Fix Pack 12 onwards.
<VMXObj>.updateByPK(record, options, successCallback, failureCallback)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
record | JSON | A dictionary containing column name and value pairs which are to be updated. | Yes |
options | JSON | A dictionary containing primaryKeys. | Yes |
successCallback | Function | The function is invoked when records are updated successfully | Yes |
failureCallback | Function | The function is invoked when updating records fail with the cause of failure. | Yes |
Options Keys
Keys | Type | Description | Required |
primaryKeys | JSON | Specify the primary keys of the record to be updated. Use records primary key column names as key and respective values to populate primaryKeys JSON. | Yes |
trackChanges | Boolean | Set the trackChanges key to False, the record level operations are not tracked. When the option is set to false, the CUD operations performed on a record are not synced (uploaded). Note: . Supported for Windows from V8 SP4 Fix Pack 6 onwards. . Supported for Mobile Web and Desktop Web channels from V8 SP4 Fixpack 12 onwards. |
No |
trackIntermediateUpdates | Boolean | The option is supported only in update API. The option enables us to track the latest update performed on the record. Note: . Supported for Windows from V8 SP4 Fix Pack 6 onwards. . Supported for Mobile Web and Desktop Web channels from V8 SP4 Fixpack 12 onwards. |
No |
markForUpload | Boolean | Set the markForUpload to false, the record changes are not uploaded to the server. Note: . Supported for Windows from V8 SP4 Fix Pack 6 onwards. . Supported for Mobile Web and Desktop Web channels from V8 SP4 Fixpack 12 onwards. |
No |
Return Type
var category = new voltmx.sdk.VMXObj("CATEGORY");
var options = {};
var record = {};
var primaryKeys = {};
record["CATEGORY_DES"] = "Update existing record";
primaryKeys["CATEGORY_ID"] = "1234"
options["primaryKeys"] = primaryKeys;
function successCallback(response) {
voltmx.print("Record Updated successfully");
function errorCallback(error) {
voltmx.print("Update failed with error: " + JSON.stringify(error));
category.updateByPK(record, options, successCallback, errorCallback)
//Disable change tracking - trackIntermediateUpdates
var options = {
"trackIntermediateUpdates": false
var VMXObject = new voltmx.sdk.VMXObj("CATEGORY");
VMXObject.updateByPK(record, options, onSuccessCallback, onFailureCallback);
//Disable change tracking - trackChanges
var options = {
"trackChanges": false
var VMXObject = new voltmx.sdk.VMXObj("CATEGORY");
VMXObject.updateByPK(record, options, onSuccessCallback, onFailureCallback);
//Mark for Upload
var options = {
"markForUpload": false
VMXObject.updateByPK(record, options, onSuccessCallback, onFailureCallback);
Android (Java)
void <VMXObj>.updateByPK(HashMap<String, Object> record,
HashMap<String, Object> options,
final VMXCallback callback) throws Exception
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
record | HashMap<String, Object> | A HashMap containing column name and value pairs which are to be updated. | Yes |
options | HashMap<String, Object> | A HashMap containing primaryKeys. | Yes |
callback | VMXCallback | Application implements onSuccess and onFailure methods of VMXCallback interface. | Yes |
Options Keys
Keys | Type | Description | Required |
primaryKeys | HashMap | Specify the primary keys of the record to be updated. Use records primary key column names as key and respective values to populate primaryKeys map. | Yes |
trackChanges | Boolean | Set the trackChanges key to False, the record level operations are not tracked. When the option is set to false, the CUD operations performed on a record are not synced (uploaded). | No |
trackIntermediateUpdates | Boolean | The option is supported only in update API. The option enables us to track the latest update performed on the record. | No |
markForUpload | Boolean | Set the markForUpload to false, the record changes are not uploaded to the server. | No |
Return Type
VMXObj category = new VMXObj("CATEGORY");
//Update record with a primary key
HashMap < String, Object > record = new HashMap < String, Object > ();
record.put("CATEGORY_PN", "7");
record.put("CATEGORY_DES", "new updated description");
HashMap < String, Object > primaryKeys = new HashMap < > ();
primaryKeys.put("CATEGORY_ID", "123");
HashMap < String, Object > options = new HashMap < > ();
options.put("primaryKeys", primaryKeys);
try {
category.updateByPK(record, options, new VMXCallback() {
public void onSuccess(Object object) {
Log.d("Object Update", "Object Update Successful for category");
public void onFailure(object error) {
OfflineObjectsException e = (OfflineObjectsException) error;
Log.e("Object Update", "Object Update Unsuccessful for category with Error :" + e.getMessage());
//Update record with composite primary key
HashMap < String, Object > record = new HashMap < String, Object > ();
record.put("CATEGORY_PN", "7");
record.put("CATEGORY_DES", "new updated description");
HashMap < String, Object > primaryKeys = new HashMap < > ();
primaryKeys.put("CATEGORY_KEY1", "123");
primaryKeys.put("CATEGORY_KEY2", "124");
HashMap < String, Object > options = new HashMap < > ();
options.put("primaryKeys", primaryKeys);
try {
//Invoke the update API. This will update the record where the composite primary key (composed of CATEGORY_KEY1 and CATEGORY_KEY2) will be updated.
category.updateByPK(record, options, new VoltMXSyncCallback() {
public void onSuccess(Object object) {
Log.d("Object Update", "Object Update Successful for category");
public void onFailure(object error) {
OfflineObjectsException e = (OfflineObjectsException) error;
Log.e("Object Update", "Object Update Unsuccessful for category with Error :" + e.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("Object Update", "Object Update Unsuccessful for category with Error :" + e.getMessage());
//Disable change tracking - trackIntermediateUpdates
HashMap < String, Object > options = new HashMap < > ();
options.put(KSPublicConstants.TRACK_INTERMEDIATE_UPDATES, false);
sdkObjectSync.updateByPK(record, options, new VMXCallback() {
public void onSuccess(Object object) {}
public void onFailure(object error) {}
//Disable change tracking - trackChanges
HashMap < String, Object > options = new HashMap < > ();
options.put(KSPublicConstants.TRACK_CHANGES, false);
sdkObjectSync.updateByPK(record, options, new VMXCallback() {
public void onSuccess(Object object) {}
public void onFailure(object error) {}
//Mark for Upload
HashMap < String, Object > options = new HashMap < > ();
options.put(KSPublicConstants.MARK_FOR_UPLOAD, false);
sdkObjectSync.updateByPK(record, options, new VMXCallback() {
public void onSuccess(Object object) {}
public void onFailure(object error) {}
iOS (Objective C)
void <VMXObj>.updateByPK:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)record
options:(NSDictionary <NSString *, id> *)options
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
record | NSDictionary<NSString*, id> | A dictionary containing column name and value pairs which are to be updated. | Yes |
options | NSDictionary<NSString*, id> | A dictionary containing primaryKeys. | Yes |
onSuccess | VMXSuccessCompletionHandler | The function is invoked when records are updated successfully. | Yes |
onFailure | VMXFailureCompletionHandler | The function is invoked when updating records fail with the cause of failure. | Yes |
Options Keys
Keys | Type | Description | Required |
primaryKeys | NSDictionary<NSString*, id> | Specify the primary keys of the record to be updated. Use records primary key column names as key and respective values to populate primaryKeys dictionary. | Yes |
trackChanges | Boolean | Set the trackChanges key to False, the record level operations are not tracked. When the option is set to false, the CUD operations performed on a record are not synced (uploaded). | No |
trackIntermediateUpdates | Boolean | The option is supported only in update API. The option enables us to track the latest update performed on the record. | No |
markForUpload | Boolean | Set the markForUpload to false, the record changes are not uploaded to the server. | No |
Return Type
//Example 1: Update record with a primary key
VMXObj * _categories = [
[VMXObj alloc] initWithName: @"CATEGORY"
error: & ;error
NSMutableDictionary * recordToUpdate = [NSMutableDictionary new];
recordToUpdate[@"CATEGORY_DES"] = @"updated description";
recordToUpdate[@"CATEGORY_PN"] = @"3";
NSMutableDictionary * options = [NSMutableDictionary new];
NSMutableDictionary * primaryKeys = [NSMutableDictionary new];
primaryKeys[@"CATEGORY_ID"] = @"112";
options[@"primaryKeys"] = primaryKeys;
[_categories updateByPK: recordToUpdate options: options onSuccess: ^ (id object) {
NSLog(@"Update record succeded");
onFailure: ^ (id object) {
OfflineObjectsError * error = (OfflineObjectsError) object;
NSLog(@"Update record failed with error %@", [error.userInfo localizedDescription]);
//Update record with composite primary key
VMXObj * _categories = [
[VMXObj alloc] initWithName: @"CATEGORY"
error: & ;error
NSMutableDictionary * recordToUpdate = [NSMutableDictionary new];
recordToUpdate[@"CATEGORY_DES"] = @"updated description";
recordToUpdate[@"CATEGORY_PN"] = @"3";
NSMutableDictionary * options = [NSMutableDictionary new];
NSMutableDictionary * primaryKeys = [NSMutableDictionary new];
primaryKeys[@"PRIMARY_KEY1"] = @"123";
primaryKeys[@"PRIMARY_KEY2"] = @"222";
options[@"primaryKeys"] = primaryKeys;
[_categories updateByPK: recordToUpdate options: @{}
onSuccess: ^ (id object) {
NSLog(@"Update record succeded");
onFailure: ^ (id object) {
OfflineObjectsError * error = (OfflineObjectsError) object;
NSLog(@"Update record failed with error %@", [error.userInfo localizedDescription]);
//Disable change tracking - trackIntermediateUpdates
NSDictionary < NSString * , id > * options = @ {
[sdkObjectSync updateByPK: record options: options onSuccess: ^ (id object) {}
onFailure: ^ (id Object) {}
//Disable change tracking - trackChanges
NSDictionary < NSString * , id > * options = @ {
[sdkObjectSync updateByPK: record options: options onSuccess: ^ (id object) {}
onFailure: ^ (id object) {}
//Mark for Upload
NSDictionary < NSString * , id > * options = @ {
[sdkObjectSync updateByPK: record options: options onSuccess: ^ (id object) {}
onFailure: ^ (id object) {}
- The trackChanges flag must be used consistently (either always true or always false) for all CUD operations on a record. You must not update the value of "change tracking" flag in between CUD operations on a record.
- The trackIntermediateChanges flag is not applicable in Create and Delete APIs. When you set both markForUpload and trackChanges flags, an error is reported as these are mutually exclusive options.
- When the user sets both trackIntermediateUpdates and trackChanges flags, an error is reported as these are mutually exclusive options.
- The change tracking option for Cascade Delete is also applicable for the child records.
- For Hierarchical Objects, you must provide a proper value for both parent and child record operations.