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The <object>.getBinary allows downloading and associating binary files with the records in the offline mode. The API downloads the binary files for the specified record primary keys of the object. The downloaded files are read from the device without downloading again from the server (i.e. the binary files can be used in the offline mode).

Note: For the <object>.getBinary API to work, ensure the object definition in Volt MX Foundry has a defined binary column .

Volt MX Iris (JavaScript)

Note: Not supported for Mobile Web, Windows, and Desktop Web channels.


<VMXObj>.getBinary (options, fileDownloadStartedCallback, chunkDownloadCompletedCallback, streamDownloadCompletedCallback, fileDownloadCompletedCallback, downloadFailureCallback)


optionsJSONA dictionary containing binaryColumnName, forceDownload, chunkSize, and primaryKeys.Yes
fileDownloadStartedCallbackFunctionThe function is invoked when the download starts. Response object includes fileId.Yes
chunkDownloadCompletedCallbackFunctionNot support in the current version.Yes
streamDownloadCompletedCallbackFunctionNot supported in the current versionYes
fileDownloadCompletedCallbackFunctionThe function is invoked when the file is downloaded successfully. Response Object includes fileId and filePath.Yes
downloadFailureCallbackFunctionThe function is invoked when the file download fails with a cause of failure. Response object will have the exception for failure.Yes

Sync Options

Key Type Description Required
columnName String Name of the binary column for which the data must be downloaded. Yes
forceDownload Boolean Enable the flag to forcefully download a file from the server. If the flag is not enabled and the file is available on the device, it returns the local file. No
fileId String Downloaded files are saved with the current time stamp as the file name, if fileId is given, the ID is appended to the timestamp. Example: 1521455068827_ No
primaryKeys JSON Specify the primary keys of the record to be updated. Use a record's primary key, column name as the key and respective values to populate the primary keys JSON. Yes
chunkSize Number Not supported in the current version. No

Return Type



var media = new voltmx.sdk.VMXObj("media");
var options = {};
options.primaryKeys = {
    "id": "2"
options.columnName = "picture";
options.fileId = "pic1";

function onFileDownloadStartedApp(response) {
    voltmx.print("Object onFileDownloadStarted" + JSON.stringify(response));

function onStreamDownloadCompletedApp(response) {
    //Not Supported in the current version

function onChunkDownloadCompletedApp(response) {
    //Not Supported in the current version

function onFileDownloadCompletedApp(response) {
    voltmx.print("Object onFileDownloadCompleted" + JSON.stringify(response) + ", file path = " + response.filePath);

function onDownloadFailureApp(error) {
    voltmx.print("Object onDownloadFailure:" + JSON.stringify(error));
media.getBinary(options, onFileDownloadStartedApp, onStreamDownloadCompletedApp,
    onChunkDownloadCompletedApp, onFileDownloadCompletedApp, onDownloadFailureApp);

Android (Java)


void getBinary(final Map<String, Object> options, final VMXBinaryDownloadCallback vmxBinaryDownloadCallback)


optionsHashMap<String, Object>A dictionary containing binaryColumnName, forceDownload, chunkSize, and primaryKeys.Yes
vmxBinaryDownloadCallbackVMXBinaryDownloadCallbackApplication implements onFileDownloadStarted, onStreamDownloadCompleted, onChunkDownloadCompleted, onFileDownloadCompleted, onDownloadFailure methods of VMXBinaryDownloadCallback interface.Yes

Sync Options

Key Type Description Required
columnName String Name of the binary column for which data is to be download. Yes
forceDownload Boolean Enable this flag to forcefully download the file from the server. If the flag is not enabled and the file is available on the device, it returns the local file. No
fileID String The ID of the file downloaded. The ID is appended with a timestamp. No
primaryKeys Hashmap Specify the primary keys of the record to be updated. Use a record's primary key, column name as the key and respective values to populate the primary keys map. Yes
chunkSize Integer Not supported in the current version. No

Return Type



VMXObj media = new VMXObj("media");
HashMap < String, Object > options = new HashMap < String, Object > ();
HashMap < String, Object > primaryKeys = new HashMap < > ();
primaryKeys.put("id", 2);
options.put(KSPublicConstants.PRIMARY_KEYS, primaryKeys);
options.put(KSPublicConstants.BINARY_COLUMN_NAME, "picture");
options.put(KSPublicConstants.BINARY_FORCE_DOWNLOAD, false);
options.put(BinaryDataManagerConstants.FILE_ID, "pic1");
syncObject.getBinary(options, new VMXBinaryDownloadCallback() {
    public void onFileDownloadStarted(Object object) {
        Log.d("getBinary", "File download started");

    public void onStreamDownloadCompleted(Object object) {
        //Not supported in the current version

    public void onChunkDownloadCompleted(Object object) {
        //Not supported in the current version

    public void onFileDownloadCompleted(Object object) {
        Log.d("getBinary", "File download completed successfully");

    public void onDownloadFailure(Object error) {
        Log.e("getBinary", "File download failed with error :" + error.toString());

iOS (Objective C)


void <VMXObj>.getBinary:(NSDictionary <NSString *,id>*)options


optionsNSDictionary<NSString*, id>A dictionary containing binaryColumnName, forceDownload, chunkSize, and primaryKeys.Yes
fileDownloadStartedHandlerVMXFileDownloadStartedCompletionBlockThe function is invoked when the download has started. Response object includes fileId.Yes
chunkDownloadCompletedHandlerVMXChunkDownloadCompletedCompletionBlockNot supported in the current version.Yes
streamDownloadCompletedHandlerVMXStreamDownloadCompletedCompletionBlockNot supported in the current versionYes
fileDownloadCompletedHandlerVMXFileDownloadCompletedCompletionBlockThe function is invoked when the file is downloaded successfully. Response Object includes fileId and filePath.Yes
downloadFailureHandlerVMXDownloadFailureCompletionBlockThe function is invoked when the file download fails with the cause of failure. Response object will have the exception for failure.Yes

Sync Options

Key Type Description Required
columnName String Name of the binary column for which the data is to be downloaded. Yes
forceDownload Boolean Enable this flag to forcefully download the file from the server. If the flag is not enabled and the file is available on the device, it returns the local file. No
fileID String The ID of the file downloaded. The ID is appended with a timestamp. No
primaryKeys NSDictionary Specify the primary keys of the record to be updated. Use a record's primary key, column name as the key and respective values to populate the primary keys dictionary. Yes
chunkSize Integer Not supported in the current version. No

Return Type



VMXObj * _media = [
    [VMXObj alloc] initWithName: @"media"
    error: & ;error
NSMutableDictionary < NSString * , id > * options = [
    [NSMutableDictionary alloc] init
NSMutableDictionary < NSString * , id > * primaryKeys = [
    [NSMutableDictionary alloc] init

primaryKeys[@"id"] = @"2";
NSMutableArray < NSString * > * filePaths = [NSMutableArray new];

[media getBinary: options downloadStartedHandler: ^ (id object) {
        NSLog(@"Download started successfully");
    chunkDownloadCompletedHandler: ^ (id object) {
        //Not implemented
    streamDownloadCompletedHandler: ^ (id object) {
        //Not implemented
    fileDownloadCompletedHandler: ^ (id object) {
        NSLog(@"Download completed successfully");
    downloadFailureHandler: ^ (id object) {
        id error = [object valueForKey: VMXCONSTANTS_SYNC_ERRORS];
        NSLog(@"Update failed with error: %@", [error value]);

Note: Binary download support through Offline Objects is limited in RDBMS, Storage and SAP backend services.