You are here: Uninstalling Volt MX Foundry
Uninstalling Volt MX Foundry
This section explains how to uninstall Volt MX Foundry.
To uninstall the Volt MX Foundry, follow these steps:
Go to your Volt MX Foundry installation location. (Default location: /VoltMX/VoltMX Foundry)
file.[root@localhost mfdemo]# ls
jboss jre VoltMX_Foundry_Console_Install_01_21_2015_05_10_47.log _VoltMX Foundry Console_installation logs Uninstall
[root@localhost mfdemo]# ./UninstallThe following console appears:
\=============================================================================== Volt MX Foundry (created with InstallAnywhere) \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preparing CONSOLE Mode Uninstallation... \=============================================================================== Uninstall Volt MX Foundry \----------------------------------- Thanks for choosing Volt MX Foundry. You are about to uninstall Volt MX Foundry. This will uninstall all components. It will also remove any file or folder created in Volt MX Foundry installation directory. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE:
Press Enter.
The Delete Database console displays the alert message asking if you want to delete the database.
\=============================================================================== Delete Database \--------------- Please select whether you want to delete all Volt MX Foundry data including the database or retain data. Note that you cannot recover the data after it has been deleted. Do you want to delete the database? \->1- Delete all data 2- Retain all data ENTER THE NUMBER FOR YOUR CHOICE, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT::
To remove database, type 1 and press Enter. Otherwise, to continue without removing the database, type 2 and press Enter.
A progress console appears with the progress of Volt MX Foundry uninstallation.
...* *
Uninstall Complete
------------------All items were successfully uninstalled.
Volt MX Foundry is uninstalled.