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Approach 2: Changing Context Root using Manual Install Steps

Approach 2: Changing Context Root using Manual Install Steps

  1. Install Volt MX Foundry using manual steps provided in VoltMX Foundry Manual Installation Guide.
  2. Rename the war files for required components.

    • For Tomcat standalone and JBoss standalone modes, rename the WARs directly from proper install location.
    • For JBoss domain mode, follow these steps to rename WARs:

      1. Rename the required WARs from the installation location.
      2. Go to Console.
      3. Delete WARs for those you have renamed.
      4. Redeploy the renamed WARs to the Console.

      The following table details the list of installed WAR files and installation locations for Volt MX Foundry Components:

      Component File Name Renamed WAR files Path for installed WAR files for Volt MX Foundry
      Console workspace.war workspace1.war Tomcat (standalone mode): <VoltMX Foundry Install Path>\tomcat\webapps JBoss (standalone mode): <VoltMX Foundry Install Path>\jboss > standalone\deployments  
      ^^ mfconsole.war mfconsole1.war
      ^^ accounts.war accounts1.war
      Identity authService.war authService1.war
      Integration/Admin/Server middleware.warservices.waradmin.war middleware1.warservices1.waradmin1.war
      Engagement Services vpns.war vpns1.war
  3. Update WAAS_BASE_URL in the  accounts_connfigurations table by using the following SQL query:

    For example, <prefix>mfaccountsdb<suffix>.

    Sample query for UPDATE STATEMENT:

    • MySQL

      UPDATE accounts_configurations SET value='://:/workspace1' WHERE name='WAAS_BASE_URL';

    • Oracle

      UPDATE accounts_configurations SET value='://:/workspace1' WHERE name='WAAS_BASE_URL' ;

    • SQL Server

      UPDATE accounts_configurations SET value='://:/workspace1' WHERE name='WAAS_BASE_URL' ;

  4. Open the renamed mfconsole1.war and do the following:

    1. Update the following property in the file:

      • VOLTMX_ACCOUNT_API_BASE_URL=<http or https>://<server_host>:<server_port>/accounts1/api/v1_0/

        The location for mfconsole1.war\WEB-INF\classes

        Note: A WAR file location varies based on an app server - for example, for Tomcat, WARs are found at \tomcat\webapps.

    2. Add the following properties in the file:

      • VOLTMX_ACCOUNTS_HEALTHCHECK_URL=<http or https>://<server_host>:<server_port>/accounts1/health_check

      • VOLTMX_WORKSPACE_HEALTHCHECK_URL=<http or https>://<server_host>:<server_port>/workspace1/api/v1/healthcheck

  5. Update the following property in the VOLTMX_SERVER_SERVICES_CONTEXT_PATH in the admindb configuration table:


    For example, <prefix>admindb<suffix>.

    Sample query for UPDATE STATEMENT:

    • MySQL

      UPDATE server_configuration SET prop_value ='services1' WHERE prop_name = 'VOLTMX_SERVER_SERVICES_CONTEXT_PATH';

    • Oracle

      UPDATE server_configuration SET prop_value ='services1' WHERE prop_name = 'VOLTMX_SERVER_SERVICES_CONTEXT_PATH';

    • SQL Server

      UPDATE server_configuration SET prop_value ='services1' WHERE prop_name = 'VOLTMX_SERVER_SERVICES_CONTEXT_PATH';

  6. Configure the following properties with the customized JNDI names:

    Component File Name File Name Properties to be added/updated
    authService authService.war\WEB-INF\classes WEBSPHERE_AUTHCONFIGDB_JNDI_NAME=jdbc/authconfigWEBSPHERE_AUTHGLOBALDB_JNDI_NAME=jdbc/authglobaldb
    Workspace Workspace.war\WEB-INF\classes WEBSPHERE_WAASGLOBALDB_JNDI_NAME=jdbc/workspacesglobaldb WEBSPHERE_WORKSPACESDB_JNDI_NAME=jdbc/workspacesglobaldb
    Accounts Accounts.war\WEB-INF\classes ACCOUNTS_DB_JNDI_NAME=jdbc/voltmxaccounts REPORTS_DB_JNDI_NAME=jdbc/voltmxreports
    Integration/Admin/Server admin.war\WEB-INF\middleware\middleware-bootconfig\admin
  7. Configure the following settings for application server, as follows:

    • For Tomcat : In case you have renamed a .war, modify the following datasource file names as per the respective renamed war files:

      Path for datasource files:


      • Rename accounts.xml to account1.xml
      • Rename workspace.xml to workspace1.xml
      • Rename authService.xml to authService1.xml
      • Rename admin.xml to admin1.xml
    • For JBoss, update services.war\WEB-INF\jboss-web.xml with the new services war name.

      For example, if services is renamed to services1 then services1.war\WEB-INF\jboss-web.xml





  8. Restart your app server.

  9. Launch Volt MX Foundry Console with new context path and do the registration using the new auth service URL format:
    <http or https>://<server_host>:<server_port>/<new mfconsole context path>

    For example: <http or https>://<server_host>:<server_port>/<mfconsole1>

    Note:  You will need to launch Volt MX Foundry through a browser and complete the registration for the context based root instance.
    For more details, refer to How to Get Started With Volt MX Foundry Console

    Note: After you complete registration, you can now also launch a context based root Volt MX Foundry through Iris Enterprise, refer to Access Volt MX Foundry Instance through Iris Enterprise.

  10. After you logged in to Console, create an environment with the new URLs.

    To create server feature with new context path, the URL format is: <http or https>://<server_host>:<server_port>/<new admin context path>

    If admin is renamed to admin1 then the sample URL format is as follows:


  11. Update service_url after an environment is registered in the accountsdb table, as follows:

    Sample query for UPDATE STATEMENT (for MySQL/Oracle/MSSQL/DB2):

    • UPDATE features SET service_url = ‘<http or https>://<server_host>:<server_port>/adminservices1’ WHERE type = 'server';
    • UPDATE features SET service_url = ‘<http or https>://<server_host>:<server_port>/vpns1’ WHERE type = 'vpns';

    Note: You can now use Volt MX Foundry Console with new context paths for your app development.

  12. Create an app in Volt MX Foundry Console.

  13. Publish the app.