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Native Function API Developer's Guide:Native Function APIs for iOS > iOS Examples > ZipUnzip


The iOS platform does not provide any set of APIs for compressing and uncompressing files. Using the third party Objective-Zip library a set of Native Function APIs can be generated, which give complete functionality of zip and unzip.

The ZipUnzip feature helps to package multiple files into single compressed file in the mobile devices, which takes less space on the device memory and also takes less time to share. ZipUnzip also extracts the compressed files.

Using this feature, iOS and Android applications can:

  • Package a set of files into one single zipped file. You can also select the required files from a list of files and package.
  • View the files of a zipped file along with the file size.
  • Unzip the zipped files.

For more information about ZipUnzip APIs for iOS, click here.