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You are here: Creating a Video Using a Constructor: voltmx.ui.Video

Video Widget

The Video widget helps to play the video files captured using the device's camera, videos from the app resources, and from the servers/ websites by streaming data within a form. The Video widget can be added only to the FlexContainer, FlexScrollContainer, and FlexForm.

Following are a few real-time use cases of Video widget:

  • Advertisements and Promotions: Promotional videos are played multiple times in gaming applications, news applications, and websites.

  • Greetings: Videos like new greetings, Christmas greetings are played in a browser or an application.

  • Instructional purposes: Instructional videos are created primarily for educational purposes.

Widgets are normally added to your application using Volt MX Iris, but can also be added from code. For general information on using widgets in Volt MX Iris, see Designing an Application in the Iris User Guide.

For general information on the Video widget see the Video topic in the Volt MX Iris User Guide.

This widget supports drag and drop of videos for iOS 11 on iPad.

The Video widget capabilities can be broadly categorized into the following:


Properties Description
anchorPoint Specifies the anchor point of the widget bounds rectangle using the widget's coordinate space.
bottom Determines the bottom edge of the widget and is measured from the bottom bounds of the parent container.
centerX Determines the center of a widget measured from the left bounds of the parent container.
centerY This property determines the center of a widget measured from the top bounds of the parent container.
containerWeight Specifies percentage of width to be allocated by its parent widget.
height Determines the height of the widget and measured along the y-axis.
left Determines the lower left corner edge of the widget and is measured from the left bounds of the parent container.
maxHeight Specifies the maximum height of the widget and is applicable only when the height property is not specified.
maxWidth Specifies the maximum width of the widget and is applicable only when the width property is not specified.
minHeight Specifies the minimum height of the widget and is applicable only when the height property is not specified.
minWidth Specifies the minimum width of the widget and is applicable only when the width property is not specified.
right Determines the lower right corner of the widget and is measured from the right bounds of the parent container.
top Determines the top edge of the widget and measured from the top bounds of the parent container.
width Determines the width of the widget and is measured along the x-axis.
zIndex Specifies the stack order of a widget.
Events Description
doLayout Used to set the layout properties of child widgets in the relation to self and peer widgets whose layout is not yet performed.

Video Controls

Methods Description
getBufferPercentage Returns the amount of the video buffered or played so far in percentage (0-100).
getCurrentPosition Returns the playing time of the current position of the video.
getDuration Returns the duration of the video playing currently.
isPlaying Returns whether or not the video is playing.
pause Pauses the video that is playing.
play Plays the video.
resume Resumes play of a video that is paused.
seekTo Plays the video from a specific time.
setSource Allows you to modify the video source.
setTracks Allows you to assign or modify video captions.
stop Stops the video that is playing.
Properties Description
controls Specifies whether to display the video controls or not.
enableCaptions Specifies the visibility of captions for a video that is playing.
tracks Specifies the tracks or captions of a playing video.
videoGravity Specifies how to render a video content inside the widget.
volume Specifies the current volume of the audio of the video.

3D Touch

Methods Description
registerForPeekandPop Registers a widget to enable 3D Touch peek and pop gestures.
setOnPeek Sets and overrides the existing onPeekCallback for the widget.
setOnPop Overrides the existing onPopCallback for the widget.
unregisterForPeekandPop Unregisters a widget from 3D Touch peek and pop gestures.

User Input Handling

Methods Description
addGestureRecognizer Allows you to set a gesture recognizer for a specified gesture for a specified widget.
removeGestureRecognizer Allows you to remove the specified gesture recognizer for the specified widget.
setGestureRecognizer Allows you to set a gesture recognizer for a specified gesture for a specified widget.
Events Description
onScrollWidgetPosition Invoked by the platform when the widget location position gets changed on scrolling.


Methods Description
animate Applies an animation to the widget.
Properties Description
transform Contains an animation transformation that can be used to animate the widget.
widgetSwipeMove Used to enable and configure the left or right swipe actions for a widget.

UI Appearance

Properties Description
margin Defines the space around a widget.
opacity Specifies the opacity of the widget.
padding Defines the space between the content of the widget and the widget boundaries.
poster You can specify an image which is to be displayed as a poster or as a starting image for the video.
skin Specifies the look and feel of the video.
widgetAlignment Indicates how a widget is to be anchored with respect to its parent.

Enabling RTL

Properties Description
retainContentAlignment Helps to retain the content alignment of the widget while applying RTL.
retainFlexPositionProperties Helps to retain the left, right and padding properties while applying RTL.
retainFlowHorizontalAlignment Enables you to change the horizontal flow of the widget from left to right.


cursorType Specifies the type of the mouse pointer used.
source Specifies the URLs of a video that is to be streamed, the path of the video from the local asset, and the video captured from the camera.
text Specifies a general or descriptive text for the Video widget.
Method Description
getBadge Enables you to read the badge value (if any) attached to the specified widget.
setBadge Enables you to set the badge value to the given widget at the upper, right corner of the widget.
Events Description
onCompletion Invoked when playback is completed.
onError Invoked when an error occurred in setup or playback.
onPrepared Invoked when the media file is loaded and ready to play.

Configurations Common To All Widgets

Properties Description
accessibilityConfig Enables you to control accessibility behavior and alternative text for the widget.
enable Allows you to make a widget visible but not actionable.
id id is a unique identifier of a Video consisting of alpha numeric characters.
info A custom JSObject with the key value pairs that a developer can use to store the context with the widget.
isVisible Controls the visibility of the Video widget on the form.
parent Helps you access the parent of the widget.
Method Description
convertPointFromWidget Allows you to convert the coordinate system from a widget to a point (receiver's coordinate system).
convertPointToWidget Allows you to convert the coordinate system from a point to widget.
removeFromParent Allows you to remove a child widget from a parent widget.
setEnabled Specifies the widget that must be enabled or disabled.
setFocus Specifies the widget on which there must be focus.
setVisibility Set the visibility of the widget.

Video Widget Basics

Creating a Video Using a Constructor: voltmx.ui.Video

var video = new voltmx.ui.Video (config);


//Defining the properties for Video with source
var video1 = new voltmx.ui.Video({
    "id": "video1",
    skin: "vSkin",
    "controls": false,
    "width": "100%",
    "height": "100%",
    "zIndex": 3,
    "source": {
        "mp4": "",
        "mov": videofilepath,
        "rawBytes": camera1.rawBytes
    "poster": null,
    "onPrepared": onPreparedCallBack


  • The Video Widget does not work in the DEBUG mode. It works only in the RELEASE mode.


The following are the important considerations for the iOS platform:

  • If you add Video widgets to your apps using the API (dynamically), at least one Video widget must be added from the default library on a form in your application. If all Video widgets are added to the app using the API, videos will not play on the app.


The following are the important considerations for the SPA platform:

  • When the form contains dockable components such as headers, footers, or an Appmenu, scrolling the video widget on iPhone or iPad does not scroll the form. This is due to a limitation that iPhone video controls do not respond to (custom) touch events when media controls are present.To avoid this, apply left or right margins to the either side of the video widget to enable scrolling of the form as well.
  • If you have two videos in a form, you can only play one at a time.

Supported devices and video formats for SPA platform.

Category and Device OS Browser Video Format(WebM, OGG, MP4, OGV) XHTML Mandatory Attributes Height/Width Comments
Samsung Galaxy S2 - amsung I9100 Android 2.3.3 Native Android Webkit MP4 na  
Samsung Galaxy S2 - Samsung I9100 Android 4.0.4 Native Android Webkit MP4 na  
Samsung Galaxy S2 - amsung I9100 Android 4.0.4 Native Android Webkit MP4 na  
iPhone - iPhone iOS 4.2.1 Safari MP4 na  
iPhone - iPhone iOS 6.1.3 Safari MP4 na