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voltmx.model Constants

The voltmx.model namespace provides the following constants.

voltmx.model.ExceptionCode Constants

Specifies the error code that occurred for the exception.

Constant Description
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_CREATE An error occurred while performing the create operation.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_CUSTOMVERB An error occurred while performing the operation specified by a custom verb.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_DELETE An error occurred while performing the delete operation.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_DELETE_BY_PRIMARY_KEY An error occurred while performing the delete by primary key operation.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_FETCH An error occurred while performing the fetch operation.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_FETCHING_DATA_FOR_COLUMNS An error occurred while fetching the data for the specified columns.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_LOGIN_FAILURE An error occurred while trying to log in.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_UPDATE An error occurred while performing the update operation.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_VALIDATION_CREATE An error occurred while performing the validation create operation.
voltmx.model.ExceptionCode.CD_ERROR_VALIDATION_UPDATE An error occurred while performing the validation update operation.

voltmx.model.ValidationType Constants

Specifies the type of validation to be performed.

Constant Description
voltmx.model.constants.ValidationType.CREATE The operation creates a record in the backend data source.
voltmx.model.constants.ValidationType.UPDATE The operation updates a record in the backend data source.