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The VoltMXResult.result JSON object is used to pass data back to the user.

opstatus can be manipulated to return different statuses for use in the Iris application processing. Typically, a successful operation returns an opstatus as 0.

httpStatusCode can return a specific HTTP status code, e.g. 200 for success or 400 for bad input.

Volt MX Foundry always returns a JSON object, always including "opstatus" and "httpStatusCode". Everything else is properties within that JSON object and this is accessed via VoltMXResult.result. You can use the various JsonVSE methods to add scalars, arrays or objects, all with their various labels.


Using Call VoltMXResult.result.appendToJSONArray() will throw an error, because result is always a JSON object, not a JSON array.

You do not need to explicitly add opstatus and httpStatusCode to the VoltMXResult.result object. These will automatically be appended from the relevant properties before the output is printed.

Access result in postprocessor

In a postprocessor VoltMxResult.result will already be seeded with the output from the main integration service. You can access this and manipulate it as required.