Foundry processing
Foundry sends HTTP requests across to the VoltScript runtime for processing. The approach is the same for preprocessors, integration services and postprocessors.
UI->>Foundry: REST service request
Foundry->>Foundry: Convert context to JSON
Foundry->>VoltScript: Send HTTP request with Foundry context
VoltScript->>VoltScript: Process custom VoltScript code
VoltScript->>Foundry: Send result JSON object
Foundry->>Foundry: Parse response and continue, if appropriate
Foundry->>UI: Send response / error
Preprocessors and postprocessors cannot be added to a VoltScript Integration Service in Foundry. Instead, add the relevant validation or manipulation in the main VoltScript Integration Service code. This will minimize the processing time.
If VoltMxResult.setErrorMessage()
is called, an error is returned from the Integration Service and no further steps in the process will be performed. So the processing is:
participant UI
participant Foundry
participant is as Integration Service
UI->>Foundry: REST service request
Foundry->>is: Trigger preprocessor
is->>Foundry: Sends result
opt VoltMxResult.setErrorMessage("an error")
Foundry->>UI: Send response
Foundry->>is: Trigger main integration service
is->>Foundry: Send result
Foundry->>is: Trigger postprocessor
is->>Foundry: Send result
Foundry->>UI: Send response