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Adding dynamic behavior to Domino Leap applications

This topic provides details on adding dynamic behavior to your Domino Leap applications.

Adding formulas to your application

You can create and edit formulas to assign values to an item on your HCL Domino Leap form.

Creating rules in your application

Rules help you gather the correct information from users and organize your information after data is entered in a form. You can create composite rules that govern how your form, and the data in your form behaves.

Incorporating web services into your applications

The following topics describe how to incorporate web services into your HCL Domino Leap application.

Adding Stages to an application

It is often desirable to have an application, or form, transition through a set of phases or stages. At each stage the form might be used by different people in different roles. The form also might be presented in a slightly different manner in each stage, such as having some items or pages hidden, or in a read-only state.

Adding JavaScript

You can customize your form's behavior by adding custom javaScript.

Adding custom behaviour

There may be times that you want your applications to behave a certain way and it is not a built-in feature. There are many different ways to add custom behavior with a little planning and some custom javaScript.

Working with Attachments

Some examples of working with attachments.

Parent topic: Building Apps