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Enabling basic authentication for HCL Domino Leap API requests

If form-based authentication is enabled, you will see an HTML form for authentication instead of a pop-up window. This topic provides instructions on how to disable HTML form-based authentication for the HCL Domino Leap server API URL paths and enable basic authentication.

About this task

You must use Internet Site documents to disable form-based authentication and enable basic authentication. To manually create the session override rule, complete the following steps:


  1. On the server document Basics tab, enable Load internet configurations from Server\Internet Sites documents and save the server document.


    If you have an existing Internet Site Configuration, skip to step 3.

  2. From Configuration, Web, Internet Sites, select Add Internet Site, Web and fill in the following fields:

  3. Descriptive name for this site: Enter any name you wish.

  4. Organization: The Domino organization.
  5. Host names or addresses mapped to this site: host name and/or IP address of your HCL Domino Leap server.
  6. Domino servers that host this site: The Domino server name of your HCL Domino Leap server.
  7. On the Configuration tab, change any desired configuration parameters.
  8. On the Domino Web Engine tab, enable Session Authentication with the same parameters as used in the Server Document.
  9. On the Security tab, make any additional security configuration changes including SSL settings.

Save and close the Internet Site document.

  1. Open the Internet Site document created previously and select Web Site > Create Rule. Fill in the following fields:

  2. Description: Enter any description you wish.

  3. Type of rule: Override Session Authentication.
  4. Incoming URL pattern: /volt-api/*.

  5. Restart the Domino server.

  6. Retry the previous HCL Domino Leap API URLs. All URLs should now generate a 401 pop-up challenge.

Parent topic: Administering