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This action retrieves a single record.


The curl command must be entered as a single line.

curl --user <loginId>:<passwd> --header "Accept:application/atom+xml" "http://<host>:<port>/volt-api/secure/

curl --user <loginId>:<passwd> "http://<host>:<port>/volt-api/secure/

format or Accept header

The format in which the data must be returned. You can use either format or Accept header.


When using the format parameter, you must encode the value. For example, application/atom+xml must be inserted into the curl command as application%2Fatom%2Bxml.

  • application/atom+xml returns data as a standard ATOM feed in XML format. This is the default value.
  • application/json returns data in JavaScript™ Object Notation format
  • Set itemOnly to true if you want to receive a simplified response. itemOnly is only available for JSON.

The result of this request is an ATOM Entry XML document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <entry xmlns="">
      <title type="text">F_Form1</title>
         <name>Mike Smith</name>
         <login xmlns=""></login>
         <name>Brenda Jones</name>
         <login xmlns=""></login>
      <content type="application/xml">
         <F_Form1 xmlns="" application_uid="dd34da19-15c4-4267-8f1e-9f12ece743d7" draft_ownerid="" 
            flowState="ST_NewStageName" id="0" uid="f82e576f-cb67-4008-8219-f49a1b369f7d">
      <link href="../../../../../secure/org/data/dd34da19-15c4-4267-8f1e-9f12ece743d7/F_Form1/
          f82e576f-cb67-4008-8219-f49a1b369f7d" rel="edit"/>
      <link href="../../../../../secure/1/app/dd34da19-15c4-4267-8f1e-9f12ece743d7/print/
          index.html?form=F_Form1&amp;id=f82e576f-cb67-4008-8219-f49a1b369f7d" rel="print"/>
      <link href="../launch/index.html?form=F_Form1&amp;id=f82e576f-cb67-4008-8219-f49a1b369f7d" rel="form"/>

The result of this request as a JSON document:

   "lastModified": "2013-11-22T19:37:09.060Z",
   "lastModifiedBy" : {             
      "displayName" : "Demo User 1",
      "email" : "",
      "login" : "demo_user1"           
   "created": "2013-11-22T19:37:09.060Z",
   "createdBy": {
      "displayName": "Demo User 2",
      "email": "",
      "login" : "demo_user2" 
   "flowState": "ST_End",
   "id": 1,
   "uid": "f82e576f-cb67-4008-8219-f49a1b369f7d",
   "F_SingleLine1": "Jane",
   "F_SingleLine2": "Test",
   "F_Number1": 25.0

Refer to the List action for a detailed description of the returned entry.

Parent topic: Data access REST API