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How to Download and Import a Package to the JasperReports Server

How to Download and Import a Package into the JasperReports Server

To generate reports, the package .zip files must be downloaded and imported into the JasperReports Server. A package (.zip) contains the Jasper Reports source code for respective databases, such as MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, and DB2.

How to Download Package Files

To download a package, follow these steps:

  1. ForĀ current version reports, log in to Download Selected Files - FlexNet Operations End-User Portal: (

    Click the Download button. The jasper-reports zip is downloaded to your local system.

    Extract the downloaded zip files. The jasper-reports zip folder contains supported database repositories (for MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL, and DB2) for JasperReports Server V7.1.

How to Run Database Scripts to Import Packages

To import a package to the JasperReports Server, follow these steps:

Important: Ensure that the user must have read/write execute permissions to the JasperReports Server install folder.


  1. In the Jasper installed system, open the Windows command prompt.
  2. Go to the <path of the extracted package> of the required database.
  3. Run the voltmx_imports.bat script followed by the JasperServer location as the input.
    C:/Jaspersoft/jasperreports-server-<7.9.2> or <7.1.0>


  1. Open the Linux terminal.
  2. Go to the <path of the extracted package> of the required database.
  3. Run the script followed by the JasperServer location as the input.