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Volt MX Listener API

The Volt MX Listener API enables application developers to create, subscribe, and broadcast events between components. By using the Volt MX Listener APIs, developers can enable communication and pass data between components such as Volt MX Component-Angular Component, Angular Component-Angular Component, or VoltMX Component-VoltMX Component.

The Volt MX Listener API uses the voltmx.listener Namespace and has the following API elements.

Function Description
voltmx.listener.broadcast Broadcasts the data to the specified event.
voltmx.listener.create Creates an event.
voltmx.listener.destroy Destroys the specified event.
voltmx.listener.subscribe Subscribe to the specified event.
voltmx.listener.unsubscribe Unsubscribe from the specified subscriptions.

To create a new event, use the voltmx.listener.create API. Use the voltmx.listener.subscribe API to subscribe to a specific event of a component. By using the voltmx.listener.broadcast API, you can broadcast an event to other Components or Forms. To stop receiving broadcasts from subscribed events, use the voltmx.listener.unsubscribe API. Use the voltmx.listener.destroy API to unsubscribe from all the subscriptions of the specific event (if there are any).