You are here: Standard Events
Types of Application Events
There are two types of application events:
Standard Events
Volt MX Foundry provides the following types of events for reporting:
- FormEntry – Invoked when a form is entered in the application.
- FormExit - Invoked when a form is exited in the application.
Touch – Touch event is extended to the below widgets along with button onclick.
Widget: Flex Container/Scroll Container
- onClick
- onTouchStart (if registered)
- onTouchEnd (if registered)
Widget: Segment
- onRowClick
Widget: Button
- onClick
Widget: Image
- onTouchStart (if registered)
- onTouchEnd (if registered)
Widget: Switch
- onSlide
ServiceRequest – Invoked when a service call or network call is triggered from the application
- ServiceResponse – Invoked when a service call or network call responds back.
- Gesture – Invoked when a gesture recognizer for a widget has been set and one of the set gesture patterns like double tap, right to left swipe, long press are done on the same.
- Orientation – Invoked when device orientation is modified for app.
- Error – Invoked when application ends up in an unhandled exception.
- Exception – Invoked when application flow lands in a handled exception code block in app.
- Crash – Invoked when application crashes and resumes after crash.
AppLoad – Invoked when the application is loaded and the first form is shown.
AppTransition - Invoked when the application transits either from foreground to background and vice versa.
Note: When an application goes background, the time spent in mili-seconds by that application in foreground will be captured by the AppTransition event.
Custom Events
Custom – Invoke for logical events in the application like login, check deposit or any other event specific to the application that is used. Refer to send custom events API. For more details, refer to VoltMX Iris for Reporting