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How to Download and Import a Package to the JasperReports Server

How to Download and Import a Package into the JasperReports Server

To generate reports, the package .zip files must be downloaded and imported into the JasperReports Server. A package (.zip) contains the Jasper Reports source code for respective databases, such as MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, and DB2.

How to Download Package Files

Currently Volt MX supports JasperReports Server 6.0 and 6.2 and 7.1. Download the following appropriate package for your JasperReports Server.

Important: New features in V6.0 are not supported with Volt MX Foundry V8 SP3 or latest.

To download a package, follow these steps:

  1. ForĀ current version reports, log in to You can obtain a user name and password from your sales representative or partner.

  2. Click the VoltMX Foundry tab.

  3. From the VoltMX Metrics-Jasper Reports list, select the specific release and then click Download. The jasper-reports zip is downloaded to you local system

    For example, if you want to download VoltMX Metrics-Jasper Reports 7.0.1, click the VoltMX Foundry > tab, select the 7.0.1 version from the VoltMX Metrics-Jasper Reports drop-down list, and then click the Download button. The jasper-reports zip is downloaded to you local system.

  4. Extract the downloaded zip files. The jasper-reports zip folder contains supported database repositories (for MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL, and DB2) for JasperReports Server V6.0 or V6.2 or V7.1.

How to Run Database Scripts to Import Packages

To import a package to the JasperReports Server, follow these steps:

Important: Ensure that the user must have read/write execute permissions to the JasperReports Server install folder.


  1. In the Jasper installed system, open the Windows command prompt.
  2. Go to the <path of the extracted package> of the required database.

  3. Run the voltmx_imports.bat script followed by the JasperServer location as the input.

`voltmxreports_import.bat` ``<jasperinstall-dir>

    `C:/Jaspersoft/jasperreports-server-<6.0> or <6.2.0> or <7.1.0>` ``


  1. Open the Linux terminal.
  2. Go to the <path of the extracted package> of the required database.

  3. Run the script followed by the JasperServer location as the input. <jasperinstall-dir>
