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How to Configure Installation Mode - WebSphere Liberty Server

Pre-installation Tasks:

  1. Install Open JDK 11 or if already installed set it as the default JAVA to be used.
  2. Use either the default server or create a new server as shown in Creating a Liberty server manually.
  3. Install the jsp-2.2 and servlet-3.1 features using installUtility available in <wlp_profile>/bin folder. In case adminCenter is needed install the admincenter-1.0 feature.
  4. In the root location of the created server, create a jvm.options file with the following required properties:
    • -Xms1024m
    • -Xmx6096m
    • -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
    • -XX:HeapDumpPath=/home/logs
    • -DLOG_ROOT=/home/logs
  5. If you select VoltMX Engagement services for install, in the same jvm.options file , configure the following parameters:
    • -DVMS_VERTX_CACHE_DIR_BASE=/home/DELETE/vms_vertx_cache
  6. To enable SSL (required in case AdminCenter feature is enabled):
    • In the server.xml configuration file, under feature manager, uncomment the following feature tags: <feature>transportSecurity-1.0</feature> and <feature>appSecurity-2.0</feature>.
    • Generate a SSL certificate of type p12 using the securityUtility command and the createSSLCertificate option as outlined in securityUtility command.
      For example: ./securityUtility createSSLCertificate --server=server1 --password=Liberty --validity=365
    • Provide the encoded password in the password field of the defaultKeyStore.
    • Import the generated key.p12 file into the cacerts of the Java that is being used.
      For example: keytool -v -importkeystore -srckeystore /home/wlp/usr/servers/server1/resources/security/key.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore cacerts
    • Uncomment the appropriate HTTP endpoint, and provide the value for the HTTP/HTTPS ports.