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FlexForm Events

The FlexForm widget has the following events associated with it:

addWidgets Event

An event callback invoked by the platform when the form is accessed for first time after its construction. This function gets executed only once on in lifetime of the form. If a destroyed form is accessed, the form is re-initialized and this callback is once again invoked. Forms can be destroyed using destroy method.




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//Sample code to set a callback to the addWidgets event for a FlexForm.


function addWidgetsCallback() {
    //write your logic to create and add child widgets

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

doLayout Event

This event is invoked for every widget when the widget position and dimensions are computed. This event is invoked for all the widgets placed inside flex containers. This event is invoked in the order in which the widgets are added to the widget hierarchy and expect the frame property of the widget is calculated and available for use within this event.




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This event is used to set the layout properties of child widgets in the relation to self and peer widgets whose layout is not yet performed.

Note: The number of times this event invoked may vary per platform. It is not recommended to write business logic assuming that this function is invoked only once when there is a change in positional or dimensional properties. This event will not trigger when transformations are applied though widget is moved or scaled or rotated from its original location.


//Sample code to set doLayout event callback to a button widget.
/*This code changes the top property of button2 and makes it appear below button1.*/

function doLayoutButton1(){ = myForm.button1.frame.height;

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

init Event

This event gets called only once in form life cycle that is when the form is ready with its widget hierarchy. This will get called after addwidgets method allowing user for any one-time initializations.

When form is destroyed and reused again, init gets called as a part of form lifecycle.




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testfrm.init = initCallback;

function initCallback(eventObj) {
    voltmx.print("in the init" + eventObj);

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

onActionBarBack Event

An event callback that is invoked by the platform when the back button is pressed on an action bar. The back button exists on the left side of the action bar with UP caret symbol. It is enabled only when onActionBarBack callback is registered on form and showActionBarIcon is set to true.




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Note: This event is displayed in the widget properties list only when you select SDK versions 3.0 and above in the Application Properties > Native > Android > SDK Versions section.


function appBarBackcallback() {
    alert("In the App bar back callback");

function test1() {
    Form1.showActionBarIcon = true;
    Form1.onActionBarBack = appBarBackcallback;

Platform Availability

Available on Android/Android tablet only.

onBreakpointChange Event

This event is triggered, when the width of the browser running the Responsive Web App is increased or decreased.




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Return Value


The default return value is false. If the return value is not defined, the return value is surmised to be false.



This parameter specifies handle of the FlexForm on which this event is defined.


This parameter specifies the current breakpoint value. When the window size exceeds the highest breakpoint, this parameter returns the constant: constants.BREAKPOINT_MAX_VALUE.


From Iris V9 release, onBreakpointChange event is triggered while using responsive web components also.


function breakpoint_callback (myFormHandle, breakpoint) {
    voltmx.print("breakpoint changed");
function myForm_preshow() {
   myWebForm.onBreakpointChange = breakpoint_callback;

Platform Availability

  • Available in IDE
  • Desktop Web

onDecelerationStarted Event

An event callback is invoked by the platform when the user stops scrolling but the content still moves before the content actually stops.




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//Sample code to set a callback to the onDecelerationStarted event for a FlexForm.


function onDecelerationStartedCallback(eventobject) {
    //write your logic to create and add child widgets

Platform Availability

This property is available on iOS platform.

onDestroy Event

Specifies an event which is triggered before the FlexForm is destroyed.

For more information see Event Editor in the Volt MX Iris User Guide.




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Note: While using the this keyword (for example, this.view) in onDestroy event (as a FormController event) to point to the current controller, you must ensure that the function is not a fat arrow function. Because in fat arrow function declarations, the this pointer is taken from the parent scope and might not point to the current FormController. For more information on this limitation, click here.


//Sample code to set a callback to the onDestroy event for a FlexForm.


function onDestroyCallback(eventobject) {
    //write your logic to create and add child widgets

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

onDeviceBack Event

Specifies an event which is triggered when the user uses the back button on the device.

For more information see Event Editor in the Volt MX Iris User Guide.




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//Sample code to set a callback to the onDeviceBack event for a FlexForm.


function onDeviceBackCallback(eventobject) {
    //write your logic to create and add child widgets

Platform Availability

  • Android
  • SPA

onDeviceMenu Event

Specifies an event which is triggered when the user access the device menu.

For more information see Event Editor in the Volt MX Iris User Guide.




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//Sample code to set a callback to the onDeviceMenu event for a FlexForm.


function onDeviceMenuCallback(eventobject) {
    //write your logic to create and add child widgets

Platform Availability

Available on Android/Android Tablet.

onDrawerSlide Event

This event is sent when the position of a NavigationDrawer changes.





A Double value indicating the new offset of this drawer within its range, from 0-1.


This event supports the NavigationDrawer. It is not sent unless the FlexForm has been created from a template that supports the NavigationDrawer. The NavigationDrawer is based on the Android native Navigation drawer. It is only supported on Android.

The FlexForm's navigationDrawerListeners property is used to map the handler to this event.


// create callback function for onDrawerSlide
function onDrawerSlideCallback(slideOffset) {
    //handler code here

// Mapping callback function to Navigation Drawer event (or events)
formObject.navigationDrawerListeners = {
    onDrawerSlide: onDrawerSlideCallback

Platform Availability

Available in the IDE.

  • Android

onDrawerOpened Event

Called when a Navigation Drawer has finished opening. The drawer is interactive at this point.






This event supports the NavigationDrawer. It is not sent unless the FlexForm has been created from a template that supports the NavigationDrawer. The NavigationDrawer is based on the Android native Navigation drawer. It is only supported on Android.

The FlexForm's navigationDrawerListeners property is used to map the handler to this event.


// create callback function for onDrawerOpened 
function onDrawerOpenedCallback() {
    //handler code here

// Mapping callback function to Navigation Drawer event (or events)
formObject.navigationDrawerListeners = {
    onDrawerOpened: onDrawerOpenedCallback

Platform Availability

Available in the IDE.

  • Android

onDrawerClosed Event

Called when a Navigation Drawer has finished closing.






This event supports the NavigationDrawer. It is not sent unless the FlexForm has been created from a template that supports the NavigationDrawer. The NavigationDrawer is based on the Android native Navigation drawer. It is only supported on Android.

The FlexForm's navigationDrawerListeners property is used to map the handler to this event.


// create callback function for onDrawerClosed
function onDrawerClosedCallback() {
    //handler code here

// Mapping callback function to Navigation Drawer event (or events)
formObject.navigationDrawerListeners = {
    onDrawerClosed: onDrawerClosedCallback

Platform Availability

Available in the IDE.

  • Android

onDrawerStateChanged Event

Called when the NavigationDrawer motion state changes.





A constant that identifies the current drawer state. See remarks for details.


Constant values for drawer state:

  • Constants.DRAWER_STATE_IDLE : Indicates that the drawer is in idle, settled state. No animation is in progress.
  • Constants.DRAWER_STATE_DRAGGING : Indicates that the drawer is currently being dragged by the user.
  • Constants.DRAWER_STATE_SETTLING : Indicates that the drawer is in the process of settling to a final position.

This event supports the NavigationDrawer. It is not sent unless the FlexForm has been created from a template that supports the NavigationDrawer. The NavigationDrawer is based on the Android native Navigation drawer. It is only supported on Android.

The FlexForm's navigationDrawerListeners property is used to map the handler to this event.


// create callback function for onDrawerStateChanged
function onDrawerStateChangedCallback(state) {
    //handler code here

// Mapping callback function to Navigation Drawer event (or events)
formObject.navigationDrawerListeners = {
    onDrawerStateChanged: onDrawerStateChangedCallback

Platform Availability

Available in the IDE.

  • Android

onHide Event

Specifies an Event which is triggered when a form goes completely out of view.




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This event is triggered in the following scenarios:

  • (another form) is called
  • User hits the device back button or key

This event is not triggered in the following scenarios:

  • The form is partially or completely covered by the Popup.
  • The form is partially or completely covered by the Application Menu.


//Sample code to set a callback to the onHide event for a FlexForm.


function onHideCallback(eventobject) {
    //write your logic to create and add child widgets

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

onKeyboardDidHide Event

This is an event callback that is invoked by iOS when the keyboard has been hidden.




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Don't change the contentOffset on the form by calculating the size of the keyboard when keyboard appears or is hidden.


var form = new voltmx.ui.Form2();

form.onKeyboardDidHide = keyboardCallbacksDidHide;

function keyboardCallbacksDidHide(wdgRef, keyboardData) {
    // handle the event here
    // wdgRef returns the current form.
    // keyboardData returns keyboard related data provided by iOS platform

Platform Availability

Available in the IDE
  • iOS

onKeyboardDidShow Event

This is an event callback that is invoked by iOS when the keyboard has just been shown.




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Don't change the contentOffset on the form by calculating the size of the keyboard when keyboard appears or is hidden.


var form = new voltmx.ui.Form2();
form.onKeyboardDidShow = keyboardCallbacksDidShow;

function keyboardCallbacksDidShow(wdgRef, keyboardData) {
    // handle the event here
    // wdgRef returns the current form.
    // keyboardData returns keyboard related data provided by iOS platform

Platform Availability

Available in the IDE

  • iOS

onKeyboardWillHide Event

This is an event callback that is invoked by iOS when the keyboard is about to be hidden.




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Don't change the contentOffset on the form by calculating the size of the keyboard when keyboard appears or is hidden.


var form = new voltmx.ui.Form2();

form.onKeyboardWillHide = keyboardCallbacksWillHide;

function keyboardCallbacksWillHide(wdgRef, keyboardData) {
    // handle the event here
    // wdgRef returns the current form.
    // keyboardData returns keyboard related data provided by iOS platform

Platform Availability

Available in the IDE

  • iOS

onKeyboardWillShow Event

This is an event callback that is invoked by iOS when the keyboard is about to be shown.




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Don't change the contentOffset on the form by calculating the size of the keyboard when keyboard appears or is hidden.


var form = new voltmx.ui.Form2();
form.onKeyboardWillShow = keyboardCallbacksWillShow;

function keyboardCallbacksWillShow(wdgRef, keyboardData) {
    // handle the event here
    // wdgRef returns the current form.
    // keyboardData returns keyboard related data provided by iOS platform

Platform Availability

Available in the IDE

  • iOS

onLoadJS Event

Specifies the name of function to be executed when a form is loaded. The function must exist in the javascript folder. For more information on defining the onLoadJS event, refer to Volt MX Iris User Guide.




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Accessible from IDE



//Sample code to set a callback to the onLoadJS event for a FlexForm.


function onLoadJSCallback(form) {
    //write your logic to create and add child widgets

Platform Availability

Available on Server side Mobile Web (BJS and Advanced) platform.

onLocaleChanged Event

An event callback invoked by the platform when the locale changes. This callback is executed for the current form:

  • After setCurrentLocaleAsync() callback is successfully executed.
  • When navigating to a form, just before preshow of the target form if locale is changed.
  • Synchronously after addWidgets() -> init() when trying to access widgets of an uninitialized form.

This callback is executed for popups:

  • For all visible popups after setCurrentLocaleAsync() callback is successfully executed.
  • When opening a popup just before init() of the target popup only if locale is changed.
  • Synchronously, just after init(), when trying to access widgets of an uninitialized popup.

Note: Templates are updated in setCurrentLocaleAsync() success callback based on current visible form.

Note: Get the current locale by calling getCurrentLocale().




widget [widgetref] - Mandatory

Handle to the form/popup widget instance.


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//Sample code to set a callback to the onLocaleChanged event for a FlexForm.
myForm.onLocaleChanged = onLocaleChangedCallBack;

function onLocaleChangedCallBack(formRef) {
 //Sample code to change the content alignment of a label when the device locale is Arabic.
 myForm.lblCountryLocale.text = voltmx.i18n.getLocalizedString("currentLocale")
 var currentLocale = voltmx.i18n.getCurrentLocale();
 if (currentLocale == “ar”)
  myForm.lblCountryLocale.contentAligment = constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_MIDDLE_RIGHT;
  myForm.lblCountryLocale.contentAligment = constants.CONTENT_ALIGN_MIDDLE_LEFT;

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms

onMapping Event

Volt MX Iris creates this event when you drag and drop a service operation on either a FlexForm, FlexContainer, or FlexScrollContainer. You can define actions for this event by using Action Editor.


You can neither read nor write the onMapping Event through code.


The actions defined in this event are triggered after the actions specified in the preShow Event are executed. The actions for the preShow Event are executed first, and then the actions for the onMapping Event are executed.

Note: When you define the preShow Event dynamically, the onMapping Event will be overridden.

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms

onNavigate Event

This event is invoked when you navigate from one form to another. This is a Form Controller event and is used only in Reference Architecture- based projects.


onNavigate(context, isBackNavigation)


context [Object]

A JavaScript object that contains the data that the destination form requires after navigation.

isBackNavigation [Boolean]

This parameter determines whether you have clicked the back button or not. It has the value as true when you click the back button and false when you do not click the back button.


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To navigate from one form to another, you must create a Navigation Object. This object navigates to the destination form's controller. The form's controller in turn displays the view of the form.

Note: 1. If you provide the onNavigate event through the Action Editor and the Form Controller, then the code in the Form Controller overrides the actions for onNavigate event given in the Action Editor.
2. While using the this keyword (for example, this.view) in onNavigate event (FormController event) to point to the current controller, you must ensure that the function is not a fat arrow function. Because in fat arrow function declarations, the this pointer is taken from the parent scope and might not point to the current FormController. For more information on this limitation, click here.

This event is useful in the following scenarios:

  • To provide data that the destination form requires after the navigation.
  • To prepare data that the destination form requires after the navigation.
  • To pause the navigation if any asynchronous calls are in progress.



    onNavigate: function(context, isBackNavigation) {
        this.context = context;
        this.pauseNavigation();, this.callback1);

    callback1: function(result) {


Platform Availability

Available on all platforms

onOrientationChange Event

Specifies an Event which is triggered when there is a change in orientation of the form from portrait to landscape or vice versa.

For more information about defining an action sequence for this event, see Event Editor in the Volt MX Iris User Guide.




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//Sample code to set a callback to the onOrientationChange event for a FlexForm.

function onOrientationChangeCallBack(eventobject) {
 //Write your logic here.

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

onResize Event

onResize event defines a callback that is executed when there is a change in the width of the browser. This event is valid from Volt MX Iris V8 to V8 SP2. Use the onBreakpointChange event for the same functionality in later versions of Iris.




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Return Value


The default value is true. If the return value is not defined, the return value is surmised to be true.



This parameter specifies handle of the FlexForm on which this event is defined.


This parameter specifies the current width of the browser body tag.


function resize_callback (myFormHandle, width) {
    voltmx.print("breakpoint changed");
function myForm_preshow() {
   myWebForm.onResize= resize_callback;

Platform Availability

  • Desktop Web

onScrollEnd Event

An event callback is invoked by the platform when the scrolling is ended. This event is invoked asynchronously.


onScrollEnd ()


source [widgetref]

Handle to the widget reference on which the scrolling is ended.


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//Sample code to set a callback to the onScrollEnd event for a FlexForm.

function onScrollEndCallBack(eventobject) {
 //Write your logic here.

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

onScrolling Event

An event callback is invoked by the platform when the scrolling is in progress. This event is invoked asynchronously.


onScrolling ()


source [widgetref]

Optional. Handle to the widget reference on which the scrolling is in progress.


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//Sample code to set a callback to the onScrolling event for a FlexForm.

function onScrollingCallBack(eventobject) {
 //Write your logic here.

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

onScrollStart Event

An event callback is invoked by the platform when the user starts scrolling the content. This event is invoked asynchronously.




source [widgetref]

Optional. Handle to the widget reference on which the scrolling has started.


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//Sample code to set a callback to the onScrollStart event for a FlexForm.

function onScrollStartCallBack(eventobject) {
 //Write your logic here.

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

onScrollTouchReleased Event

An event callback is invoked by the platform when the user touch is released from the touch surface. This event is invoked asynchronously.


onScrollTouchReleased ()


source [widgetref]

Optional. Handle to the widget reference on which the user touch is released from the display.


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//Sample code to set a callback to the onScrollTouchReleased event for a FlexForm.

function onScrollTouchReleasedCallBack(eventobject) {
 //Write your logic here.

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android

onScrollWidgetPosition Event

This event callback is invoked by the platform when the widget location position gets changed on scrolling. The onScrollWidgetPosition event returns the positional coordinates of the widget's location with respect to the screen (screenX and screenY) and the parent container (frameX and frameY). This event is invoked asynchronously, and is not available for FlexForm widget.




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var LabelWdg = new voltmx.ui.Label(basicConf, layoutConf, pspConf);
LabelWdg.onScrollWidgetPosition = onScrollWidgetPositionCallBack;

function onScrollWidgetPositionCallBack(wdg, screenX, screenY, frameX, frameY) { //wdg : Widget that is registered for onScrollWidgetPosition.
    /*screenX : Position of widget with respect to 
the screen's X - coordinates (after downsizing the navigation bar and status bar).*/
    /*screenY : Position of widget with respect to the screen's Y - 
coordinates (after downsizing the navigation bar and status bar).*/
    //frameX : Position of widget with respect to parent container's X- coordinates.
    //frameY : Position of widget with respect to parent container's Y- coordinates.

Platform Availability

  • Not Accessible from IDE
  • Android, iOS, SPA, and Windows

onSizeChanged Event

Specifies the event that is triggered when the app window is resized. This allows app developers to redesign the UI depending on the size of the current form.




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The callback function for this event is called with a dictionary as an argument with the following keys.

width [double] - Current window width.

height [double] - Current window height.

currentform [formwidget] - Current visible form.

orientation [constant] - Gets the current orientation (landscape or portrait) of the app view window with respect to the display. The possible values are:



isFullScreen [boolean] - Specifies whether the current window is full screen.

is FullScreenMode [boolean] - Specifies whether the current window is in full screen mode. This value is true if the app is running in full screen mode; false otherwise.

Note: This property will have some value only after enterFullScreenMode APIs are called.

visibleWidth [double] - Gets the visible width of the window (app view). The visible region is the region not obstructed by chrome, such as the status bar and the app bar.

visibleHeight [double] - Gets the visible height of the window (app view). The visible region is the region not obstructed by chrome, such as the status bar and the app bar.

dpi [double] - Gets the pixels per logical inch of the current environment.

nativeOrientation[constant] - Gets the native orientation of the display monitor. This is typically the orientation where the buttons on the device match the orientation of the monitor. The possible values are:



resolutionScale [double] - Gets the scale factor of the immersive environment

rawPixelsPerViewPixel [double] - Gets a value representing the number of raw (physical) pixels for each view (layout) pixel.

interactionMode [double] - Gets a value that indicates whether a user is interacting with the view using a mouse or touch. The possible values are:


1 : Touch

viewState [constant] - Specifies the state of the current window (app view). This state indicates the orientation (landscape or portrait) and whether the app is snapped. The possible values are:






//Sample code to set a callback to the onSizeChanged event for a FlexForm.
myForm.onSizeChanged = onFormSizeChange1;

function onFormSizeChange1(formInstance1, windowConfig) {
 voltmx.print("Size change happened on " +;

Accessible from IDE


Platform Availability

Available on Windows only.

onTouchEnd Event

An event callback is invoked by the platform when the user touch is released from the touch surface. This event is invoked asynchronously.


onTouchEnd ()


source [widgetref]

Optional. Handle to the widget reference on which the user touch has ended.

x [Number]

Optional. Specifies the x-coordinate with in the widget with respect to widget's co-ordinate system. It is a number indicating device independent pixel.

y [Number]

Optional. Specifies the y- coordinate with in the widget with respect to widget's co-ordinate system. It is a number indicating device independent pixel.

contextInfo [key-value pair]

Optional. On devices that support 3D Touch, specifies a key-value pair where the value specifies the force of the touch. The value 1.0 represents the force of an average touch, as determined by the system.

Note: 3D Touch is available only on iOS 9.0 and later.


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//Sample code to set a callback to the onTouchEnd event for a FlexForm.

function onTouchEndCallback(eventobject, x, y) {
    //Write your logic here

Example using contextInfo

function onTouchEndCallback(source, x, y, contextInfo) {
    if (contextInfo) {
        var force = contextInfo[“force”];
        voltmx.print(“value of force is” + force)

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

onTouchMove Event

An event callback is invoked by the platform when the touch moves on the touch surface continuously until the movement ends. This event is invoked asynchronously.


onTouchMove ()


source [widgetref]

Optional. Handle to the widget reference on which touch moves.

x [Number]

Optional. Specifies the x-coordinate with in the widget with respect to widget's co-ordinate system. It is a number indicating device independent pixel.

y [Number]

Optional. Specifies the y- coordinate with in the widget with respect to widget's co-ordinate system. It is a number indicating device independent pixel.

contextInfo [key-value pair]

Optional. On devices that support 3D Touch, specifies a key-value pair where the value specifies the force of the touch. The value 1.0 represents the force of an average touch, as determined by the system.

Note: 3D Touch is available only on iOS 9.0 and later.


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//Sample code to set a callback to the onTouchMove event for a FlexForm.

function onTouchMoveCallback(eventobject, x, y) {
    //Write your logic here

Example using contextInfo

function onTouchMoveCallback(source, x, y, contextInfo) {
    if (contextInfo) {
        var force = contextInfo[“force”];
        voltmx.print(“value of force is” + force)

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

onTouchStart Event

An event callback is invoked by the platform when the user touches the touch surface. This event is invoked asynchronously.


onTouchStart ()


source [widgetref]

Optional. Handle to the widget reference on which the user touches.

x [Number]

Optional. Specifies the X co-ordinate with in the widget with respect to widget's co-ordinate system. It is a number indicating device independent pixel.

y [Number]

Optional. Specifies the Y co-ordinate with in the widget with respect to widget's co-ordinate system. It is a number indicating device independent pixel.

contextInfo [key-value pair]

Optional. On devices that support 3D Touch, specifies a key-value pair where the value specifies the force of the touch. The value 1.0 represents the force of an average touch, as determined by the system.

Note: 3D Touch is available only on iOS 9.0 and later.


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//Sample code to set a callback to the onTouchStart event for a FlexForm.

function onTouchStartCallback(eventobject, x, y) {
    //Write your logic here

Example using contextInfo

function onTouchStartCallback(source, x, y, contextInfo) {
    if (contextInfo) {
        var force = contextInfo[“force”];
        voltmx.print(“value of force is” + force)

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

onZoomEnd Event

An event callback is invoked by the platform when the zooming has ended. This event is invoked asynchronously.


onZoomEnd ()


source [widgetref]

Optional. Handle to the widget reference on which the zooming has ended.


Read + Write


For example, If you have a form with a flexScrollContainer and an image widget inside flexScrollContainer, when you pinch the screen on flexScrollContainer it will call the function configured using widgetToZoom event. If the function returns image, the image will be zoomed.

function onZoomingCalBck(flexScrollContainer) {
    //Write your logic here.

function onWidgetToZoomCalBck(flexScrollContainer) {
    //Write your logic here
    return flexScrollContainer.image;

function onZoomStartCalBck(flexScrollContainer) {
    //Write your logic here
    voltmx.print("zooming started");

function onZoomEndCalBck(flexScrollContainer) {
    //Write your logic here
    voltmx.print("zooming ended");

flexScrollContainer.widgetToZoom = onWidgetToZoomCalBck;
flexScrollContainer.onZooming = onWidgetToZoomCalBck;
flexScrollContainer.onZoomStart = onZoomStartCalBck;
flexScrollContainer.onZoomEnd = onZoomEndCalBck;

Note: This event callback is invoked only when zooming is initiated by user interaction.


//Sample code to set a callback to the onZoomEnd event for a FlexForm.

function onZoomEndCallback(eventobject, widget) {
    //Write your logic here

Platform Availability

Available on iOS platform.

onZooming Event

An event callback is invoked by the platform when the container is zooming. This event is invoked asynchronously.


onZooming ()


source [widgetref]

Optional. Handle to the widget reference on which the zooming has started.


Read + Write


For example, If you have a form with a flexScrollContainer and an image widget inside flexScrollContainer, when you pinch the screen on flexScrollContainer it will call the function configured using widgetToZoom event. If the function returns image, the image will be zoomed.

function onZoomingCalBck(flexScrollContainer) {
    //Write your logic here.

function onWidgetToZoomCalBck(flexScrollContainer) {
    //Write your logic here
    return flexScrollContainer.image;

function onZoomStartCalBck(flexScrollContainer) {
    //Write your logic here
    voltmx.print("zooming started");

function onZoomEndCalBck(flexScrollContainer) {
    //Write your logic here
    voltmx.print("zooming ended");

flexScrollContainer.widgetToZoom = onWidgetToZoomCalBck;
flexScrollContainer.onZooming = onWidgetToZoomCalBck;
flexScrollContainer.onZoomStart = onZoomStartCalBck;
flexScrollContainer.onZoomEnd = onZoomEndCalBck;

Note: This event callback is invoked only when zooming is initiated by user interaction.


//Sample code to set a callback to the onZooming event for a FlexForm.

function onZoomingCallback(eventobject, widget) {
    //Write your logic here

Platform Availability

Available on iOS platform.

onZoomStart Event

An event callback is invoked by the platform when the container is about to zoom. This event is invoked asynchronously.


onZoomStart ()


source [widgetref]

Optional. Handle to the widget reference on which the zooming has started.

widget [widgetref]

Optional. Specifies the widget that actually zooms.


Read + Write


For example, If you have a form with a flexScrollContainer and an image widget inside flexScrollContainer, when you pinch the screen on flexScrollContainer it will call the function configured using widgetToZoom event. If the function returns image, the image will be zoomed.

function onZoomingCalBck(flexScrollContainer) {
    //Write your logic here.

function onWidgetToZoomCalBck(flexScrollContainer) {
    //Write your logic here
    return flexScrollContainer.image;

function onZoomStartCalBck(flexScrollContainer) {
    //Write your logic here
    voltmx.print("zooming started");

function onZoomEndCalBck(flexScrollContainer) {
    //Write your logic here
    voltmx.print("zooming ended");

flexScrollContainer.widgetToZoom = onWidgetToZoomCalBck;
flexScrollContainer.onZooming = onWidgetToZoomCalBck;
flexScrollContainer.onZoomStart = onZoomStartCalBck;
flexScrollContainer.onZoomEnd = onZoomEndCalBck;

Note: This event callback is invoked only when zooming is initiated by user interaction.


//Sample code to set a callback to the onZoomStart event for a FlexForm.

function onZoomStartCallback(eventobject, widget) {
    //Write your logic here

Platform Availability

Available on iOS platform.

postShow Event

postShow is invoked after a form is displayed. Gets called even on device back or while navigating back to the form through title bar navigation items.




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In case of preShow and postShow will not get executed when navigate using the browser "back". In preShow and postShow of the startup form, Alerts should be avoided. If any alerts are present in the events of the form, the last alert gets executed and form will never render.

Note: If there are any network calls in postshow, you cannot perform any operation on the form and a busy indication is displayed until the postshow execution is complete.


//Sample code to set a callback to the postShow event for a FlexForm.

function postShowCallback(eventobject) {
    //Write your logic here

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

preShow Event

preShow is executed every time a form is to be displayed. This event is called even on device back or while navigating back to the form through title bar navigation items.




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In case of preShow and postShow will not get executed when navigate using the browser "back".


//Sample code to set a callback to the preShow event for a FlexForm.

function preShowCallback(eventobject) {
    //Write your logic here

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • SPA

unLoadJS Event

Specifies the name of function to be executed when a form is unloaded. The function must exist in a javascript file. For more information on defining the unLoadJS event, refer to Volt MX Iris User Guide.




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Accessible from IDE



//Sample code to set a callback to the unLoadJS event for a FlexForm.

function unLoadJSCallback(form) {
    //Write your logic here

Platform Availability

Available on Server side Mobile Web (Advanced) platform.

widgetToZoom Event

An event callback is invoked by the platform to return one of the child widgets of source to zoom. The returning source itself may not result in zooming the entire source. The container will not zoom, if a null value is returned. This event is invoked asynchronously.


widgetToZoom ()


source [widgetref]

Handle to the widget reference on which the zooming has started.


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For example, If you have a form with a flexScrollContainer and an image widget inside flexScrollContainer, when you pinch the screen on flexScrollContainer it will call the function configured using widgetToZoom event. If the function returns image, the image will be zoomed.


function onWidgetToZoomCalBck(flexScrollContainer) {
    //Write your logic here
    return flexScrollContainer.image;

flexScrollContainer.widgetToZoom = onWidgetToZoomCalBck;

Note: This event callback is invoked only when zooming is initiated by user interaction.

Platform Availability

Available on iOS platform.