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SignatureCapture Methods

SignatureCapture widget has the following methods associated with it:

addGestureRecognizer Method

This API allows you to set a gesture recognizer for a specified gesture for a specified widget.


addGestureRecognizer(gestureType, gestureConfigParams, onGestureClosure)



[Number] - Mandatory

Indicates the type of gesture to be detected on the widget.

See Remarks for possible values.


[object] - Mandatory

The parameter specifies a table that has the required configuration parameters to setup a gesture recognizer.

The configuration parameters vary based on the type of the gesture.

See Remarks for possible values.


[function] - Mandatory

Specifies the function that needs to be executed when a gesture is recognized.

This function will be raised asynchronously

See Remarks for the syntax of this function.

Return Values

String - Reference to the gesture is returned.


The values for the _gestureType_parameter are:

[Number] - Mandatory

Indicates the type of gesture to be detected on the widget. The following are possible values:

  • 1 – constants.GESTURE_TYPE_TAP
  • 2 - constants.GESTURE_TYPE_SWIPE
  • 3 – constants.GESTURE_TYPE_LONGPRESS
  • 4 – constants.GESTURE_TYPE_PAN
  • 5 – constants.GESTURE_TYPE_ROTATION
  • 6 - constants.GESTURE_TYPE_PINCH
  • 7 - constants.GESTURE_TYPE_RIGHTTAP

The values for the _gestureConfigParams_parameter are:

[object] - Mandatory

The parameter specifies a table that has the required configuration parameters to setup a gesture recognizer. The configuration parameters vary based on the type of the gesture.

This parameter supports the following key-value pairs:

Gesture Type:TAP

  • fingers [Number] - specifies the maximum number of fingers that must be respected for a gesture. Possible values are: 1. Default value is 1.
  • taps [Number] - specifies the maximum number of taps that must be respected for a gesture. Possible values are: 1 or 2. Default value is 1.

For example:


Gesture Type:SWIPE

  • fingers [Number] - specifies the maximum number of fingers that must be respected for a gesture. Possible values are: 1. Default value is 1.

For example:

{fingers: 1}

Gesture Type:LONGPRESS

  • pressDuration [Number] - specifies the minimum time interval (in seconds) after which the gesture is recognized as a LONGPRESS. For example, if pressDuration is 2 seconds, any continued press is recognized as LONGPRESS only if it lasts for at least 2 seconds. Default value is 1. This is not applicable to Windows.

For example:


Gesture Type: PAN

  • fingers [number] specifies the minimum number of fingers needed to recognize this gesture. Default value is 1.
  • continuousEvents [Boolean] indicates if callback should be called continuously for every change beginning from the time the gesture is recognized to the time it ends.

Gesture Type: ROTATION

  • Rotation gesture involves only two fingers.
  • continuousEvents [Boolean] indicates if callback must be called continuously for every change beginning from the time the gesture is recognized to the time it ends.

Gesture Type:PINCH

  • Pinch gesture invloves two fingures.
  • continuousEvents [Boolean] indicates if callback should be called continuously every change beginning from the time the gesture is recognized to the time it ends.

The syntax for the _onGestureClosure_callback function are:

[function] - Mandatory

Specifies the function that needs to be executed when a gesture is recognized.

This function will be raised asynchronously and has the following Syntax:

onGestureClosure(widgetRef, gestureInfo, context)

  • widgetRef - specifies the handle to the widget on which the gesture was recognized.
  • gestureInfo - Table with information about the gesture. The contents of this table vary based on the gesture type.
  • context - Table with SegmentedUI row details.

gestureInfo table has the following key-value pairs:

  • gestureType [number] – indicates the gesture type; 1 for TAP, 2 for SWIPE, and 3 for LONGPRESS,4 for PAN, 5 for ROTATION, 6 for PINCH and 7 for RIGHTTAP
  • gesturesetUpParams [object] – specifies the set up parameters passed while adding the gesture recognizer
  • gesturePosition [number] – indicates the position where the gesture was recognized. Possible values are: 1 for TOPLEFT, 2 for TOPCENTER, 3 for TOPRIGHT, 4 for MIDDLELEFT, 5 for MIDDLECENTER, 6 for MIDDLERIGHT, 7 for BOTTOMLEFT, 8 for BOTTOMCENTER, 9 for BOTTOMRIGHT, 10 for CENTER
  • swipeDirection [number] –indicates the direction of swipe. This parameter is applicable only if the gesture type is SWIPE. Possible values are: 1 for LEFT, 2 for RIGHT, 3 for TOP, 4 for BOTTOM. Direction is w.r.t the view and not device orientation.
  • gestureX [number] – specifies the X coordinate of the point (in pixels) where the gesture has occurred. The coordinate is relative to the widget coordinate system.
  • gestureY [number] – specifies the Y coordinate of the point (in pixels) where the gesture has occurred. The coordinate is relative to the widget coordinate system.
  • widgetWidth [number] – specifies the width of the widget (in pixels)
  • widgetHeight [number] – specifies the height of the widget (in pixels)
  • gestureState[number] – indicates the gesture state as below
  • 1 – gesture state begin
  • 2 - gesture state changed
  • 3 – gesture state ended.
  • * gestureState is applicable only for continuous gestures like PAN, ROTATION and PINCH.
  • rotation [number] rotation of the gesture in degrees since its last change.( Applicable only when gesture type is ROTATION
  • velocityX and velocityY : horizontal and vertical component of velocity expressed in points per second. (Applicable only for PAN gesture type)
  • velocity [number]: velocity of pinch in scale per second (Applicable for Pinch gesture)
  • scale [number]:scale factor relative to the points of the two touches in screen coordinates
  • touchType[number]:(windows only)
  • 0 - constants.TOUCHTYPE_FINGER
  • 1 - constants.TOUCHTYPE_PEN
  • 2 - constants.TOUCHTYPE_MOUSE
  • translationX and translationY [number] : cumulative distance as number. (Applicable only for PAN gesture type)

context table has the following key-value pairs:

  • rowIndex [number] : row index of the segui where gesture was recognised. (Applicable to gestures added to segUI rows)
  • sectionIndex [number] : section index of the segui where gesture was recognised. (Applicable to gestures added to segUI rows)

It is not recommend to define gestures for widgets that have a default behavior associated with it.

If you click (tap) a button (any clickable widget), the default behavior is to trigger an onClick event. If you define a Tap gesture on such widgets, the gesture closure is executed in addition to the onClick event.

If you swipe a larger form, the default behavior is to scroll up and down depending on the direction in which you swipe. If you define a SWIPE gesture on such forms, the gesture closure gets executed in addition to scrolling the form.

If you swipe a Segmented UI with huge number of rows, the default behavior is to scroll the Segmented UI. If you define a SWIPE gesture on such segments, the gesture closure gets executed in addition to scrolling the form.

Gestures can be added only for the following widgets:

  • Flex Container

  • Flex Scroll Container.

In the android platform, the top and bottom gestures work only when the scrolling is disabled for Form and parent scrolling containers. By default, the scrolling is enabled for the Form and scrolling containers.

  • RIGHTTAP applicable only to Windows 10
  • ROTATION is not supported on android.


 //Sample code to add Gestures to the frmGestures FlexForm.
//Code to add DOUBLE TAP gesture to the frmGestures, FlexForm.
var doubletp = {
 fingers: 1,
 taps: 2
frmGestures.addGestureRecognizer(1, doubletp, onGestureFunction);
//Code to add SINGLE TAP gesture to the frmGestures FlexForm.
var singleTp = {
 fingers: 1,
 taps: 1
frmGestures.addGestureRecognizer(1, singleTp, onGestureFunction);
//Code to add SWIPE gesture to the frmGestures FlexForm.
var swipeForm = {
 fingers: 1,
 swipedistance: 50,
 swipevelocity: 75
frmGestures.addGestureRecognizer(2, swipeForm, onGestureFunction);
//Code to add LONGPRESS gesture to the frmGestures FlexForm.
var longPressForm = {
 pressDuration: 2
frmGestures.addGestureRecognizer(3, longPressForm, onGestureFunction);

function onGestureFunction(commonWidget, gestureInfo) {
 voltmx.print("The Gesture type is:" + gestureInfo.gestureType);


Platform Availability

  • iOS, Windows

animate Method

Applies an animation to the widget.


animate (animationObj, animateConfig, animationCallbacks)



An animation object created using voltmx.ui.createAnimation function.


As defined in widget level animation section.


A JavaScript dictionary that contains key-value pairs. The following keys are supported.

Key Description
animationEnd A JavaScript function that is invoked with the animation ends. For more information, see the Remarks section below.
animationStart A JavaScript function that is invoked with the animation starts. For more information, see the Remarks section below.

Return Values

Returns a platform-specific handle to the animation. This handle currently not used, but is returned for possible future requirements use.


The callback for the animationStart key in the JavaScript object passed in this method's animationCallbacks parameter has the following signature.

animationStart(source, animationHandle, elapsedTime);

where source is the widget being animated, animationHandle is the handle returned by the applyAnimation method, and elapsedTime is the amount of time the animation has been running in seconds, when this event is fired..

This event occurs at the start of the animation. If there is 'animation-delay' configured then this event will fire only after the delay period. This event gets called asynchronously.

The callback for the animationEnd key in the JavaScript object passed in this method's animationCallbacks parameter has the following signature.

animationEnd(source, animationHandle, elapsedTime);

where source is the widget being animated, animationHandle is the handle returned by the applyAnimation method, and elapsedTime is the amount of time the animation has been running in seconds, when this event is fired.

This event occurs at the end of the animation. This event gets called asynchronously.

The animate method throws an Invalid Animation Definition Exception if animation definition, does not follow the dictionary structure expected. This method is ignored if it is called on a widget whose immediate parent is not FlexContainer or a FlexScrollContainer.

If the widget is not part of the currently visible view hierarchy, calling this method does nothing. Because this method is asynchronous and immediately returns, it does not wait for the animation to start or complete.


//Sample code of animation
function AnimateBoth() {
    var getFuncName = frm1.listbox18.selectedKey;
    if (getFuncName == "BothLT") {
            animConfiguration(), {});
    } else if (getFuncName == "BothTBL") {
            animConfiguration(), {});

Platform Availability

  • iOS, Android, Windows, and SPA

clear Method

This method enables you to clear the area where a signature is captured.




//Sample code to invoke the clear method by using a SignatureCapture widget.


Platform Availability

  • Windows

clone Method

When this method is used on a container widget, then all the widgets inside the container are cloned. This method takes an optional parameter. If the widgetid is not passed then the cloned copy will have the same ID as original widget.

If the widget ID is passed as a parameter then it will be prefixed to the existing ID and will assign it to cloned copy of the container. For all other widgets of the container and its child widgets.

For example, if the widget ID is "fc1" and the widget ID passed to clone API is "ref1", then the cloned widget ID will be "ref1fc1". For a child widget placed in a container with widget ID as "wid1", the cloned copy will have the widget ID as "ref1wid1".

Exceptions are not displayed if widget ID parameter is not unique. Instead when the cloned copy is added to the same form as of original container then it may lead to unexpected behaviors. So it is your responsibility to provide unique widget ID.




widgetId [String]

Optional. Reference of the name of the widget.

Return Values

Cloned copy of the widget.




  • This method is not supported on SegmentedUI2 widget.
  • Gestures for the FlexContainer are not cloned. You have to reapply the gestures on the cloned object.
  • In Android platform, cloned Map widget will not work if prefix is not passed as parameter to the API.

  • To apply focusSkin for dynamically created widgets or cloned widgets, assign focusSkin dynamically after adding the widget to the form hierarchy. This is applicable for SPA and Desktop web platforms.

formid.widgetid.focusSkin = "skinname";
  • To apply hoverSkin for dynamically created widgets or cloned widgets, assign hoverSkin dynamically after adding the widget to the form hierarchy. This is applicable for the Desktop web platform.
formid.widgetid.hoverSkin = "skinname";


//This is a generic method that is applicable for various widgets.
//Here, we have shown how to use the clone Method for a FlexContainer widget.
//You need to make a corresponding call of the clone method for other applicable widgets.  
var flex2 = frmFlex.flexContainer1.clone();
//Here, flexContainer1 is a FlexContainer widget that is already present in frmFlex FlexForm.
//For instance, the corresponding clone method call on the Label widget is as follows:
var myLabel=frmFlex.lbl1.clone();  

Platform Availability

  • iOS, Android, Windows, and SPA

convertPointFromWidget Method

This method allows you to convert the coordinate system from a widget to a point (receiver's coordinate system).


convertPointFromWidget(point, fromWidget)



[JSObject]- Mandatory

You can specify an object with keys as x and y. You can specify the values in all (dp, px and %) units of measurement.


[widgetref]- Mandatory

This parameter is the handle to the widget instance. Based on this parameter, the coordinate system is converted from the widget to a point (receiver's coordinate system).


    x: "10dp",
    y: "20dp"
}, widget2);

Platform Availability

  • iOS, Android, Windows, and SPA

convertPointToWidget Method

Using the convertPointToWidget method, you can modify the co-ordinate system. You can convert the receiver's co-ordinate system from a point to a Widget.


convertPointToWidget(point, toWidget)



[JSObject]- Mandatory. You can specify an object with keys as x and y. You can specify the values in all (dp, px and %) units of measurement.


[widgetref] - Mandatory. This parameter is the handle to the widget instance. Based on this parameter, the coordinate system is converted from a point to a widget.


    x: "20dp",
    y: "30dp"
}, widget1);

Platform Availability

  • iOS, Android, Windows, and SPA

getBadge Method

This API enables you to read the badge value (if any) attached to the specified widget. If the specified widget does not have a badge attached to it, it returns an empty string.



Optional Parameter


Unique identifier of a widget which is a handle to the widget.

Return Values

Returns a string containing the badge value applied to the specified widget. If the specified widget has no badge value attached to it, it returns an empty string.


When a badge is removed, the widgets are re-formatted to accommodate the cleared badge values.

On the iOS platform, this method is applicable on Label, Button, Image, TextBox, and TextArea widgets only.


//This is a generic method that is applicable for various widgets.
//Here, we have shown how to use the getBadge Method for button widget.
//You need to make a corresponding call of the getBadge method for other applicable widgets.
function getBadge() {
    //To get a badge value on a Button with ID btn1 placed on a form frm1, use the following snippet:
    var badgeVal = frm1.btn1.getBadge();
    alert("badge value is::" + badgeVal);

    //For instance, the corresponding getBadge method call on the Label widget is as follows:

Platform Availability

  • iOS

registerForPeekandPop Method

This method registers a widget to enable 3D Touch peek and pop gestures.


registerForPeekandPop(onPeekCallback, onPopCallback)



A callback function that is invoked when the user slightly presses (soft press) the widget.

Callback Syntax


Callback Input Parameters


A widget reference that is registered for peek and pop.

Callback Return Values

A PreviewInfoTable. See the Remarks section for a description of this table.

Callback Example

function onPeekCallback(widget) {
    var previewInfoTable = {
        "peekForm": frmSecond,
        "focusRect": [0, 0, 200, 200],
        "contentSize": [320, 480]
    return previewInfoTable;

onPopCallback (Optional)

A callback function that is invoked when the user further presses (hard press) the preview that is displayed for the widget.

Callback Syntax


Callback Input Parameters


A widget reference that is registered for peek and pop.


A form reference that is displayed as preview/peek.

Callback Return Values

A form reference.

Callback Remarks

Use this callback to set the content for pop. The form handle returned by this callback is used for pop content. In general, the form that is used for preview is used for pop content also. If the pop callback is not implemented, peek disappears and the app returns to its previous state.

Callback Example

function onPopCallback(widget, peekForm) {
    // preview form used for pop also
    return peekForm;


A PreviewInfoTable has the following format.

Name: peekForm

Description: The form reference that will be displayed as preview. If an invalid form reference is given, the preview will not be shown.

Type: form reference

Name: focusRect (Optional)

Description: An array representing a rectangle in widgets view coordinates. If provided, this rectangle will be focused while its surrounding area will be blurred, indicating a preview is available for the widget. If not provided, entire view area of the widget will be focused. If either the width or height is zero, the widget's view width/height is used. The values are supported in percentage(with regard to widget bounds), dp, or pixels. The values are strings. If a string value is given without any format specifier, it defaults to dp. If an array of numbers is given, it is assumed they are dp values.

Type: Array [x, y, width, height]

Example: [“0dp”, “0dp”, “200dp”, “300dp”], [“10%”, “10%”, “75%”, “50%”], [“10px”, “10px”, “200px”, “480px”]

Name: contentSize (Optional)

Description: An array representing the preferred content size of the preview. This allows the user to adjust the preferred width/height dimensions of the preview. If not provided, the preview is shown with default values. If either the width or height is zero, the default preview width/height is used. It is recommended that one of the width/height values be zero for proper adjustment of the other value. For example, if width = 0, the height is adjustable and vice versa. Providing positive values simultaneously for both width and height will result in distorted appearance of preview. The values are supported in dp, pixels, and percentage(with regard to screen bounds). The actual width/height of the preview may vary slightly due to resizing per aspect ratio. The values are strings. If a string value is given without any format specifier, it defaults to dp. If array of numbers is given, it is assumed they are dp values.

Type: Array [width, height]

Example: [“0dp”, “100dp”], [“100%”, “0%”], [“0px”, “240px”]

Example of a PreviewInfoTable:

var previewInfoTable = {
    "peekForm": frmSecond,
    "focusRect": [0, 0, 200, 200],
    "contentSize": [320, 480]

Return Values


Platform Availability

  • iOS 9.0 and later

removeFromParent Method

This method allows you to remove a child widget from a parent widget.




Yes - (Read and Write)


//This is a generic method that is applicable for various widgets.
//Here, we have shown how to use the removeFromParent Method for a Calendar widget.
//You need to make a corresponding call of the removeFromParent method for other applicable widgets.


Platform Availability

  • iOS, Android , Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web

removeGestureRecognizer Method

This method allows you to remove the specified gesture recognizer for the specified widget.




gestureHandle - Mandatory

Specifies the handle to the gesture returned by addGestureRecognizer call.


 //Sample code to remove Double tap gesture from frmGestures FlexForm.  

Platform Availability

  • Available on all platforms except Desktop Web and Android.

save Method

Saves the signature as an image and executes onCapture callback. You can access the saved image through rawBytes property. This property is also used to assign image to Image or Button widget as background image.


save(filename, imageformat)


//Sample code to invoke the save method by using a SignatureCapture widget.;

Platform Availability

  • Windows

setBadge Method

This method enables you to set the badge value to the given widget at the upper, right corner of the widget.




badgeText [String] - Mandatory

Specifies the Text value that appears within the badge. If the length of the badgeText is greater than 1, the badge is a rounded rectangle. For example, if you specify the text of the badge as 88, the number appears in a rounded rectangular badge. If the length of the badge text is 1, the badge is always a circle. The badge can occupy up to 70% of the width of the parent widget. For example, on a button with a width of 100 pixels, a badge with about 100 characters will occupy only 70 pixels of the button width. The badge text is truncated and shows about 30 characters followed by three dots.

skin [String] - Optional

The parameter specifies the background color for the badge. The default color is red.

Return Values





The color for the badge can be defined using a skin. The default color for the badge is red with white lettering.

If you pass an empty string as a parameter, the badge applied to the widget is cleared.

A Badge can be applied only to the FlexContainer Widget. To apply badge to other widgets, place the corresponding widget inside the FlexContainer, then apply Badge to the FlexContainer Widget. Also make sure that the clipBounds property of the FlexContainer are set to false.

If the badge value is a single character (a character or a number), the badge shape is a circle.

If the badge value contains multiple characters, the badge shape is a rectangle with rounded corners and borders.

The badge can occupy a maximum of 70% width of the parent widget (widget on which badge is applied). For example, on a button with a width of 100 pixels, a badge with about 100 characters will occupy only 70 pixels of the button width. The badge value is truncated and about 30 characters followed by three dots.

When a badge is set, the widgets are re-arranged to accommodate the badge.

For iOS platform, this method is applicable on Box, Label, and Image widgets only.

For Android platform, this method is applicable on Button and Image widgets only.


//This is a generic method that is applicable for various widgets.
//Here, we have shown how to use the setBadge Method for button widget.
//You need to make a corresponding call of the setBadge method for other applicable widgets.
function setBadge