References provide technical references and descriptions for using VoltScript Interface Designer.
What's new
Check the latest information about VoltScript Interface Designer.
VSID internal code
Lists the various VSID agents and describes their respective use
VSID user interface
Describes the different parts of the VSID user interface
API documentation
VoltScript Interface Designer Documentation contains API documentation including all libraries.
Specific libraries
Libraries contained within VoltScript Interface Designer Documentation:
- baliConstants - Constants used by VSID
- baliCoreUtils - Core Utilities
- baliExceptions - Minimal Exception Tracking
- baliListsCollections - Lists and Collections Classes
- baliStrings - String Utilities
- baliUtils_nlsxBE - NotesLSX Back End Utilities
- baliUtils_nlsxUI - NotesLSX UI Utilities
- BSXdocumentationUtils - API Documentation UI Utilities
- BSXnotesUtils - API Documentation Notes Client Utilities
- BSXnotesUtilsUI - VSID UI Utilities
- BSXparsingUtils - Parsing Utilities
- DesignUtils - Design Element Utilities
- dxlUtilsBE - DXL Back End Utilities
- enhLogClassLite - "Lite" version of Enhanced Log Class
- FileResource - File Resource Tools
- LSXWizardUtils - Utility methods specifically using the LSX Wizard
- WindowsDLLutils - Windows DLL specific utilities
Documentation and source code
- HCL Volt MX Go Documentation
- VoltScript
- VoltScript Collections
- VoltScript Testing
- VoltScript JSON Converter
- VoltScript Console Colors
- VoltScript Volt MX Middleware
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