Table of contents
  1. Community HCL SafeLinx Container
    1. Build the container image
    2. Running the SafeLinx image
    3. LDAP Requirements
    4. Additional LDAP Parameters
      1. Trusted Roots for LDAPS connections
    5. Run the container
    6. Server Certificate support
      1. Import trusted key/certs into the container
      2. Export private key to Domino CertMgr
      3. Automagical Certificate update
    7. MySQL Server Support
      1. Building the container with MySQL Support
      2. Configuration for MySQL
      3. Running the SafeLinx container with MySQL container
  2. Community HCL SafeLinx Container support
    1. Configuring as HCL Nomad Web proxy
      1. Requird configuration
    2. Configuring as VPN server
      1. Required configurations
      2. Additional VPN server requirement details

Community HCL SafeLinx Container

Setting up a SafeLinx server in a classical way requires to use of a complicated to use Java admin client.

This project allows you to build a SafeLinx container including HCL Nomad Web, VPN server components in one step. The container allows you to configure the container including NomadWeb, VPN server components simply by specifying environment variables.

Build the container image

Download the SafeLinx WebKit and also the NomadWeb server components to your software directory.

The build command either builds the container or shows missing software files and the download target directory:

See howto download software for details downloading software from My HCLSoftware Portal.

./ safelinx -nomadweb

Once all software is available,run the build process again. The build will take around 2 minutes.

Running the SafeLinx image

The SafeLinx container project ships with a predefined Docker compose file located in examples/safelinx.

The docker-compose.yml contains template variables, which are referenced in the configuration file .env

Review and edit the configuration file with your favorite editor

vi .env

LDAP Requirements

SafeLinx uses LDAP to find users, their home mail servers and Domino servers. There are two missing attributes by default for anonymous LDAP connections. You can either use authenticated LDAP or add the two missing fields to your configuration.

In case you want to use an anonymous LDAP connection to your Domino LDAL you have to add the following fields for anonymous queries in the default config doc

  • dominoPerson / MailServer
  • dominoServer / SMTPFullHostDomain

Additional LDAP Parameters

For authenticated LDAP connections you should use secure LDAP (LDAPS port: 636). If your LDAP server is not exposed outside your environment, adding the two missing fields with anonymous LDAP might be the easiest option.

    LDAP user name when using an authenticated connection

    LDAP password when using an authenticated connection

    LDAP port is used to connect to the Domino LDAP server. This is usually port 389 for not encrypted connections. And port 636 for LDAPS connections (recommended for authenticated connections).

    Secure LDAP. It can be 0 or 1. The auto option automatically selects SSL based on the port number.

    If set to ‘TRUE’ allow untrusted certificates and not verify the connection. If set to ‘FALSE’ verify TLS certificate for the LDAPS connection.

Trusted Roots for LDAPS connections

Connecting to LDAPS servers require the servers’s certificat’s trusted root to verify the connection unless LDAP_UNTRUSTED=TRUE is specified.
To add trusted roots generate a PEM file trusted_roots.pem and store it into the cert-mount.

Import files are automatically moved into the datastore.

Run the container

You have two different options to start. For a first test, it could make sense to run the container in front-end mode. In production use, it makes sense to run the container detached.

Run the container in front-end mode

docker-compose up

Run the container detached

docker-compose up -d

Server Certificate support

Out of the box, the container generates its own MicroCA to issue a web server certificate for your SafeLinx server. This certificate is a good starting point and helps you with your final configuration.

Today most browsers don’t support self-signed certificates. So you will usually need to deploy trusted certificates for your SafeLinx server.

Import trusted key/certs into the container

The cert-mount is designed for easy import of existing keys and certificates.

To import a new key and certificate just copy a server.pem file into the cert-mount directory.

Either a new certificate or a new certificate and key can be imported. If only a certificate is imported, the certificate is checked against the existing private key. The import is only performed if the certificate marches the private key.

To import an encrypted PEM-based private key, the container generates an import password at the first startup. This password can be used to import a CertMgr exportable key, which is always exported encrypted.

Export private key to Domino CertMgr

In case you instead want to export your private key to your CertMgr server for certificate update flows, the container generates an export password printed once on startup. The password can be used to import certstore_export.pem stored in cert-mount.

Automagical Certificate update

Once you either imported a key from CertMgr or exported your key to CertMgr, you can leverage automatic certificate update flows.
    CertMgr hostname to contact over HTTPS (443) to check for certificate updates

    Interval in seconds to check CertMgr for certificate updates (Default 300 seconds).

MySQL Server Support

Running the HCL Nomad Web Safelinx container with the internal flat-file configuration works well for up to 200 users. In case you require more scalability, the Safelinx container can be built and configured with MySQL server support.

Building the container with MySQL Support

Run the following build command, to include the MySQL client driver:

./ safelinx -nomadweb -mysql

Configuration for MySQL

The only additional parameter required is a password for the MySQL server user account. All other parameters are predefined in the docker-compose file.

    The password is shared beteen the SafeLinx and MySQL container.

Running the SafeLinx container with MySQL container

MySQL is available as a container image. The container project contains an alternate docker-compose_mysql.yml file, which includes a setup including a MySQL container.

You can either rename the docker-compose.yml or specify the file explicitly:

docker-compose -f docker-compose_mysql.yml up -d

Community HCL SafeLinx Container support

SafeLinx server supports various configurations such as Nomad webserver, HTTP web server, VPN server and reverse proxy. Here providing details on currently supported configurations(Nomad and VPN server) by HCL SafeLinx container.

Configuring as HCL Nomad Web proxy

HCL Nomad Web leverages the WebSockets protocol to connect to Domino servers. This requires a gateway component in the HCL SafeLinx server to bridge between WebSockets protocol and the Notes protocol “NRPC”.

Requird configuration

    As we support multiple configurations in SafeLinx container, this variable is used as switch to enable or disable the Nomad web configuraion 1.

    Hostname of the container, which is also defining the hostname of the SafeLinx server

    Domino organization name used for the LDAP search base path and also for certificate names created by default.

    LDAP hostname or IP address to connect to. SafeLinx requires an LDAP connection to a Domino server in the domain to lookup users and servers

    Number of maximun threads to handle the Nomad Web requests. Default value is 8.

Configuring as VPN server

HCL SafeLinx server as VPN server will create a private subnet and allow clients to access the private networks which are configured as routes. HCL SafeLinx server creates a new network that is mentioned in the configuration and create an network interface for the same.

Required configurations

    Switch to enable or disable the VPN configuration in HCL SafeLinx container.

    VPN server IP. SafeLinx use this IP and creates a network interface. All clients connected to this VPN network use this address as gateway for further communication.

    VPN subnet mask defines the size & class of the VPN network.

    Switch to enable 1 or disable 0 the routing to other private network.

    Details of private network for which we are adding access. Multiple networks can be separated with , character.

    Switch to enable DNS negotiation.

    Primary DNS server to perform DNS negotiation.

    Secondary DNS server to perform DNS negotiation.

    TRUE to allow same user to login from multiple devices. FALSE to allow single login from any user. If multiple logon disabled, first device will automatically signedout whenever second login happened.

    Target network adapter to bind the VPN network. Optional, can be empty. SafeLinx server will choose the default network adapter.

Additional VPN server requirement details

  1. Below are the points to make sure before starting SafeLinx container with SafeLinx VPN server:
    • Start docker container in host network mode.

      -–network host with docker run

      docker-compose.yaml file:

         network_mode: "host"
    • As SafeLinx server creates a network interface for VPN server, continer should start with privileged mode. SafeLinx also tries to update /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward file and enable forward, this required elevated permisssions.

      --privileged with docker run

      docker-compose.yaml file:

         privileged: true
    • To enable the TUN device on docker container. --device=/dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun with docker run

      docker-compose.yaml file:

         - /dev/net/tun
  2. Main purpose of SafeLinx as VPN Server is to route/provide the access to the private networks. VPN_ENABLE_ROUTING & VPN_ROUTE are the variables control this configuration. Using below command, we can edit current routes:
    docker exec -it safelinx bash      # Command to start a bash shell to safelinx container.
    lswg -s wlMni -L                   # This list all create Mobile network interfaces/ VPN configurations. We need to select the appropriate "dn" in which our VPN route falls.
    chwg -l [dn_name] -g ch -a ibm-route="[existing routes],[new routes to add]|[updated existing routes]"
  3. By default docker container will not allow network routing/packet forwarding. Enable it running below command on host machine:
    iptables -I DOCKER-USER -j ACCEPT
  4. Update the iptables to route the traffic from incoming subnet to private network. Consider in VPN server, VPN network configured as and need access to the private network (consider private network IP for current server is, to achieve this add below entry to the nat table.

    Run below command on host machine to do the same:

    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -d -j SNAT --to-source
  5. Update the ip route to use local server ip as the gateway for network using below command:
    ip route add via
  1. If no configuration enabled, then Nomad web configuration will be selected and container will run as Nomad web server by default.