Implementation ServiceLoader Services

Obligatory Services

JNX implementations are expected to provide a number of single ServiceLoader-type services, including:

  • com.hcl.domino.DominoClientBuilder
  • com.hcl.domino.DominoProcess
  • com.hcl.domino.formula.FormulaCompiler
  • com.hcl.domino.naming.Names
  • com.hcl.domino.richtext.structures.MemoryStructureWrapperService
    • A default implementation of this is available in domino-jnx-commons as com.hcl.domino.commons.richtext.structures.DefaultMemoryStructureWrapperService but is not registered as a service in that project
  • java.nio.charset.spi.CharsetProvider providing Charsets for “LMBCS” and “LMBCS-native”

Optional/Extension Services

Additionally, there are several non-obligatory service points to provide specific capabilities. Two of them allow for contributing type conversion for the get(name, type, defaultValue) methods on collection entries and documents:


There are a number of implementations of these in domino-jnx-commons in the com.hcl.domino.commons.converters package.

Note: it is expected that API implementations provide a DocumentValueConverter that can return an item value as a java.nio.ByteBuffer. Such a converter does not have to accept a ByteBuffer to write, however. The JNA implementation provides com.hcl.domino.jna.internal.converters.ByteBufferDocumentValueConverter.

Additionally, there are two extension services for contributing to user authentication and ID lookups:

  • allows for arbitrary authentication mechanisms that resolve to a distinguished name, which be used in DominoClient to just validate or DominoClientBuilder to create a client with that name
  • com.hcl.domino.admin.idvault.IdVaultTokenHandler allows for arbitrary mechanisms that find UserId objects for a given token