User Directory API

The Domino directory API is accessible by calling openUserDirectory(...) on a DominoClient instance. The parameter is the server to target, or null for the current runtime.


Directory querying can be done via the query() method on UserDirectory, which creates a query builder. This can be used like:

UserDirectory dir = getClient().openUserDirectory(null);
Stream<List<Map<String, List<Object>>>> result = dir.query()
  .names("Joe Schmoe/SomeOrg")

This admittedly-complicated return type represents:

  • One stream entry per queried name, containing…
  • One list entry per queried namespace (by default one), containing…
  • A map of queried items to item values

For example, to find the email address for a given user, you can do:

String emailAddress = dir.query()
      .names("Joe Schmoe/SomeOrg")
      .map(queriedName ->

Convenience Methods

Since querying can be verbose for common cases, there are also convenience methods available on the UserDirectory class:

  • Map<String, List<Object>> lookupUserValue(String name, String... items) allows you to look up item values for the given single user, returning the results from the first match