C API Access

Notes C API access in the current implementation is performed using JNA, which allows access to native functions without writing a custom JNI library. JNA handles access to native memory (via its Pointer and Memory classes), structures (via Structure subclasses), and translating primitive data types in functions to their same-sized C equivalents.

This code is in the domino-jnx-jna module solely, to allow for potential future implementations.

API Definition

The Notes functions used in the implementation are defined in the com.hcl.domino.jna.internal.capi.INotesCAPI interface, which contains Java equivalents of the C function prototypes. There is also a companion class in the same package, NotesCAPI, which is the primary entrypoint for accessing the API. The NotesCAPI.get() static method will, if needed, load the Notes dynamic libraries and return an appropriate implementation object for the current platform.

For primitive types, JNA maps same-sized Java primitives to their C equivalents, ignoring signed/unsigned state. For example, short maps to WORD and int maps to DWORD. On the Java size, when working with these values logically, it often makes sense to “upsize” them when they’re unsigned in C, for example using Short.toUnsignedInt(short) when working with a WORD value from C.

For pointers, struct, and callback parameters, JNA has representations for each and they can be passed into the method definitions. For example:

short NSFNoteCipherExtractWithCallback (DHANDLE.ByValue hNote, NotesBlockIdStruct.ByValue bhItem,
  int extractFlags, int hDecryptionCipher,
  NotesCallbacks.NoteExtractCallback pNoteExtractCallback, Pointer pParam,
  int Reserved, Pointer pReserved)

Pointers and Memory

The JNA Pointer class represents any native pointer, while the Memory subclass allows you to allocate native memory that will be automatically freed when the Java object goes out of scope. In general, the Memory objects and Structure representations allocated in the JNA implementation don’t need to be explicitly deallocated.

When it is useful to allocate and deallocate memory manually, we have a DisposableMemory class that exposes the dispose() method to immediately free the backing memory, without waiting for garbage collection.

Naming-wise, Java classes use ByValue for direct structure values and ByReference for struct pointers.


Most of the structure definition classes in the JNA implementation were created using JNAerator, which automates the process of parsing C header files and creating JNA representations of the structures. It’s not required to use JNAerator - these classes can also be written by hand - but it’s often very convenient to do so.

These classes generally have static methods for constructing new instances, either with newly-allocated native memory or with an existing backing pointer.


JNA supports writing callback interfaces in a similar way to mapping to normal function prototypes, as long as the callback interface extends Callback. In JNX, these are kept in the NotesCallbacks containing interface. For example:

public interface NotesCallbacks {
  interface ActionRoutinePtr extends Callback {
    short invoke(Pointer dataPtr, short signature, int dataLength, Pointer vContext);
  // other callbacks follow


HANDLEs and DHANDLEs have special representations within the com.hcl.domino.jna.internal.gc.handles package, which allow us to implement per-thread locking on handles and which cover the difference between 32- and 64-bit representations. These interfaces can be used as function parameters in INotesCAPI, and their values can be worked with via the methods in LockUtil, which coordinates per-handle locks. For example:

short result = LockUtil.lockHandle(getAllocations().getDBHandle(), (dbHandleByVal) -> {
  return NotesCAPI.get().NSFDbNamedObjectEnum(dbHandleByVal, cCallback, null);

Here, getAllocations().getDBHandle() returns a HANDLE, while the dbHandleByVal object passed to the lambda is specifically a HANDLE.ByValue, needed for passing into the function call.


Since Notes on Windows is still 32-bit, we have to make accommodations for that. Most APIs are the same across both bitnesses and all platforms, but some require specialized versions, generally with handles passed to callbacks. For example:

	short NSFDbNamedObjectEnum(HANDLE.ByValue hDB, NotesCallbacks.b64_NSFDbNamedObjectEnumPROC callback, Pointer param);
	short NSFDbNamedObjectEnum(HANDLE.ByValue hDB, NotesCallbacks.b32_NSFDbNamedObjectEnumPROC callback, Pointer param);

In addition, such callbacks should have sub-interfaces for 32-bit Windows specifically that also extend StdCallCallback. These are housed in Win32NotesCallbacks. For example:

public interface Win32NotesCallbacks {
  interface NoteExtractCallbackWin32 extends NotesCallbacks.NoteExtractCallback, StdCallCallback {}
  // other callbacks follow

When calling so-afflicted functions, you can use JNA’s PlatformUtils.is64Bit() to check for 64-bitness and, in the 32-bit branch of your code, Platform.isWindows() to check for Win32 specifically.

if (PlatformUtils.is64Bit()) {
  NotesCallbacks.b64_NSFDbNamedObjectEnumPROC cCallback = (hDB, param, nameSpaceShort, nameMem, nameLength, rrv, entryTimeStruct) -> {
    // 64-bit callback code
  // 64-bit C API call
} else if(PlatformUtils.is32Bit()) {
  NotesCallbacks.b32_NSFDbNamedObjectEnumPROC cCallback;
  if(PlatformUtils.isWindows()) {
    cCallback = (Win32NotesCallbacks.NSFDbNamedObjectEnumPROCWin32)(hDB, param, nameSpaceShort, nameMem, nameLength, rrv, entryTimeStruct) -> {
      // Windows/32-bit callback code
  } else {
    cCallback = (hDB, param, nameSpaceShort, nameMem, nameLength, rrv, entryTimeStruct) -> {
      // Non-Windows 32-bit callback code (admittedly unlikely to ever see the light of day)
  // 32-bit C API call