Color Values
Notes represents color values in several ways, and JNX represents them via enums and MemoryStructure
Standard Colors
The StandardColors
enum represents the set of indexed colors that Notes uses largely for older components that pre-date the addition of “true” RGB color values.
The first sixteen of these colors are documented in the “colorid.h” file: NOTES_COLOR_BLACK
, and so forth. However, the colors themselves support at least 240 values (and are largely stored as an unsigned byte, and so may support 256 total). This extended color table is documented in the AppDev Pack.
The StandardColors
enum is implemented as an INumberEnum<Byte>
, as these colors are most-commonly represents as BYTE
structure members. However, there are many cases where a structure will have a “color” member that’s declared as WORD
but nonetheless maps to one of these values. In such cases, it’s important to still declare the @StructureMember
as a short
, but then add a second method to get the StandardColors
short getDaySeparatorColorRaw();
default Optional<StandardColors> getDaySeparatorColor() {
return DominoEnumUtil.valueOf(StandardColors.class, getDaySeparatorColorRaw());
structure is used in many places to contain an RGB value and some flags, and is represented in JNX as the ColorValue
structure interface. In principle, this is straightforward as far as its usage goes: the Component1
, Component2
, and Component3
members correspond to RGB 0-255 values normally.
There are some cases, though, where it’s important to check the Flags
member to discern handling outside the structure. For example, the presence of the HASGRADIENT
flag may indicate that an optional second COLOR_VALUE
follows after this one in memory.
Additionally, there are some cases in the API where a COLOR_VALUE
member of a structure exists but is unused. For example, the VIEW_COLUMN_FORMAT2
structure has COLOR_VALUE
components that are ostensibly used for colors in Notes R6 and above, but in practice are always 0 value even in R12.
“Raw” Color Values
There are a handful of places in the API that use a DWORD
to represent a color value. This amounts to a byte-order-specific array of four byte values representing the R, G, B, and spare values. JNX represents this using the RawColorValue
structure interface. This type of storage is unnamed in the C API, but is called RAW_COLOR_VALUE
in the structure definition in JNX.