JSON Handling

JNX provides the com.hcl.domino.json.JsonSerializer type to allow serializing Document objects to JSON.


The actual implementation of this is reliant on using a secondary module for your environment. Currently, the implementing modules are:

  • domino-jnx-vertx-json - Uses the Vert.x JSON classes and assumes that you have vertx-core present in your project. The getObject method emits a Vert.x JsonObject instance
  • domino-jnx-jsonb - Uses JSON-B classes and assumes you have the Jakarta EE 9+ jakarta.json.bind-api and jakarta.json.json-api modules and an implementation present in your project. The getObject method emits a String



String jsonString = JsonSerializer.createSerializer()
  .richTextConvertOption(HtmlConvertOption.XMLCompatibleHTML, "0")
  .richTextConvertOption(HtmlConvertOption.DisablePassThruHTML, "1")
  .customProcessor("Foo", (doc, itemName) -> "Custom Value")
  • excludeItems allows for a denylist of case-insensitive item names to exclude from the output
  • includeItems allows for an allowlist of items to include, instead of the default of including all items
  • lowercaseProperties forces all output item names to be lower-cased. By default, the output JSON matches the item capitalization in the document
  • excludeTypes allows for a denylist of ItemDataType values to exlude items by type
  • includeMetadata includes a @meta property containing the note ID, UNID, creation date, modification date, accessed date, modified-in-file date, added-to-file date, and array of note classes. false by default
  • booleanItemNames specifies which items to consider boolean values. This should be used in concert with booleanTrueValues
  • booleanTrueValues specifies which item values (of various types) should be considered true when found in an item named in booleanItemNames
  • dateRangeFormat allows for customization of date/time ranges:
    • ISO (the default) concatenates the two components with a /
    • OBJECT creates an inner JSON object with from and to properties
  • richTextConvertOption allows specification of “HTMLOptions” values for conversion of rich text to HTML
  • customProcessor allows specification of a method that will be called when encountering a named item instead of normal processing. The BiFunction provided as the second parameter is called with the context document and current item name and should produce a JSON-compatible Java object (e.g. String or Map<String, Object>)


Deserialization of JSON to a document has two modes: writing to an existing document or creating a new in-memory document in a database:

Document doc = JsonDeserializer.createDeserializer()
  .booleanValues("Y", "N")
Document doc = fetchDocumentFromSomewhere();
  .customProcessor("foo", (value, propName, doc) -> { doc.replaceItemValue("Foo", "Bar"); })
  • booleanValues allows you to specify how JSON boolean literals will be stored in the document. This defaults to 1 and 0
  • dateTimeItems allows you to specify which items in the JSON should be interpreted as date/time values. These items will be interpreted as ISO 8601 strings or arrays of those strings, and the deserializer will throw an exception if it encounters an unparseable value
  • removeMissingItems applies only when targeting an existing document and allows you to have items in the document not found in the JSON removed, other than “Form” and items with names beginning with “$”
  • detectDateTime allows you to specify whether the deserializer will attempt to detect ISO-format string values and convert them as date/time values in the destination document
  • customProcessor allows specification of a method that will be called when encountering a named property (case-sensitive) instead of normal processing. The CustomProcessor provided as the second parameter is called with the JSON value, the property name, and the target document