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Installing Sametime in a Kubernetes environment

A Sametime deployment can be configured on a single-node Kubernetes clusters, like K3s or Docker Desktop, on a cloud-based, or on-prem multi-node cluster with separate control plane or worker nodes.

An Ingress Controller is required for web traffic.

The following white papers are available to review this setup for GKE (Google), AWS (Amazon) and on-premise configurations. Use these white papers for additional details on the installation and configuration steps for Kubernetes.

References to the cluster.yaml file in the white papers are based on Sametime 11.6. For later Sametime versions, the file is located in the Sametime installation package directory: install_package_directory/ /kubernetes/stack/eks/cluster.yaml.

If you are installing on an Openshift platform, review the Preparing to install an Openshift environment topic before starting the install process.

See the HCL Sametime® System Requirements document for support in Kubernetes and Helm versions.

Promethus can be used for tracking metrics and overall health of the system. Managed charts with Prometheus and metrics enabled are provided for convenience, otherwise, Prometheus should be installed manually before starting the Sametime installation process. See Installing Prometheus for details.

After the Kubernetes cluster is built, complete the following tasks to deploy Sametime.

  1. Prepare the network
  2. Load the Sametime image to Docker
  3. Create the persistent volume

Note: The helm charts and templates provided were tested with 1.22. Later versions of Kubernetes might not be compatible.

Parent Topic: Installing Sametime