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Troubleshooting and FAQs

  • Issue

    When Identity service is selected as one of the components and execute migrate-db command is executed, the migrations for Identity are skipped.


    Subsequent execution of the execute migrate-db command will result in the execution of the Identity scripts.

  • Issue

    The following error occurs after executing execute migrate-db in Linux.

    Buildfile: /home/installer/CLI\_FINAL/build.xml
    The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /home/installer/CLI\_FINAL/resources/scripts/dbMigrations.xml:10: taskdef 
    A class needed by class com.voltmx.cli.server.
    InsertManagementDetails cannot be found: 
    Could not initialize class org.apache.logging.log4j.util.PropertiesUtil 
    using the classloader AntClassLoader

This issue is seen if the Apache ANT environment is not properly setup in Linux.


  1. Download the bin release from Apache Downloads.
  2. Extract and copy the entire folder (apache-ant-1.9xxxxx) into the following folder location: /opt/.
    Following which the file structure will be /opt/apache-ant-1.9xxxxxx/.
  3. Create a Symlink: ln -s /opt/apache-ant-1.9.xxxxx /opt/ant
  4. Create another Symlink: ln -s /opt/ant/bin/ant /usr/bin/ant
  5. Set ANT_HOME into the Environment vi /etc/environment and add this line: ANT_HOME=/opt/ant (without the trailing forward slash).
  6. Re-login to initiate the Environment.

  7. Issue

    The deployment of WARs fails after executing the create-data-sources command when MySQL is the selected database.

    This issue is observed when & is appended in the data source connection URL instead of just & as show in the following image:


  • For JBoss Pre-configured: You must find and replace all occurrences of & with & in the datasources configuration section of standalone.xml.
  • For JBoss Domain: You must find and replace all occurrences of & with & in the datasources configuration section of domain.xml.