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Volt Foundry Command Line Installer

The Volt Foundry Command Line Installer (CLI) allows you to set up a custom Volt Foundry deployment in your enterprise. You can install Volt Foundry on your Windows and Linux machines using the Command Line Installer.

The Volt Foundry CLI aids and supplements the manual install process by providing easy-to-use command line tasks. You can use the Volt Foundry CLI if your organization’s policies, standards and software setup requirements need you to perform a custom manual deployment.


Following are the prerequisites to install and configure Volt Foundry Command Line Installer on your machine:

  • OpenJDK 11
  • Ant version 1.8.2 and later
  • An instance of your chosen Application Server and Database must be installed and configured
  • Download the Manual Install Artifacts from Flexnet.

Supported Application Servers

  • JBoss (Standalone Mode, Domain Mode)
  • WebSphere Liberty Profile

Supported Databases

  • Oracle
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • Microsoft SQL Server

To find out which versions of Application Servers and Databases are supported by Volt Foundry CLI, refer to Supported Application Servers and Databases Guide.

Using the Volt Foundry Command Line Installer

  1. Download the file and extract it.
  2. Modify the properties in the  file available in the VoltMXFoundryInstaller folder. You can also manage the advanced properties like modifying the log levels for each Foundry Component, sending Foundry usage data, and more from the  file.
  3. From the current location in the command line prompt, run the execute command by specifying the appropriate task. For example: execute migrate-db.

Inputs in the userInputs properties file

Following is the description of the inputs that are required to be provided in the file to perform any supported installer actions:

  1. Generic CLI inputs: Following inputs are common and are required for any of the CLI tasks to be executed.

    • USER_INSTALL_DIR: Specify the location of the User install directory. This is the location where the CLI generated artifacts are placed as a result of the task execution

    For example:

    • Windows - USER_INSTALL_DIR= C:/VoltMXFoundry_cli
    • Linux - USER_INSTALL_DIR= /home/VoltMXFoundry_cli
    • INSTALL_LOG_LOCATION: Location for storage of the logs generated during the execution of a supported action. By default, this is set to the location of the user install directory. You can edit it to point to any other location on the system.

    2. Application Server basic inputs: Following inputs are required for the generation of application related artifacts. * SERVER_CHOICE: Application servers include JBoss (Standalone/Domain), and WebSphere Liberty profile.

    ` SERVER_CHOICE= < appServerType > `
    The possible values for <appServerType> are: JBoss or WebSphere.
    *   **JBossServerType**: In case JBoss is chosen as the application server, the mode in which JBoss is configured needs to be provided. The corresponding valid inputs are either standalone or domain.
    • FULLY_QUALIFIED_PUBLIC_URL: Refers to the URL by which Volt Foundry will be accessible post installation. This is an optional field. In case the URL is not provided, it will be derived from the HOST_NAME, HTTP_PORT/HTTPS_PORT properties. This property must be specified in case your Volt Foundry environment setup consists of a load balancer/proxy.

      FULLY\_QUALIFIED\_PUBLIC\_URL= <http(s)>://<Fully Qualified Domain Name>:<http(s)port>

    • HOST_NAME: The host name or IP address of the application server.

      • HTTP_PORT: The HTTP port of the application server.
      • HTTPS_PORT: The HTTPS port of the application server.

    3. Application Server management properties: Following inputs are required for many of the tasks related to actions performed on the application server. For example, fetching of server groups, creation of data sources, and deployment of WARs. These details are also updated in the database and hence, are required to be provided during the execution of database migration scripts. * MASTER_IP: This is the application server host name for either JBoss standalone or WebSphere Liberty. In case of a clustered JBoss or Liberty setup, this would correspond to the domain controller host or the collective controller host respectively * MASTER_PORT: This is the native management port in case of JBoss. In case of WebSphere Liberty this would be the HTTPS port of the collective controller or server. * MASTER_USER: Application server administrative user. * MASTER_PASSWORD: Application server administrative user password. * USER_INPUT_SERVER_GROUPS: The value of this property is obtained by executing the get-server-groups task. It is only required for JBoss configured in domain mode. You must provide the user input groups separated by the pipe | delimiter.

    4. Properties related to the Volt Foundry components: Following inputs are required for any action which is related to a Foundry component. For example, the generation of WARs or the execution of database scripts.

    a. Volt Foundry Component selection properties: The following properties must be set to either true or false. If ALL_COMPONENTS_ENABLED is set to true, the rest of the inputs can be left empty. If ALL_COMPONENTS_ENABLED is set to false then at least one of the following input properties must be set to true.


    b. Properties specific to a Volt Foundry component:

    • VOLTMX_FOUNDRY_CONSOLE_URL: This is an optional property that needs to be specified only if API Portal as a component is enabled, and if you want to use a pre-existing Foundry console. For example: http:/

    c. Database Properties:

    • DB_CHOICE : Choice of Database. Valid inputs include MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and SQLServer.
    • PREFIX : The prefix of the database schema. The entered value is prefixed to the schema created.
    • SUFFIX : The suffix of the database schema. The entered value is appended to the schema created.
    • DB_IP : This input corresponds to the database IP address or host name.
    • DB_PORT : The host port of the database.
    • DB_USER : The database user.

      Note: In case of Oracle, you must provide a user which has the permission for creating users for each of the selected Volt Foundry components. The password for all child users would be same as the parent user password.

    • DB_PASS: The database user password.

    d. Properties specific to the selected database:

    • Oracle specific properties: These input properties include the Oracle service ID and the Oracle tablespace names. In case the tablespace names are left empty, the default tablespace is used. Following are the various Oracle specific input properties.

Supported Installer Actions

The Volt Foundry Command Line Installer supports the following actions:

Following is the recommended sequence of installer actions.

For JBoss:

  1. Generation of application server artifacts.
  2. Fetching the user input server groups and updating them in the file.
  3. Execution of the database migration scripts.
  4. Creation of data sources.
  5. Deployment of the generated WAR/EAR files to the application server.

For WebSphere Liberty:

The only supported tasks are execution of database migration scripts ](migrate-db) and generation of application server artifacts (generate-wars). Refer to the Installer documentation for details on how to setup a complete Volt Foundry environment in WebSphere Application Server Liberty.

Generate Application Server Artifacts

Complete the following actions to generate the application server artifacts:


  1. Specify the following properties to generate the artifacts:

Execute Command Line Tasks

Execute the following command line task for JBoss/WebSphere: generate-wars

Application Server artifacts are generated in the <USER_INSTALL_DIR>/deployments folder.

In case WebSphere Liberty profile is chosen as the application server, EAR artifacts are also generated in the deployments folder along with the WAR artifacts.

The middleware home specific to Foundry Integration is also generated and is located in the <USER_INSTALL_DIR>/middleware_home folder. This is required only in cases when the user would prefer an external middleware home folder and specify the location of same using a -D system property.

Get Server Groups for Remote Application Server (Only for JBoss domain mode)

Complete the following actions to get Server Groups for JBoss setup in domain mode:


Execute Command Line Tasks

Execute the command line task get-server-groups to fetch the server groups associated with the Application Server. The output of this command is used as the value of the USER_INPUT_SERVER_GROUPS input property for the deploy-wars-remote and create-data-sources tasks.

Create or Upgrade Database Schema for selected components

Complete the following actions to create or upgrade the Database Schema for the selected components:


Provide the following properties as inputs:

Execute Command Line Tasks

Execute the migrate-db task as follows:

  • For Windows: execute migrate-db
  • For Linux: . ./execute migrate-db

Deploy WARs/EARs in Remote Application Servers (Only for JBoss)

Complete the following actions to deploy WAR/EAR files in the Remote Application Servers:


Execute Command Line Tasks

The WARs generated by the generate-wars command must be present in the deployments folder.

Execute the task deploy-wars-remote CLI installer as follows:

  • For Windows: execute deploy-wars-remote
  • For Linux: . ./execute deploy-wars-remote

Create Data Sources (Only for JBoss)

Complete the following actions to Create Data Sources for Remote Application Servers:


Provide the following properties as inputs:

Execute Command Line Tasks

Creation of data sources requires the prior creation of database schemas. This can be done by executing the migrate-db command.

After the successful execution of migrate-db, create the data sources by using the execute create-data-sources command.

Configure Shared libraries

Complete the following actions to configure Shared libraries for WebSphere:


  1. The Remote App Server input details should be provided as follows:
  2. Select the components for which you want to configure shared libraries. To do so, set the following properties to true or false:

    • Identity - IDENTITY_ENABLED
    • Engagement - MESSAGING_ENABLED
    • Console - CONSOLE_ENABLED
    • Integration - INTEGRATION_ENABLED

    If you want to configure shared libraries for all the components, set ALL_COMPONENTS_ENABLED to true.

Execute Command Line Tasks

To configure shared libraries, execute the ant configure-shared-libraries command.