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NFCTag Object

The nfcTag object is part of the NFC API, and it represents an NFC Tag. Using a nfcTag object, your app can read and write the from/to the NFC tag. It consists of the following API elements.

  • Methods


Use the voltmx.nfc.scanTag API to get a nfcTag object. Once you get a nfcTag object, it can call the NFC tag object methods to read data, write data, or write application record of the NFC tag.

NFCTag Methods

The NFCTag Object consists of the following methods.


Reads the data records of an NFC Tag.



Input Parameters:

successcallback [Function] - Mandatory

The successcallback function specifies the callback function that must be executed when the API call is successful. The signature of the callback function is successcallback(tagDataArray) where, tagDataArray contains nfc data records of the NFCTag. It is an object array, and each object contains certain key-value pairs.

tagData [Object] - TagData that has the following key-value pairs

key Description
type [Constant] Type of data, like text, URI, or Media. All supported constants defined here
data [Object] Content of the specific tag record. For text and URI type data it is a string object. For Media type it is a voltmx.types.RawBytes object.
mimeType [String] Mime type of media data. Applicable only for Media type.

errorcallback [Function] - Mandatory

The errorcallback function specifies the callback function that must be executed when the API call fails. The callback function has the following signature:

errorcallback(readerror)- readerror is an object that has the following key-value pairs:

key Description
errorCode[Number] error code. All error code defined here.
errorMessage [String] error message.

Return Values



This method only affects NFC tag nearby and scan session active.


function readData() {

var config = {scanContinuously:false, message:"Hold your device near an NFC tag."};

if (voltmx.os.hasNFCSupport()) {

var errorCallback = function(error){

if(error.errorCode === voltmx.nfc.ERROR_NO_TAG){

alert("Tag no longer nearby to read.");



var success = function(tags){

if(tags!=undefined && tags.length>0){


var readSuccessCallback = function(tagData){

var result = JSON.stringify(tagData);

voltmx.nfc.updateUI({"message": "Tag read success."});




tags[0].readData(readSuccessCallback, errorCallback)


else {

voltmx.nfc.updateUI({"message": "More than 1 tags found. Please present only 1 tag."});




voltmx.nfc.scanTag(config, success, errorCallback);

} else {

alert("NFC Support is not available in this device");


Platform Availability

Android, iOS



writeData(data, shouldAppend, successcallback, errorcallback);

Input Parameters:

data [Array] - Mandatory

The data array specifies the array of records that must be written on the NFC tag. The signature of the data array is [recordData] where recordData contains certain key-value pairs.

recordData [Object] - Record data that has the following key-value pairs:

key Description
type [Constant] Type of data, like text, URI, or Media. All supported constants defined here
data [Object] Content of the specific tag record. For text and URI type data it is a string object. For Media type it is a voltmx.types.RawBytes object
mimeType [String] Mime type of media data. Applicable only for Media type.

shouldAppend[Boolean] - Mandatory

The shouldAppend flag specifies that the data gets appended to existing data or write without append.

successcallback [Function] - Mandatory

The successcallback function specifies the callback function that must be executed when the API call is successful. The signature of the callback function is successcallback()

errorcallback [Function] - Mandatory

The errorcallback function specifies the callback function that must be executed when the API call fails. The callback function has the following signature:

errorcallback(readerror)- readerror is an object that has the following key-value pairs:

key Description
errorCode [Number] error code. All error code defined here
errorMessage [String] error message.

Return Values



This method only affects NFC tag nearby and scan session active. The NFC tag should support writing data. Below iOS 13 OS devices will not support writing.


function writeData() {

var config = {scanContinuously : false, message: "Hold your device near an NFC tag to write data."};

if (voltmx.os.hasNFCSupport()) {

var errorCallback = function(error){

if(error.errorCode === voltmx.nfc.ERROR_NO_TAG){

alert("Tag no longer nearby to write.");



var success = function(tags){

if(tags!=undefined && tags.length>0){


var writeSuccessCallback = function(){

voltmx.nfc.updateUI({"message": "Tag write success."});

alert("Tag write success.");



var vCardData = "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:Pallam;Madhukar\nORG:HCL\nADR:Hyderabad\nEND:VCARD";

var textData = "Hello World"; var uriData = "";

var data = [


type: voltmx.nfc.DATATYPE_TEXT,

data: textData



type: voltmx.nfc.DATATYPE_URI,

data: uriData



type: voltmx.nfc.DATATYPE_MEIDA,

data: new voltmx.types.RawBytes(vCardData),

mimeType: "text/vcard"



tags[0].writeData(data, false, writeSuccessCallback, errorCallback)


else {

voltmx.nfc.updateUI({"message": "More than 1 tags found. Please present only 1 tag."});




voltmx.nfc.scanTag(config, success, errorCallback);

} else {

alert("NFC Support is not available in this device");



Platform Availability

Android, iOS


This API writes the android application record to NFC tag and calls the success/failure callback if defined.

Application record is the valid application package in the form of String.

When the embedded application record present in the tag is scanned, it is guaranteed that Android system launch that application.

If the application is not installed on device, system launches Google Play to download the application.


writeApplicationRecord(packageName, successcallback, errorcallback);

Input Parameters:

packageName[String] - Mandatory

Package name is the valid application package name in terms of String.

successcallback [Function] - Mandatory

The successcallback function specifies the callback function that must be executed when the API call is successful. The signature of the callback function is successcallback()

errorcallback [Function] - Mandatory

The errorcallback function specifies the callback function that must be executed when the API call fails. The callback function has the following signature:

errorcallback(readerror)- readerror is an object that has the following key-value pairs:

key Description
errorCode [Number] error code. All error code defined here
errorMessage [String error message.

Return Values



This Api is only supported on Android.


writePackage: function(package) {
var config = {
message: "Hold your device near an NFC tag." 
var tagFoundCallback = function(tags) {
if (tags.length > 0) {
if (tags.length == 1) {
var tag = tags[0]; //choosing first tag.  
var writeSuccessCallback = function(data){
voltmx.print("NFC Write success::" + data);
alert("Package write success!!");
message: "Package write success!!" 
var writeFailureCallback = function(errorCode) {
voltmx.print("Package write Failure");
alert("Package write Failure");
tag.writeApplicationRecord(package, writeSuccessCallback, writeFailureCallback);
} else {
message: "More than 1 tags found. Please present only 1 tag." 
var errorCallback = function(errorCode) {
voltmx.print("NFC ERROR :: " + errorCode);
voltmx.nfc.scanTag(config, tagFoundCallback, errorCallback);

Platform Availability
