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Scheduling a Flyway job

In App Factory, you can execute your Flyway job periodically (based on a schedule) by creating a Scheduler.

Consider a scenario in which you want to run weekly migration of your database. You can create a scheduler that runs the build job at the specified day and time, for example: every Friday at 8pm.

Every project contains a sub-folder called Triggers in the Databases folder. The Triggers folder contains a job called createFlywayTrigger (to create triggers), and a sub-folder called schedulers, which contains triggers that run periodically based on a schedule.

Configuring a Scheduler Job in App Factory

  1. From the Database folder of your project, navigate to the Triggers sub-folder.
  2. In the Triggers folder, click the build icon for the createFlywayTrigger job.
    Alternatively, open the drop-down menu for the createFlywayTrigger job, and then select Build with Parameters.
  3. Use the CRON_SCHEDULE parameter to specify the schedule on which the build job must be triggered. For information about cron expressions, refer to Cron.
    Some shorthand expressions are supported, for example: @midnight. For more information, click the chevron (arrow) icon next to the parameter description.

Note: If a Cron schedule is not specified, the trigger will be a watcher instead.

The remaining parameters are the same as the parameters for the Flyway job. You can use different build parameters for different schedules or branches. Jobs that are triggered on a schedule are stored in the Schedulers folder.

You can tell what schedule each scheduler job runs on by the Cron expression that is appended to the job name.