voltmx.dragDrop Namespace
The voltmx.dragdrop Namespace contains the following API elements.
The voltmx.dragdrop Namespace contains the following functions.
This function creates a new DragInteraction object and attaches the DragInteraction object to a widget.
Input Parameters
Parameters | Description |
widget | The widget that has to be made draggable. |
callbacks | This is a dictionary with the following keys: itemsForBeggining(JavaScript function) [Mandatory] : In this JS function, you can return the data (dictionary of the supported format), which is to be sent (JSON/filepath). previewForLifting (JavaScript function) [Mandatory]: This callback should return the preview that is to be shown while dragging on the screen. onLiftBeginAnimate (JavaScript function) [Optional]: Any Volt MX Iris supported animations that can be done when the lift just started. onLiftBeginAnimationComplete (JavaScript function) [Optional]: Animations that can be configured after the lift animations have been completed. previewForCancel (JavaScript function) [Optional]: This callback returns the preview when the dragging action is canceled. onCancelAnimate (JavaScript function) [Optional]: Any Volt MX Iris supported animations that can be done when the dragging is canceled. onCancelAnimationComplete (JavaScript function) [Optional]: Any Volt MX Iris supported animations that can be done after the cancellation process has been completed. |
//To create a drag interation object use the below code snippet
createcallbacksdictAndAddDragInteractionImg1: function() {
var callbacksDict = {
"itemsForBeggining": this.beginItemDragForm9,
"previewForLifting": this.previewForLiftingForm9
var argsDict = {
"widget": this.view.img1,
"callbacks": callbacksDict
this.dragInteraction1 = new voltmx.dragdrop.DragInteraction(argsDict);
/* By specifying the below function, you can return the data, which is to be sent
beginItemDragForm9: function() {
var applicationDirPath = voltmx.io.FileSystem.getApplicationDirectoryPath();
var filePath = applicationDirPath + "/puppy.png";
var argsDict = {
"data": filePath,
"type": voltmx.dragdrop.ITEMDATA_FILE,
"fileVisibility": voltmx.dragdrop.FILEVISIBILITY_ALL
return [argsDict];
/*By specifying the below function, you can return the preview that is to be shown while
dragging on the screen.*/
previewForLiftingForm9: function() {
var argsDict = {
"preview": this.view.img1
return argsDict;
Return Values
- Success: A newly created DragInteraction object.
- Failure: null
Platform Availability
- iOS 11
This function creates a new DropInteraction object and attaches it to a widget.
Input Parameters
Parameters | Description |
widget | The widget that has to be made droppable. |
callbacks | This is a JSON dictionary with the following keys: performDrop(JavaScript function) [Mandatory] : This JS function gets data (JSON/filepath) as an argument.previewForDrop (JavaScript function) [Optional]: The drop preview that can be configured while dropping the data with the default preview.onBeginDropAnimate (JavaScript function) [Optional]: Any Volt MX Iris supported animations that can be configured while dropping.onBeginDropAnimationComplete (JavaScript function) [Optional]: Animations that can be configured after the drop animations have been completed.concludeDrop (JavaScript function) [Optional]: This callback is invoked after the dropping action is successfully completed. |
//To create a drop interation object use the below code snippet
createcallbacksdictAndAddDropInteractionImg2: function() {
var callbacksDict = {
"performDrop": this.dropCallbackForm9
var argsDict = {
"widget": this.view.img2,
"callbacks": callbacksDict
this.drpInteraction1 = new voltmx.dragdrop.DropInteraction(argsDict);
/*By specifying the below function, you can get the data (JSON/filepath) as an argument*/
dropCallbackForm9: function(recievedData) {
var file = voltmx.io.FileSystem.getFile(recievedData);
if (file.exists()) {
var fileBytes = file.read();
this.view.img2.base64 = voltmx.convertToBase64(fileBytes);
Return Values
- Success: A newly created DropInteraction object.
- Failure: null
Platform Availability
- iOS 11
This function detaches the DragInteraction object from the widget.
Input Parameters
removeDragInteraction1: function() {
Return Values
Platform Availability
- iOS 11
This function detaches the DropInteraction object from the widget.
Input Parameters
removeDropInteraction1: function() {
Return Values
Platform Availability
- iOS 11