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voltmx.string Namespace

The voltmx.string namespace forms the String API and provides the following APIĀ elements.


The voltmx.string namespace provides the following functions.


This API verifies if any one of the specified set of characters is available in the given string and returns a boolean value.


voltmx.string.containsChars (inputstring, characterArray)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
inputstring [String] - Mandatory Specifies the input string that needs to be verified.
characterArray [Array] - Mandatory Specifies the set of characters that need to be searched within the input string.


In this example, voltmx.string.containsChars returns true if the input string consists the characters specified in the characterArray. For example, since the input string "abcd|ADV" consists the characters specified in the character array, voltmx.string.containsChars returns true.

var inputstring = "abdcdADV";
var charsArr = ["|", "-"];
voltmx.print(voltmx.string.containsChars(inputstring, charsArr));
// prints false as | and - are NOT contained in the input
var inputstring = "abdcd|ADV"
voltmx.print(voltmx.string.containsChars(inputstring, charsArr));
// prints true as | is contained in the input

Return Values

Return Value Description
status [Boolean] true - if the given input string contains any one of the characters in the specified list.false - if there is an error in the input or if the given input string does not contain any of the specified input characters.


An error is thrown if input type is invalid or follows an unexpected structure.

102-Invalid input error.

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.


This API verifies if only (and only) the specified set of characters is available in the given string and returns a boolean value.


voltmx.string.containsOnlyGivenChars (inputstring, characterArray)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
inputstring [String] - Mandatory Specifies the input string that needs to be verified.
characterArray [Array] - Mandatory Specifies the set of characters that need to be searched within the input string.


In this example, voltmx.string.containsOnlyGivenChars returns true only if the input string consists the characters specified in the characterArray. For example, since the input string "abdcdADV" consists only the characters specified in the character array, voltmx.string.containsOnlyGivenChars returns true.

//Test case where API returns true
var inputStr = "abdcdADV";
var charsArr = ["a", "b", "d", "c", "A", "D", "V"];
var resultantString = voltmx.string.containsOnlyGivenChars(inputStr,charsArr);
frmContainsOnlyGivenChars.containsOnlyGivenCharsLabel.text = resultantString;
//Test case where API returns false
var inputStr = "abdcdADH";
var charsArr = ["a", "b", "d", "c", "A", "D", "V"];
var resultantString = voltmx.string.containsOnlyGivenChars(inputStr,charsArr);
frmContainsOnlyGivenChars.containsOnlyGivenCharsLabel.text = resultantString;

Return Values

Return value Description
status [Boolean] true - if the given input string contains only the characters in the specified list.false - if there is an error in the input or if the given input string contains any other characters apart from the specified input characters.


An error is thrown if input type is invalid or follows an unexpected structure.

102-Invalid input error.

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.


This API verifies that the input string does not contain any of the specified characters and returns a boolean value.


voltmx.string.containsNoGivenChars (inputstring, charsArray)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
inputstring [String] - Mandatory Specifies the input string that needs to be verified.
charsArray [Array] - Mandatory Specifies the set of characters that need to be searched within the input string.


In this example, voltmx.string.containsNoGivenChars returns true only if the input string does not consist the characters specified in the characterArray. For example, since the input string "abdcdADV" consists none of the characters specified in the character array, voltmx.string.containsNoGivenChars returns true.

var inputstring = "abdcdADV";
var charsArr = ["|", "-"];
voltmx.print(voltmx.string.containsNoGivenChars(inputstring, charsArr));
//prints true as string does not contain the given characters (| and - are NOT contained in the input)
var inputstring = "abdcd|ADV";
var charsArr = ["|", "-", "a" ];
voltmx.print(voltmx.string.containsNoGivenChars(inputstring, charsArr));
//prints false as string contains the given character "a".

Return Values

Return Value Description
status [Boolean] true - if the given input string contains none of the characters in the specified list.false - if there is an error in the input or if the given input string contains any of the specified input characters.


An error is thrown if input type is invalid or follows an unexpected structure.

102-Invalid input error.

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.


This API returns a boolean value indicating if the source string ends with the specified string.


voltmx.string.endsWith(sourcestring, comparestring, ignorecase)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
sourcestring [String] - Mandatory Specifies the source string.
comparestring [String] - Mandatory Specifies the string to be compared with the source string.
ignorecase [Boolean] - Optional Default value is true, i.e, the comparison is not case sensitive.If you want the comparison to be case sensitive, you must specify the value as false.


//Returns true since comparison is not case sensitive.The resultant is assigned to a label text.

var resultantString = voltmx.string.endsWith("VoltMX Solutions", "solutions", true);
frmEndsWith.endsWithLabel.text = resultantString; 

Return Values

Return Value Description
boolean true - source string ends with compared string.false - source string does not end with compared string.

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.


Determines whether two strings contain the same data, ignoring the case of the letters in the String.


voltmx.string.equalsIgnoreCase(string1, string2)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
string1 [String] - Mandatory Specifies the content of the first string.
string2 [String] - Mandatory Specifies the content of the second string.


Perform a voltmx.string.equalsIgnoreCase on the string "Hello" with another string "HEllo":

var ignorecase = voltmx.string.equalsIgnoreCase("Hello", "HEllo");

The voltmx.string.equalsIgnoreCase compares the strings "Hello" and "HEllo" without case sensitivity and returns a Boolean indicating if the strings are a match.

In this example, true is the value returned.

Return Values

Return Value Description
boolean true - both strings contain exactly the same data.false - both strings do not contain exactly the same data

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.


This API verifies if the input string contains only ASCII alphabet characters and returns a boolean value.


voltmx.string.isAsciiAlpha (inputstring)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
inputstring [String] - Mandatory Specifies the input string that needs to be verified.


In this example, the voltmx.string.isAsciiAlpha API returns true or false based on the input string entered.

var inputstring = "abdcdADV";
//prints true
var inputstring = "123ab3dcdADV";
//prints false

Return Values

Return Value Description
status [Boolean] true - if the input string contains only alphabetic characters.false - if there is an error in the input or the input string contains characters other than alphabet.


An error is thrown if input type is invalid or follows an unexpected structure.

102-Invalid input error.

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.


This API verifies if the input string contains only ASCII alphabet characters and numbers, and returns a boolean value.


voltmx.string.isAsciiAlphaNumeric (inputstring)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
inputstring [String] - Mandatory Specifies the input string that needs to be verified.


In this example, voltmx.string.isAsciiAlphaNumeric returns true or false based on the input string.

var inputstring = "abdcdADV";
//prints false because the string is not a combination of alphanumeric characters
var inputstring = "abcd1234";
//prints true because the string is a combination of alphanumeric characters

Return Values

Return Value Description
status [Boolean] true - if the input string contains only alphanumeric characters. i.e it can contain a string of numbers, characters or a string containing both numbers and characters.false - if there is an error in the input or the input string contains characters other than alphanumeric.


An error is thrown if input type is invalid or follows an unexpected structure.

102-Invalid input error.

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.


This API verifies if the input string contains only numeric characters, and returns a boolean value.


voltmx.string.isNumeric (inputstring)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
inputstring [String] - Mandatory Specifies the input string that needs to be verified.


In this example, voltmx.string.isNumeric returns true if the input string has only numbers.

// prints false
voltmx.print(voltmx.string.isNumeric("12344")) ;
// prints true

Return Values

Return Value Description
status [Boolean] true - if the input string contains only numeric characters.false - if there is an error in the input or the input string contains characters other than numbers.


An error is thrown if input type is invalid or follows an unexpected structure.

102-Invalid input error.

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.


This API verifies if the input string is a valid email address and returns a boolean value.


voltmx.string.isValidEmail (inputstring)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
inputstring [String] - Mandatory Specifies the input string that needs to be verified if it is a valid email address.


In this example, voltmx.string.isValidEmail returns true only if the input string comprises a valid email address.

var inputstring = "abcd@";
//prints false as there are no chars after @
var inputstring = "abcd@tccc";
//prints false as the chars after @ does not have . followed by at least 2 chars

Return Values

Return Value Description
status [Boolean] true - if the given input string satisfies the email rules and is a valid email address.false - if there is an error in the input or if the given input string does not satisfy email rules.

Rules and Restrictions

The API performs the following validations on the input string:

  • has at least 6 characters.
  • has @.
  • has at least 4 characters after @.
  • has . (dot) followed by at least 2 characters.
  • has at least 1 character before @.


An error is thrown if input type is invalid or follows an unexpected structure.

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.


This API generates a string which is equivalent to "n copies of the source string concatenated together".



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
sourcestring [String] - Mandatory Specifies the source string.
no [Number] - Mandatory Specifies the number of times the source string must be repeated.


Perform a voltmx.string.rep operation on the source string "voltmx":

var resultantString = voltmx.string.rep("voltmx",5);
frmRep.concatenatedStringLabel.text = resultantString;

The resultant string contains voltmxvoltmxvoltmxvoltmxvoltmx.

Return Values

Return Value Description
concatenatedstring [String] A string containing n copies of the source string concatenated together is returned.


An error is thrown if input type is invalid or does not follow the expected structure.

102-Invalid input error.

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.


This API reverses the characters in the source string.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
string [String] - Mandatory Specifies the source string.


Perform a reverse operation on the source string "voltmx":

var resultantString = voltmx.string.reverse("voltmx");
frmReverse.reversedStringLabel.text = resultantString;                            

The resultant string will contain ynok.

Return Values

Return Value Description
reversedstring [String] A string containing the characters of the source string in reverse is returned.


An error is thrown if input type is invalid or does not follow the expected structure.

102-Invalid input error

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.


This API returns a boolean value indicating if the source string begins with the specified string.


voltmx.string.startsWith(sourcestring, comparestring, ignorecase)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
sourcestring [String] - Mandatory Specifies the source string.
comparestring [String] - Mandatory Specifies the string to be compared with the source string.
ignorecase [Boolean] - Optional Default value is true. If you do not specify the ignorecase parameter, the comparison of the string will be case insensitive. If you want the comparison to be case sensitive, you must specify the value as false.


Perform a voltmx.string.startsWith on the source string "VoltMX Solutions" for the string "voltmx" specifying the ignorecase parameter:

var resultantString = voltmx.string.startsWith("VoltMX Solutions","voltmx",true);
frmStartsWith.startsWithLabel.text = resultantString;     

The voltmx.string.startsWith compares the source string "VoltMX Solutions" with the string "voltmx" without case sensitivity and returns a boolean indicating if the source string begins with the specified string.

In this example, true is the value returned.

Return Values

Return Value Description
boolean true - source string begins with the compared string.false - source string does not begin with the compared string.


An error is thrown if input type is invalid or does not follow the expected structure.

102-Invalid input error.

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.


This API removes the leading and ending spaces from the source string.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
string [String] - Mandatory Specifies the source string.


Remove the leading and ending spaces in " voltmx solutions ":

var resultantString = voltmx.string.trim("      voltmx   solutions     ");
frmTrim.trimmedStringLabel.text = "\"" + resultantString + "\"";

In this example, voltmx solutions is the value returned.

Return Values

Return Value Description
trimmedstring [String] A string without the leading and ending spaces is returned.


An error is thrown if input type is invalid or does not follow the expected structure.

102-Invalid input error

Platform Availability

Available on all platforms.