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voltmx.worker Namespace

The voltmx.worker namespace implements the Worker Thread API. It contains the following API elements.


The voltmx.worker namespace provides the following functions.


This API is used during runtime only in parent scope to determine whether the current platform environment has worker thread support.

This API is most useful in case of SPA and Desktop Web platforms where runtime query can be made to determine whether a browser environment supports Worker Threads or not.



Input Parameters



var hasWorkerSupport = voltmx.worker.hasWorkerThreadSupport();
if (hasWorkerSupport) {
    var worker = new voltmx.worker.WorkerThread("worker1.js");

    //do something
} else {
    //workers not supported

Return Values

Return Value Description
Boolean true: When worker thread support is present. false: When worker thread support is not present.

Platform Availability

Available for iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web. For more information, see Scope.


The voltmx.worker.WorkerThread function creates a WorkerThread object and returns a handle to it. The worker object represents a worker thread.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
workerjs A string that contains either the name of javascript file name or functional module name which contains worker thread code.


try {

    var worker = new voltmx.worker.WorkerThread("worker1.js");

} catch (e) {

    var err = voltmx.getError(e);

    if (err instanceof VoltMXError) {

        voltmx.print("VoltMXError Catch : " + JSON.stringify(err));



Return Values

Returns a WorkerThread object.


Error Code Name Message Reason
3001 WorkerThreadError WorkerThread: MissingMandatoryParameter. Failed to construct WorkerThread If no argument is given to this function, this exception is thrown and workerThread object is not created.
3002 WorkerThreadError WorkerThread: InvalidParameter. Invalid script name If the workerjs argument is not a string, then this exception is thrown and workerThread object is not created.
  • If the script or module specified by the workerjs argument is not found, and if an error event handler is registered for this WorkerThread object in the parent scope, then the error event handler is invoked with an error object and its message attribute set to following.

    message:"WorkerThread: InvalidParameter. WorkerThread script not found"

    • In this error scenario no ‘VoltMXError’ exception will be raised.
    • Also the filename, lineno properties in the error event object for this error scenario have undefined values.
  • If multiple arguments are provided separated by a comma, the first argument is considered as the workerjs filename or module name and rest all are ignored.

Platform Availability

Available for iOS, Android, Windows, SPA, and Desktop Web.