What's new in V9
This topic provides you the list of Volt MX V9 Iris & Foundry What's new features, enhancements, & defects' fix list with detailed information of each component.
For detailed information in a specific component, see below.
Note: See all the defects' fix list here.
Volt MX Iris
Storyboard View In Volt MX Iris
Storyboard view in Volt MX Iris enables a user to view all the application forms in a single view, organize the application flow and manage the navigation logic. You can use this feature to define simple navigation actions between various forms in a project. You can also create forms within App Groups in Storyboard view.
For more information on this feature, click here.
Volt MX Frame Work
The Volt MX test framework enables users to record any activity on the application and generate test scripts. Further, the dashboard provides an overview of the last five tests that have been executed and an option to play recorded tests, then automate these tests as part of the continuous testing lifecycle through our DevOps platform. The testing framework also allows you to build atomic test cases that can be reused as part of larger test suites and test plans.
For more information on this feature, click here.
Client-Side Workflow
Easily create Client-side business logic using the new client-side workflow in Iris. The Client- side workflow can be launched from the Storyboard view and can be created following an event driven design in a workflow editor using drag & drop actions to design a visual workflow of the client side business rules.
For more information on the Workflow support, click here.
Rapid App Generation
Adding to its many existing productivity features, Iris now enables users to rapidly generate simple applications with CRUD based forms from objects in a database or a data model. In a few simple steps users can import data from an excel, csv or from a database and generate applications that allows users to view, create, update and delete data.
For more information about this feature, click here.
Volt MX Collab
The Collab feature helps developers who use Git as the collaboration tool to avoid conflicts while working on the same Iris project. Collab notifies the developers who work on the same file or the same project and highlights possible conflicts.
For more information on this feature, click here.
Generate An App Binary For The Volt MX App Viewer App
A new menu option, Customize Volt MX App, is added in the Build Menu of Volt MX Iris. When this menu option is selected, Volt MX Iris internally checks for NFIs in the app. If there are no NFIs, the QR code to download the Volt MX App Viewer App is generated. If the app uses NFIs, the Build process packages the NFIs with the app and generates a binary that you can view on the Volt MX App Viewer App.
For more information on this feature, click here.
Build Native Apps Locally
You can now build native apps on a local machine A new option, Build Native Local, is added in the Build menu of Volt MX Iris. Use this menu option to build native app binaries in Volt MX Iris and store the binaries on a local machine.
For more information on this feature, click here.
Build a Universal Windows Platform App
You can generate a Universal Windows Platform app binary using the Build Native Local option in the Build menu of Volt MX Iris. You must configure the required settings and certificates in the Windows Native settings before you build the application.
For more information on generating a Windows native app, click here.
Data & Services Panel Enhancements
Several enhancements were made to the Data & Services Panel.
Volt MX Foundry Node Moved to the Data & Services Panel
For more information about this feature, click here.
Disable/Enable the Categorization of Project Services
For more information about this feature, click here.
Enhanced Discoverability of Data Storage Object Services
For more information about this feature, click here.
Configure an Object Data Model by Importing an Excel File
For more information about this feature, click here.
Simplified Data Storage Object Service Invocation
For more information about this feature, click here.
Support for Enumeration Data Type in Object Data Model
For more information about this feature, click here.
Customize the Generation of Data Model Objects
For more information about this feature, click here.
Dynamic Customization of Data Model Objects
For more information about this feature, click here.
Generation of Object Services UI for Responsive Web
For more information about this feature, click here.
Mapping Editor Enhancements
Set Data for the Segment in a Component
Auto-generate Templates and widgets for a Segment in a Component.
For more information about this enhancement, click here.
Create a Template from a Default Segment Template
Create a customized template from an auto-generated segment template.
For more information about this feature, click here.
Set Data for the Widgets in the Section Header Template of a Segment
Map the widgets of the Section Header Template of a Segment by using the Mapping Editor.
For more information about this feature, click here.
Set Data for Components with Contract
Use the Mapping Editor to create data mappings among various forms, components with contract, and widget elements as well as global variables.
For more information about this feature, click here.
Action Editor Enhancements
From Volt MX Iris V9, while adding actions to widgets present in your app, the Action Editor now opens in a new modal window. The window contains three sections: A list of all the actions in the left pane, the Action Editor Canvas in the middle, and a properties pane on the right. There are three different views in which the Action Editor is displayed: Diagram, Design, and Code. The default view is the Diagram View, which represents the action sequence in a graphical flow structure. The existing view of the Action Editor is the Design View. The Code View displays the action sequence in JavaScript format.
For more information about this feature, click here.
Several new actions are added for widgets:
Consolidation of Service Invocation Actions
From Volt MX Iris V9, the service invocation action feature in the Action Editor has been revamped to include an Invoke a Service action that contains the option to invoke all types of services (Identity, Integration, Orchestration, Object Services) from one place.
For more information about this feature, click here.
Search Functionality and UX Updates
New fuzzy search functionality has been added to search for actions in the Action Editor. In addition, various user experience enhancements have been made in the Action Editor, such as a new error message banner, color differentiation of the main flow diagram and the nested flow, support for Rename Action Sequences, and display Help text for Actions.
For more information about this feature, click here.
Android Enhancements
From Volt MX Iris V9, support for Android X is added in Volt MX Iris. Further, a few enhancements are made to the following APIs.
The requestPermissionSet API has been added in the voltmx.application namespace to request the user for a set of permissions before they can access the resources of the device.
The Geofencing feature has been enhanced to receive better location updates in the background.
The startForegroundService, updateForegroundNotification, and stopForegroundService APIs have been added in the voltmx.application namespace to start, update, and stop a foreground service to run user initiated actions when an app is either running in the background or when the device is locked.
The retrieveSMS, clearSMSListeners, and generateAppHashKey APIs have been added in the voltmx.phone namespace to automate the user authentication process by using a one time password (OTP). From Volt MX Iris V9, 64-bit architecture is the default architecture for Android builds.
For more information about this feature, click here.
The Local Authentication APIs have been enhanced to support additional biometrics such as Face and Iris based authentication along with touch-based authentication.
For more information on Local Authentication APIs, click here.
Project Settings Enhancements
The Project Settings section is enhanced to port a few features from Iris Classic into Volt MX Iris. New settings introduced are Android Wear Settings, Platform Settings for iOS, and General Tab in the Adaptive Web Settings.
For more information about this feature, click here.
Connect Volt MX Iris to an on-premise Volt MX Foundry Environment
From Volt MX Iris V9, an option to sign in to an on-premise Volt MX Foundry environment has been provided in the Volt MX Foundry section of the Preferences tab.