(inner) ddeExecute()
Passes the specified command string to the DDE application, which is identified by the conversation ID. @DDEExecute is always used in conjunction with @DDEInitiate and @DDETerminate.
no plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(inner) ddeInitiate()
Initiates a conversation with a DDE server, and returns the conversation ID.
no plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(inner) ddePoke()
Deposits unsolicited data into the specified location within the DDE server application. If the data was successfully inserted into the target location, @DDEPoke returns an ACK (acknowledgement) with the value @True(1); if the attempt was not successful, the call returns a NACK (negative acknowledgment) with the value @False(0). If the conversation ID is invalid, an error is returned (see @IsError).
no plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(inner) ddeTerminate()
Terminates the conversation with a DDE application.
no plans to implement
- Type
- Error