(static) designDocumentInfo()
Displays the Properties box for the current document.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designFormAttributes()
Displays the Properties box for the current form, subform, or page.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designFormFieldDef()
Displays the Properties box for the currently selected field.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designFormNewField()
Creates a new field on a form or subform.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designForms()
Displays the Design - Forms view of the current database.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designFormShareField()
Turns a single-use field into a shared field.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designFormUseField()
Displays the Insert Shared Field dialog box, where the user can select a shared field to place on the current form or subform.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designFormWindowTitle()
Displays the design pane and sets the Event edit control to Window Title, so you can define a formula for a form's window title.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designHelpAboutDocument()
Displays the About document in Edit mode for the current database.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designHelpUsingDocument()
Displays the Using document in Edit mode for the current database.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designIcon()
Displays the Design Icon dialog box, where you can edit the icon for the currently selected database.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designMacros()
Displays the Agents and Release 3 macros in the current database.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designRefresh()
Displays the Refresh Database Design dialog box, where the user can choose a server that contains the design template for the current database.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designReplace()
Displays the Replace Database Design dialog box, where the user can choose a design template to replace that of the current database.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designSharedFields()
Displays the Design - Shared Fields view in the current database.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designSynopsis()
Displays the Design Synopsis dialog box so the user can select the types of information to be included in the synopsis.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designViewAppendColumn()
Creates a column in a view or folder, positioned after the last column.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designViewAttributes()
Displays the Properties box for the current view or folder.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designViewColumnDef()
Displays the Properties box for the currently selected column.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designViewEditActions()
Displays or hides the action pane.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designViewFormFormula()
Displays the Design Form Formula dialog box, where the user can define a formula that determines which form is used to display documents opened from a particular view or folder.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designViewNewColumn()
Creates a new column before the currently selected column in a view or folder.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designViews()
Displays the Design - Views view in the current database.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(static) designViewSelectFormula()
Displays the design pane and sets the Define control to View Selection, which allows you to define a selection formula to determine which documents are displayed in a view.
No plans to implement
- Type
- Error