(inner) closeWindow() → {void}
Closes the current application window. Same as the FileCloseWindow command
- See
- For further information, see
- Type:
- void
(inner) refreshWindow()
Reloads or refreshes the contents of the current window.
- To Do
- this needs to be implemented
method not implemented
- Type
- Error
(inner) reloadWindow() → {void}
Reloads or refreshes the contents of the current window or application
- See
- For further information, see
- Type:
- void
(inner) windowCascade()
Resizes all open Notes/Domino windows to less than 50% of their maximum window size and layers them in a cascading stack. Because the layered stack is cascaded, the title bar of each window is visible behind the stack's first window. To display a window that is lower in the stack, you can make it first by clicking its title bar.
no plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(inner) windowMaximize()
Maximizes the current application window.
- See
- For further information, see
(inner) windowMaximizeAll()
Maximizes all open Notes/Domino windows. Notes/Domino windows include the Designer and Administration client windows as well as any of the Notes® Help windows.
no plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(inner) windowMinimize()
Minimizes the current application window.
- See
- For further information, see
(inner) windowMinimizeAll()
Minimizes all open Notes/Domino windows. Notes/Domino windows include the Designer and Administration client windows as well as any of the Notes® Help windows.
no plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(inner) windowNext()
Maximizes the Notes® window whose taskbar button follows the current window's taskbar button or, if the windows are cascaded, moves the next window in the stack to the beginning of the stack.
- To Do
- this needs to be implemented
no plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(inner) windowRestore()
Restores the active window to its former size (before it was maximized or minimized).
no plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(inner) windowTile()
Resizes all open Notes/Domino windows to display them all at once. The open windows are tiled across the screen until they fill the background. If two windows are currently open, Notes® displays them side-by-side. If four windows are open, Notes® displays one in each of the four quadrants of the window.
- To Do
- this needs to be implemented
method not implemented
- Type
- Error
(inner) windowWorkspace()
Displays the Notes/Domino workspace as the active window.
no plans to implement
- Type
- Error