(inner) editECL()
Displays the administration "Workstation Security: Execution Control List" dialog box for a specified address book and name, which lets you change that administration ECL. Administrators can name Administration ECLs. The name is not usually a user name, but whatever name the administrator chooses; for example, Manager, Developer, or LimitedAccess.
no plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(inner) editUserECL()
Displays the "Workstation Security: Execution Control List" dialog box, which allows you to change your personal ECL for the current workstation.
no plans to implement
- Type
- Error
(inner) refreshECL()
Copies the administration execution control list from a specified Address Book and name to your personal workstation ECL.
- To Do
- this needs to be implemented
no plans to implement
- Type
- Error