
"use strict";
* Licensed Materials - Property of HCL.
* (c)Copyright HCL America, Inc. 2023-2024
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports._openFormula = void 0;
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
 * @file Compatibility
 * @module compatibility
 * @category Compatibility
const openf = tslib_1.__importStar(require("../openformula/compatibility"));
exports._openFormula = openf;
// Open Formula compatibility
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.betaDist = openf.BETADIST;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.betaInv = openf.BETAINV;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.binomDist = openf.BINOMDIST;
/** @see {@link Math} */
exports.ceiling = openf.CEILING;
/** @see {@link Math} */
exports.ceilingMath = openf.CEILINGMATH;
/** @see {@link Math} */
exports.ceilingPrecise = openf.CEILINGPRECISE;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.chiDist = openf.CHIDIST;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.chiDistRt = openf.CHIDISTRT;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.chiInv = openf.CHIINV;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.chiInvRt = openf.CHIINVRT;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.chiTest = openf.CHITEST;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.confidence = openf.CONFIDENCE;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.coVar = openf.COVAR;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.coVarianceP = openf.COVARIANCEP;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.coVarianceS = openf.COVARIANCES;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.critBinom = openf.CRITBINOM;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.exponDist = openf.EXPONDIST;
/** @see {@link Engineering} */
exports.erfcPrecise = openf.ERFCPRECISE;
/** @see {@link Engineering} */
exports.erfPrecise = openf.ERFPRECISE;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.fDist = openf.FDIST;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.fDistRt = openf.FDISTRT;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.fInvRt = openf.FINVRT;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.fInv = openf.FINV;
/** @see {@link Math} */
exports.floor = openf.FLOOR;
/** @see {@link Math} */
exports.floorMath = openf.FLOORMATH;
/** @see {@link Math} */
exports.floorPrecise = openf.FLOORPRECISE;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.fTest = openf.FTEST;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.gammaDist = openf.GAMMADIST;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.gammaInv = openf.GAMMAINV;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.gammaLnPrecise = openf.GAMMALNPRECISE;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.hypGeomDist = openf.HYPGEOMDIST;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.logInv = openf.LOGINV;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.logNormInv = openf.LOGNORMINV;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.logNormDist = openf.LOGNORMDIST;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.mode = openf.MODE;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.modeMult = openf.MODEMULT;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.modeSngl = openf.MODESNGL;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.negBinomDist = openf.NEGBINOMDIST;
/** @see {@link Date-Time} */
exports.netWorkDaysIntl = openf.NETWORKDAYSINTL;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.normDist = openf.NORMDIST;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.normInv = openf.NORMINV;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.normSDist = openf.NORMSDIST;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.normSInv = openf.NORMSINV;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.percentile = openf.PERCENTILE;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.percentileExc = openf.PERCENTILEEXC;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.percentileInc = openf.PERCENTILEINC;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.percentRank = openf.PERCENTRANK;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.percentRankExc = openf.PERCENTRANKEXC;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.percentRankInc = openf.PERCENTRANKINC;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.poisson = openf.POISSON;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.poissonDist = openf.POISSONDIST;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.quartile = openf.QUARTILE;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.quartileExc = openf.QUARTILEEXC;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.quartileInc = openf.QUARTILEINC;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.rank = openf.RANK;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.rankAvg = openf.RANKAVG;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.rankEq = openf.RANKEQ;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.skewP = openf.SKEWP;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.stDev = openf.STDEV;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.stDevP = openf.STDEVP;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.stDevS = openf.STDEVS;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.tDist = openf.TDIST;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.tDistRt = openf.TDISTRT;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.tInv = openf.TINV;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.tTest = openf.TTEST;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.var = openf.VAR;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.varP = openf.VARP;
// varS is a Lotus 1-2-3 function that maps to varA in the Open formula Spec
// See Lotus 1-2-3 Function Names at
//exports.varS = openf.VARS;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.weiBull = openf.WEIBULL;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.weiBullDist = openf.WEIBULLDIST;
/** @see {@link Date-Time} */
exports.workDayIntl = openf.WORKDAYINTL;
/** @see {@link Statistical} */
exports.zTest = openf.ZTEST;