"use strict";
* Licensed Materials - Property of HCL.
* (c)Copyright HCL America, Inc. 2023-2024
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.createView = exports.createTextbox = exports.createSubform = exports.createSection = exports.createRectangularHotspot = exports.createRectangle = exports.createPolyline = exports.createPolygon = exports.createNavigator = exports.createLayoutRegion = exports.createForm = exports.createFolder = exports.createEllipse = exports.createControlledAccessSection = exports.createAgent = exports.createAction = exports.composeWithReference = exports.compose = exports._notes_vmx = exports._notes = void 0;
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
* @file Create
* @module create
* @category Create
const notesc_base = tslib_1.__importStar(require("../notes/create"));
const notesc_vmx = tslib_1.__importStar(require("../notes/voltmx/create"));
const API = tslib_1.__importStar(require("../rosetta/API"));
const notesc = () => API.isCurrentFrameworkVoltMX() ? notesc_vmx : notesc_base;
exports._notes = notesc_base;
exports._notes_vmx = notesc_vmx;
// Notes @Commands create
* Creates a new, blank document.
* @param {*} serverDatabase
* @param {string} form
* @returns {boolean}
function compose(serverDatabase, form) {
return notesc().Compose(serverDatabase, form);
exports.compose = compose;
* Creates a new document filling in the Body rich text field with values based on the current document.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function composeWithReference() {
return notesc().ComposeWithReference();
exports.composeWithReference = composeWithReference;
* Creates a new action and opens the design pane, where you can edit the action.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createAction() {
return notesc().CreateAction();
exports.createAction = createAction;
* Creates a new agent in the current database and opens the Agent Properties box,
* where you can name and define the agent.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createAgent() {
return notesc().CreateAgent();
exports.createAgent = createAgent;
* Creates a controlled access section on a form or subform. Unlike a regular
* section, a controlled access section has a formula to determine who can edit it.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createControlledAccessSection() {
return notesc().CreateControlledAccessSection();
exports.createControlledAccessSection = createControlledAccessSection;
* Lets you create an ellipse in a navigator. After you invoke the command, the
* cursor changes to a crosshair when you start to drag the mouse in the design
* area. You create an ellipse by dragging the mouse until the ellipse is the size
* you want.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createEllipse() {
return notesc().CreateEllipse();
exports.createEllipse = createEllipse;
* Displays the Create Folder dialog box, which lets you choose a location for a
* new folder and create it.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createFolder() {
return notesc().CreateFolder();
exports.createFolder = createFolder;
* Creates a new, blank form in a database.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createForm() {
return notesc().CreateForm();
exports.createForm = createForm;
* Creates a new layout region on a form or subform.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createLayoutRegion() {
return notesc().CreateLayoutRegion();
exports.createLayoutRegion = createLayoutRegion;
* Creates a new, blank navigator in a database.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createNavigator() {
return notesc().CreateNavigator();
exports.createNavigator = createNavigator;
* Lets you create a polygon in a navigator. After you invoke the command, the
* cursor changes to a crosshair when you start to drag the mouse in the design
* area. You create a polygon by clicking the mouse each time you want to start
* a new side. Double-click when you are done.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createPolygon() {
return notesc().CreatePolygon();
exports.createPolygon = createPolygon;
* Lets you create a polyline in a navigator. After you invoke the command, the
* cursor changes to a crosshair when you start to drag the mouse in the design
* area. You create a polyline by clicking the mouse each time you want to start
* a new line. Double-click when you are done.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createPolyline() {
return notesc().CreatePolyline();
exports.createPolyline = createPolyline;
* Lets you create a rectangle in a navigator. After you invoke the command, the
* cursor changes to a crosshair when you start to drag the mouse in the design
* area. You create a rectangle by dragging the mouse until the rectangle is the
* size you want.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createRectangle() {
return notesc().CreateRectangle();
exports.createRectangle = createRectangle;
* Lets you create a rectangular hotspot in a navigator. After you invoke the
* command, the cursor changes to a crosshair when you start to drag the mouse in
* the design area. You create a rectangular hotspot by dragging the mouse until
* the rectangle is the size you want.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createRectangularHotspot() {
return notesc().CreateRectangularHotspot();
exports.createRectangularHotspot = createRectangularHotspot;
* Creates a section.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createSection() {
return notesc().CreateSection();
exports.createSection = createSection;
* Creates a new, blank subform in a database.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createSubform() {
return notesc().CreateSubform();
exports.createSubform = createSubform;
* Lets you create a textbox in a navigator. After you invoke the command, the
* cursor changes to a crosshair when you start to drag the mouse in the design
* area. You create a textbox by dragging the mouse until the textbox is the size
* you want.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createTextbox() {
return notesc().CreateTextbox();
exports.createTextbox = createTextbox;
* Displays the Create View dialog box, which lets you choose a location for a new
* view and create it.
* @param {Array} ...args any arguments
* @throws {Error} No plans to implement
function createView() {
return notesc().CreateView();
exports.createView = createView;
//# sourceMappingURL=create.js.map