"use strict";
* Licensed Materials - Property of HCL.
* (c)Copyright HCL America, Inc. 2023-2024
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.erfcPrecise = exports.erfPrecise = exports._openFormula = void 0;
exports.besselI = besselI;
exports.besselJ = besselJ;
exports.besselK = besselK;
exports.besselY = besselY;
exports.bin2Dec = bin2Dec;
exports.bin2Hex = bin2Hex;
exports.bin2Oct = bin2Oct;
exports.bitAnd = bitAnd;
exports.bitLShift = bitLShift;
exports.bitOr = bitOr;
exports.bitRShift = bitRShift;
exports.bitXOr = bitXOr;
exports.complex = complex;
exports.convert = convert;
exports.dec2Bin = dec2Bin;
exports.dec2Hex = dec2Hex;
exports.dec2Oct = dec2Oct;
exports.delta = delta;
exports.erf = erf;
exports.erfc = erfc;
exports.geStep = geStep;
exports.hex2Bin = hex2Bin;
exports.hex2Dec = hex2Dec;
exports.hex2Oct = hex2Oct;
exports.imAbs = imAbs;
exports.imaginary = imaginary;
exports.imArgument = imArgument;
exports.imConjugate = imConjugate;
exports.imCos = imCos;
exports.imCosh = imCosh;
exports.imCot = imCot;
exports.imCsc = imCsc;
exports.imCsch = imCsch;
exports.imDiv = imDiv;
exports.imExp = imExp;
exports.imLn = imLn;
exports.imLog10 = imLog10;
exports.imLog2 = imLog2;
exports.imPower = imPower;
exports.imProduct = imProduct;
exports.imReal = imReal;
exports.imSec = imSec;
exports.imSech = imSech;
exports.imSin = imSin;
exports.imSinh = imSinh;
exports.imSqrt = imSqrt;
exports.imSub = imSub;
exports.imSum = imSum;
exports.imTan = imTan;
exports.oct2Bin = oct2Bin;
exports.oct2Dec = oct2Dec;
exports.oct2Hex = oct2Hex;
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
* @file Engineering
* @module engineering
* @category Engineering
const openf = tslib_1.__importStar(require("../openformula/engineering"));
exports._openFormula = openf;
// Open Formula engineering
* Returns the modified Bessel function In(x).
* @param {number} x The value at which to evaluate the function
* @param {number} order The order of the Bessel function. If order is not an integer, it is truncated
* @returns {number} The calculated modified Bessel function for the given value of x and the specified order
* @example rosettajs.besselI(2.6, 1) // returns 2.7553843378955585
function besselI(x, order) {
return openf.BESSELI(x, order);
* Returns the Bessel function Jn(x).
* @param {number} x The value at which to evaluate the function
* @param {number} order The order of the Bessel function. If order is not an integer, it is truncated
* @returns {number} The calculated Bessel function for the given value of x and the specified order
* @example rosettajs.besselJ(2.6, 1) // returns 0.47081826649775615
function besselJ(x, order) {
return openf.BESSELJ(x, order);
* Returns the modified Bessel function Kn(x).
* @param {number} x The value at which to evaluate the function.
* @param {number} order The order of the Bessel function. If order is not an integer, it is truncated
* @returns {number} The calculated Bessel function for the given value of x and the specified order
* @example rosettajs.besselK(2.6, 1) // returns 0.0652840440474331
function besselK(x, order) {
return openf.BESSELK(x, order);
* Returns the Bessel function Yn(x).
* @param {number} x The value at which to evaluate the function
* @param {number} order The order of the function. If order is not an integer, it is truncated
* @returns {number} The calculated Bessel function for the given value of x and the specified order
* @example rosettajs.besselY(2.6, 1) // returns 0.18836354378844533
function besselY(x, order) {
return openf.BESSELY(x, order);
* Converts a binary number to decimal.
* @param {number} number The binary number you want to convert. Number cannot contain more than
* 10 characters (10 bits). The most significant bit of number is the sign bit. The
* remaining 9 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented using
* two's-complement notation.
* @returns {number} A decimal for the given binary number
* @example rosettajs.bin2Dec(1100001) // returns 97
function bin2Dec(number) {
return openf.BIN2DEC(number);
* Converts a binary number to hexadecimal.
* @param {number} number The binary number you want to convert. Number cannot contain more than
* 10 characters (10 bits). The most significant bit of number is the sign bit. The
* remaining 9 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented using
* two's-complement notation.
* @param {number} [places] The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, bin2Hex uses the
* minimum number of characters necessary. Places is useful for padding the return
* value with leading 0s (zeros).
* @returns {string} A hexadecimal for the given binary number
* @example rosettajs.bin2Hex(11111011) // returns fb
* @example rosettajs.bin2Hex(11111011, 4) // returns 00fb
function bin2Hex(number, places) {
return openf.BIN2HEX(number, places);
* Converts a binary number to octal.
* @param {number} number The binary number you want to convert. Number cannot contain more than
* 10 characters (10 bits). The most significant bit of number is the sign bit. The
* remaining 9 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented using
* two's-complement notation.
* @param {number} [places] The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, bin2Oct uses the
* minimum number of characters necessary. Places is useful for padding the return
* value with leading 0s (zeros).
* @returns {string} A octal for the given binary number
* @example rosettajs.bin2Oct(1001) // returns 11
* @example rosettajs.bin2Oct(1001, 4) // returns 0011
function bin2Oct(number, places) {
return openf.BIN2OCT(number, places);
* Returns a bitwise 'AND' of two numbers.
* @param {number} number1 A decimal greater than or equal to 0
* @param {number} number2 A decimal greater than or equal to 0
* @returns {number} A decimal that is a bitwise 'AND' of the 2 given numbers
* @example rosettajs.bitAnd(7,29) // returns 5
function bitAnd(number1, number2) {
return openf.BITAND(number1, number2);
* Returns a value number shifted left by shift_amount bits.
* @param {number} number A integer greater than or equal to 0
* @param {number} shift A integer indicating amount of bits to shift
* @returns {number} A decimal representing the specified number shifted left by specified amount of bits
* @example rosettajs.bitLShift(5,3) // returns 40
function bitLShift(number, shift) {
return openf.BITLSHIFT(number, shift);
* Returns a bitwise 'OR' of two numbers.
* @param {number} number1 A decimal greater than or equal to 0
* @param {number} number2 A decimal greater than or equal to 0
* @returns {number} A decimal that is a bitwise 'OR' of the 2 given numbers
* @example rosettajs.bitOr(7,29) // returns 31
function bitOr(number1, number2) {
return openf.BITOR(number1, number2);
* Returns a value number shifted right by shift_amount bits.
* @param {number} number A integer greater than or equal to 0
* @param {number} shift A integer indicating amount of bits to shift
* @returns {number} A decimal representing the specified number shifted right by specified amount of bits
* @example rosettajs.bitRShift(29,2) // returns 7
function bitRShift(number, shift) {
return openf.BITRSHIFT(number, shift);
* Returns a bitwise 'XOR' of two numbers.
* @param {number} number1 A decimal greater than or equal to 0
* @param {number} number2 A decimal greater than or equal to 0
* @returns {number} A decimal that is a bitwise 'XOR' of the 2 given numbers
* @example rosettajs.bitXOr(7,29) // returns 26
function bitXOr(number1, number2) {
return openf.BITXOR(number1, number2);
* Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number.
* @param {number} real The real coefficient of the complex number
* @param {number} imaginary The imaginary coefficient of the complex number
* @param {String} [suffix] The suffix, either lowercase "i" or "j", for the imaginary component of the
* complex number. If omitted, suffix is assumed to be "i".
* @returns {string|number} A complex number from the given real and imaginary coefficient numbers
* @example rosettajs.complex(4,5) // returns 4+5i
* @example rosettajs.complex(4,5,"j") // returns 4+5j
function complex(real, imaginary, suffix = "i") {
return openf.COMPLEX(real, imaginary, suffix);
* Converts a number from one measurement system to another.
* @param {number} number The value in from_units to convert
* @param {number} from_unit The units for number
* @param {number} to_unit The units for the result
* @returns {number} A number representing conversion from one measurement system to another
* @example rosettajs.convert(1, "lbm", "kg") // returns 0.45359237
function convert(number, from_unit, to_unit) {
return openf.CONVERT(number, from_unit, to_unit);
* Converts a decimal number to binary.
* @param {number} number The decimal integer you want to convert. If number is negative, valid place
* values are ignored and dec2Bin returns a 10-character (10-bit) binary number in
* which the most significant bit is the sign bit. The remaining 9 bits are
* magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement notation.
* @param {number} [places] The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, dec2Bin uses the minimum
* number of characters necessary. Places is useful for padding the return value with leading 0s (zeros).
* @returns {number} A binary for the given decimal number
* @example rosettajs.dec2Bin(10,5) // returns 01010
* @example rosettajs.dec2Bin(-90) // returns 1110100110
function dec2Bin(number, places) {
return openf.DEC2BIN(number, places);
* Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal.
* @param {number} number The decimal integer you want to convert. If number is negative, places is
* ignored and dec2Hex returns a 10-character (40-bit) hexadecimal number in which
* the most significant bit is the sign bit. The remaining 39 bits are magnitude
* bits. Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement notation.
* @param {number} [places] The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, dec2Hex uses the minimum
* number of characters necessary. Places is useful for padding the return value
* with leading 0s (zeros).
* @returns {string} A hexadecimal for the given decimal number
* @example rosettajs.dec2Hex(90, 4) // returns 005a
* @example rosettajs.dec2Hex(-75) // returns ffffffffb5
function dec2Hex(number, places) {
return openf.DEC2HEX(number, places);
* Converts a decimal number to octal.
* @param {number} number The decimal integer you want to convert. If number is negative, places is
* ignored and dec2Oct returns a 10-character (30-bit) octal number in which the
* most significant bit is the sign bit. The remaining 29 bits are magnitude bits.
* Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement notation.
* @param {number} [places] The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, dec2Oct uses the minimum
* number of characters necessary. Places is useful for padding the return value
* with leading 0s (zeros).
* @returns {number} A octal for the given decimal number
* @example rosettajs.dec2Oct(78, 3) // returns 116
* @example rosettajs.dec2Oct(-75) // returns 7777777665
function dec2Oct(number, places) {
return openf.DEC2OCT(number, places);
* Tests whether two values are equal.
* @param {number} number1 The first number
* @param {number} [number2] The second number. If omitted, number2 is assumed to be zero.
* @returns {number} 1 if number1 = number2; returns 0 otherwise
* @example rosettajs.delta(6, 4) // returns 0
* @example rosettajs.delta(8, 8) // returns 1
function delta(number1, number2 = 0) {
return openf.DELTA(number1, number2);
* Returns the error function integrated between lower_limit and upper_limit.
* @param {number} lower_bound The lower bound for integrating ERF
* @param {number} [upper_bound] The upper bound for integrating ERF. If omitted, ERF integrates between zero and lower_limit.
* @returns {number} The error function integrated between lower_limit and upper_limit
* @example rosettajs.erf(0.875) // returns 0.7840750610598597
function erf(lower_bound, upper_bound = 0) {
return openf.ERF(lower_bound, upper_bound);
* Returns the error function.
* @throws {Error} method not implemented
* @TODO this needs to be implemented
erf.precise = () => {
return openf.ERF.PRECISE();
/** @see erf.precise */
exports.erfPrecise = erf.precise;
* Returns the complementary error function.
* @param {number} x The lower bound for integrating ERFC
* @returns {number} Complementary ERF of provided number
* @example rosettajs.erfc(2) // returns 0.004677734981047288
function erfc(x) {
return openf.ERFC(x);
* Returns the complementary ERF function integrated between x and infinity.
* @throws {Error} method not implemented
* @TODO this needs to be implemented
erfc.precise = () => {
return openf.ERFC.PRECISE();
/** @see erfc.precise */
exports.erfcPrecise = erfc.precise;
* Tests whether a number is greater than a threshold value.
* @param {number} number The value to test against step
* @param {number} [step] The threshold value. If you omit a value for step, geStep uses zero.
* @returns {number} 1 if number ≥ step; returns 0 (zero) otherwise.
* @example rosettajs.geStep(6) // returns 1
* @example rosettajs.geStep(6,8) // returns 0
function geStep(number, step = 0) {
return openf.GESTEP(number, step);
* Converts a hexadecimal number to binary.
* @param {string} number The hexadecimal number you want to convert. Number cannot contain more than 10
* characters. The most significant bit of number is the sign bit (40th bit from
* the right). The remaining 9 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are
* represented using two's-complement notation.
* @param {number} [places] The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, hex2Bin uses the minimum
* number of characters necessary. Places is useful for padding the return value with leading 0s (zeros).
* @returns {string} A binary for the given hexadecimal
* @example rosettajs.hex2Bin("B") // returns 1011
* @example rosettajs.hex2Bin("B",10) // returns 0000001011
function hex2Bin(number, places) {
return openf.HEX2BIN(number, places);
* Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal.
* @param {string} number The hexadecimal number you want to convert. Number cannot contain more
* than 10 characters (40 bits). The most significant bit of number is the sign
* bit. The remaining 39 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented using
* two's-complement notation.
* @returns {number} A decimal for the given hexadecimal number
* @example rosettajs.hex2Dec("A6") // returns 166
function hex2Dec(number) {
return openf.HEX2DEC(number);
* Converts a hexadecimal number to octal
* @param {string} number The hexadecimal number you want to convert. Number cannot contain more
* than 10 characters. The most significant bit of number is the sign bit. The
* remaining 39 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented using
* two's-complement notation.
* @param {number} [places] The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, hex2Oct uses the
* minimum number of characters necessary. Places is useful for padding the return
* value with leading 0s (zeros).
* @returns {string} A octal for the given hexadecimal number
* @example rosettajs.hex2Oct("B") // returns 13
* @example rosettajs.hex2Oct("B",10) // 0000000013
function hex2Oct(number, places) {
return openf.HEX2OCT(number, places);
* Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the absolute value
* @returns {number} Absolute value for the given complex number
* @example rosettajs.imAbs("9+12i") // returns 15
function imAbs(inumber) {
return openf.IMABS(inumber);
* Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the imaginary coefficient
* @returns {string|number} The imaginary coefficient of the given complex number
* @example rosettajs.imaginary("4+5i") // returns 5
* @example rosettajs.imaginary(7) // returns 0
function imaginary(inumber) {
return openf.IMAGINARY(inumber);
* Returns the argument theta, an angle expressed in radians.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the argument Theta
* @returns {string|number} The argument Theta, an angle expressed in radians, for the given complex number
* @example rosettajs.imArgument("4+5i") // returns 0.8960553845713439
function imArgument(inumber) {
return openf.IMARGUMENT(inumber);
* Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the conjugate
* @returns {string|number} The complex conjugate of the given complex number
* @example rosettajs.imConjugate("7+4i") // returns 7-4i
function imConjugate(inumber) {
return openf.IMCONJUGATE(inumber);
* Returns the cosine of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the cosine
* @returns {string|number} Returns the cosine of the given complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imCos("7+i") // returns 1.1633319692207098-0.772091435022302i
function imCos(inumber) {
return openf.IMCOS(inumber);
* Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the hyperbolic cosine
* @returns {string|number} The hyperbolic cosine of the given complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imCosh("7+i") // returns 296.2569584411429+461.3921082367867i
function imCosh(inumber) {
return openf.IMCOSH(inumber);
* Returns the cotangent of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the cotangent
* @returns {string|number} The cotangent of the given complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imCot("7+i") // returns 0.27323643702063916-1.0003866917747672i
function imCot(inumber) {
return openf.IMCOT(inumber);
* Returns the cosecant of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the cosecant
* @returns {string|number} The cosecant of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imCsc("7+i") // returns 0.5592579837285742-0.48875850368917295i
function imCsc(inumber) {
return openf.IMCSC(inumber);
* Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the hyperbolic cosecant
* @returns {string|number} The hyperbolic cosecant of the given complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imCsch("7+i") // returns 0.0009853823560021253-0.0015346446451764265i
function imCsch(inumber) {
return openf.IMCSCH(inumber);
* Returns the quotient of two complex numbers.
* @param {string|number} inumber1 The complex numerator or dividend
* @param {string|number} inumber2 The complex denominator or divisor
* @returns {string|number} The quotient of the two given complex numbers in x + yi or x + yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imDiv("-238+240i","10+24i") // returns 5+12i
function imDiv(inumber1, inumber2) {
return openf.IMDIV(inumber1, inumber2);
* Returns the exponential of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the exponential
* @returns {string|number} The exponential of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imExp("2+i") // returns 3.992324048441272+6.217676312367968i
function imExp(inumber) {
return openf.IMEXP(inumber);
* Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the natural logarithm
* @returns {string|number} The natural logarithm of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imLn("2+i") // returns 0.8047189562170503+0.4636476090008061i
function imLn(inumber) {
return openf.IMLN(inumber);
* Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the common logarithm
* @returns {string|number} The common logarithm (base 10) of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* @example rosettajs.imLog10("7+i") // returns 0.8494850021680093+0.06162510781291279i
function imLog10(inumber) {
return openf.IMLOG10(inumber);
* Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the base-2 logarithm
* @returns {string|number} The base-2 logarithm of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imLog2("7+i") // returns 2.821928094887362+0.20471417699417774i
function imLog2(inumber) {
return openf.IMLOG2(inumber);
* Returns a complex number raised to an integer power.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number you want to raise to a power
* @param {number} power The power to which you want to raise the complex number
* @returns {string|number} A complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format raised to a power
* @example rosettajs.imPower("2+2i", 55) // returns 4.835703278458551e+24-4.835703278458541e+24i
function imPower(inumber, power) {
return openf.IMPOWER(inumber, power);
* Returns the product of from 2 to 255 complex numbers.
* @param {string[]|number[]} inumbers Inumber1 is required, subsequent inumbers are not. 1 to 255 complex numbers to multiply
* @returns {string|number} The product of 1 to 255 complex numbers in x + yi or x + yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imProduct("7+2i",55) // returns 385+110i
* @example rosettajs.imProduct("7+2i","9-3i") // returns 69-3i
function imProduct(...inumbers) {
return openf.IMPRODUCT(...inumbers);
* Returns the real coefficient of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the real coefficient
* @returns {string|number} The real coefficient of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imReal("7-3i") // returns 7
function imReal(inumber) {
return openf.IMREAL(inumber);
* Returns the secant of a complex number.
* @param {number} inumber A complex number for which you want the secant
* @returns {String} The secant of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
* @example rosettajs.imSec("7-3i") // returns 0.07520380314551633-0.06521210988033882i
function imSec(inumber) {
return openf.IMSEC(inumber);
* Returns the hyperbolic secant of a complex number.
* @param {number} inumber A complex number for which you want the hyperbolic secant.
* @returns {String} The hyperbolic secant of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format.
* @example rosettajs.imSech("7-3i") // returns -0.0018055112256293788+0.00025736895567555834i
function imSech(inumber) {
return openf.IMSECH(inumber);
* Returns the sine of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the sine
* @returns {string|number} The sine of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imSin("7-3i") // returns 6.61431901165645-7.552498491503594i
function imSin(inumber) {
return openf.IMSIN(inumber);
* Returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the hyperbolic sine
* @returns {string|number} The hyperbolic sine of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imSinh("7-4i") // returns -358.4033361942234+414.96770042530943i
function imSinh(inumber) {
return openf.IMSINH(inumber);
* Returns the square root of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the square root
* @returns {string|number} The square root of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* @example rosettajs.imSqrt("7-4i") // returns 2.744290231398508-0.7287858904707711i
function imSqrt(inumber) {
return openf.IMSQRT(inumber);
* Returns the difference between two complex numbers.
* @param {string|number} inumber1 The complex number from which to subtract inumber2
* @param {string|number} inumber2 The complex number to subtract from inumber1
* @returns {stirng|number} The difference of two complex numbers in x + yi or x + yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imSub("15+2i","3+3i") // returns 12-1i
function imSub(inumber1, inumber2) {
return openf.IMSUB(inumber1, inumber2);
* Returns the sum of complex numbers.
* @param {string[]|number[]} inumbers Inumber1 is required, subsequent inumbers are not. 1 to 255 complex numbers to add
* @returns {string|number} The sum of two or more complex numbers in x + yi or x + yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imSum("7+2i",55) // returns 755+2i
* @example rosettajs.imSum("7+2i","9-3i") // returns 16-1i
function imSum(...inumbers) {
return openf.IMSUM(...inumbers);
* Returns the tangent of a complex number.
* @param {string|number} inumber A complex number for which you want the tangent
* @returns {string|number} The tangent of a complex number in x+yi or x+yj text format
* @example rosettajs.imTan("7+2i") // returns 0.03609431359326245+0.9943504089532537i
function imTan(inumber) {
return openf.IMTAN(inumber);
* Converts an octal number to binary.
* @param {string} number The octal number you want to convert. Number may not contain more than 10
* characters. The most significant bit of number is the sign bit. The remaining 29
* bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement
* notation.
* @param {number} [places] The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, oct2Bin uses the
* minimum number of characters necessary. Places is useful for padding the return
* value with leading 0s (zeros).
* @returns {number} A binary for the given octal number
* @example rosettajs.oct2Bin(7) // returns 111
* @example rosettajs.oct2Bin(7, 5) // returns 00111
function oct2Bin(number, places) {
return openf.OCT2BIN(number, places);
* Converts an octal number to decimal.
* @param {string} number The octal number you want to convert. Number may not contain more than
* 10 octal characters (30 bits). The most significant bit of number is the sign
* bit. The remaining 29 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented
* using two's-complement notation.
* @returns {number} A decimal for the given octal number
* @example rosettajs.oct2Dec(64) // returns 52
function oct2Dec(number) {
return openf.OCT2DEC(number);
* Converts an octal number to hexadecimal.
* @param {string} number The octal number you want to convert. Number may not contain more than
* 10 octal characters (30 bits). The most significant bit of number is the sign
* bit. The remaining 29 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented
* using two's-complement notation
* @param {number} [places] The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, OCT2HEX uses the
* minimum number of characters necessary. Places is useful for padding the return
* value with leading 0s (zeros).
* @returns {number} A hexadecimal for the given octal number
* @example rosettajs.oct2Hex(177747533) // returns 1ffcf5b
* @example rosettajs.oct2Hex(74,5) // returns 0003c
function oct2Hex(number, places) {
return openf.OCT2HEX(number, places);
// Notes @functions engineering
// Notes @Commands engineering
//# sourceMappingURL=engineering.js.map