
"use strict";
* Licensed Materials - Property of HCL.
* (c)Copyright HCL America, Inc. 2023-2024
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports._notes = void 0;
exports.command = command;
exports.checkFormulaSyntax = checkFormulaSyntax;
exports.isValid = isValid;
exports.updateFormulaContext = updateFormulaContext;
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
 * @file formula
 * @module formula
 * @category Formula
const notesf = tslib_1.__importStar(require("../notes/formula"));
exports._notes = notesf;
// Notes @functions Formula
 * Executes a Domino command.
 * In the context of RosettaJS, the @Command is a Notes Formula function that
 * does not exist in the functions of the Notes Formula language but rather an
 * @Command command itself that accepts the command name to execute as its first
 * argument and the accompanying command parameters as arguments 2 through n.
 * @param {string} commandName The name of the command you want to perform. See {@link| }
 * for a list of avaliable commands.
 * @param {*} commandParameters Zero, one, or more parameters, depending on the command you're calling. Separate parameters with commas.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the command executes successfully or false if the command does not execute successfully.
 * @example
 * // Opens RECIPE.NSF to the 'Main' view, highlighting the first document whose value in the sort
 * // column matches the key 'Hot Chocolate'.
 * rosettajs.Formula.command("FileOpenDatabase", ["server", "RECIPE.NSF"], "Main", "Hot Chocolate" );
function command(commandName, ...commandParameters) {
    return notesf.Command(commandName, ...commandParameters) !== 0;
 * Checks a block of commented out formula language code for errors.
 * @throws {Error} method not implemented
 * @TODO this needs to be implemented
function checkFormulaSyntax() {
    return notesf.CheckFormulaSyntax();
 * At run-time, compiles and runs each element in a text expression as a formula.
 * Returns the result of the last formula expression in the list or an error if an
 * error is generated by any of the formula expressions in the list.
 * @param {string} textExpressions Any text expressions that you want eval to evaluate.
 * Surround the text expression to be evaluated with braces ({ }) or quotation marks (" ").
 * If you use quotation marks, escape quotes around individual text expressions within the formula with back-slashes (\).
 * If you use braces, escape the right brace. Use the plus sign (+) to concatenate text expressions.
 * @returns {Promise<any>} lastExpression The value of the last expression.
 * @example
 * // Returns "rebar"
 * let x = "re";
 * rosettajs.Formula.eval('{x + "bar"}');
exports.eval = (textExpressions) => {
    return notesf.Eval(textExpressions);
 * Executes all validation formulas within the current form.
 * @throws {Error} method not implemented
 * @TODO this needs to be implemented
function isValid() {
    return notesf.IsValid();
// The @Set Notes formula is converted directly to native javascript by the Rosetta converter.
// export function set(): void | Error {
//   return notesf.Set();
// }
 * Updates the context of a formula to a document currently being updated by the code.
 * For example, if the code accesses a new form called "Response" by using rosettajs.Formula.command("Compose", "Response"),
 * rosettajs.Formula.updateFormulaContext switches the context of the formula to this new form. Any subsequent functions in
 * the code execute in the context of the Response document, not the current document.
 * @returns {void | Error} A promise that resolves when the context is updated or rejects with an error.
 * @example
 * // This example, creates a response document to the currently selected document then populates its fname and lname fields with the values of the fname and lname fields in the current document.
 * var tempfname = voltmx.rosettajs.Document.getField("fname");
 * var templname = voltmx.rosettajs.Document.getField("lname");
 * voltmx.rosettajs.Formula.command("Compose", "Response");
 * voltmx.rosettajs.Formula.updateFormulaContext();
 * await voltmx.rosettajs.Document.setField("fname", tempfname);
 * await voltmx.rosettajs.Document.setField("lname", templname);
function updateFormulaContext() {
    return notesf.UpdateFormulaContext();