"use strict";
* Licensed Materials - Property of HCL.
* (c)Copyright HCL America, Inc. 2023-2024
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.zoomPreview = exports.viewSwitchForm = exports.viewShowUnread = exports.viewShowServerNames = exports.viewShowSearchBar = exports.viewShowRuler = exports.viewShowPageBreaks = exports.viewShowOnlyUnread = exports.viewShowOnlySelected = exports.viewShowOnlySearchResults = exports.viewShowOnlyCategories = exports.viewShowObject = exports.viewShowFieldHelp = exports.viewRenamePerson = exports.viewRefreshUnread = exports.viewRefreshFields = exports.viewNavigatorsNone = exports.viewNavigatorsFolders = exports.viewMoveName = exports.viewHorizScrollBar = exports.viewExpandWithChildren = exports.viewExpandAll = exports.viewExpand = exports.viewCollapseAll = exports.viewCollapse = exports.viewChange = exports.viewCertify = exports.viewBesideFolders = exports.viewBelowFolders = exports.viewArrangeIcons = exports.getViewInfo = exports._notes = void 0;
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
* @file View
* @module view
* @category View
const notesc = tslib_1.__importStar(require("../notes/view"));
exports._notes = notesc;
// Notes @Commands view
* Returns a view attribute.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function getViewInfo() {
return notesc.GetViewInfo();
exports.getViewInfo = getViewInfo;
* Aligns database icons on the current workspace page from left to right and
* beginning to end.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewArrangeIcons() {
return notesc.ViewArrangeIcons();
exports.viewArrangeIcons = viewArrangeIcons;
* Places the view pane at the end of the screen and the folder pane at the
* beginning.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewBelowFolders() {
return notesc.ViewBelowFolders();
exports.viewBelowFolders = viewBelowFolders;
* Places the view pane at the right of the screen and the folder pane at the left.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewBesideFolders() {
return notesc.ViewBesideFolders();
exports.viewBesideFolders = viewBesideFolders;
* Displays the Choose Certifier ID dialog box, in which you specify the
* certification to be renewed for the selected user or users.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewCertify() {
return notesc.ViewCertify();
exports.viewCertify = viewCertify;
* Switches to the specified view or folder within the current database or, if a
* view or folder is not specified, displays the View menu so the user can select
* a view.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewChange() {
return notesc.ViewChange();
exports.viewChange = viewChange;
* Collapses all levels of subcategories, documents, and responses within the
* current category, so only the first category name shows. If the view or folder
* has a response hierarchy but is not categorized, ViewCollapse collapses all
* levels of response documents under the current main document.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewCollapse() {
return notesc.ViewCollapse();
exports.viewCollapse = viewCollapse;
* Collapses all levels of categories, subcategories, documents, and responses
* within a view or folder so that only the first level of category names appears.
* If the view or folder has a response hierarchy but is not categorized,
* ViewCollapseAll collapses all levels of response documents under the main
* documents.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewCollapseAll() {
return notesc.ViewCollapseAll();
exports.viewCollapseAll = viewCollapseAll;
* Expands one level of subcategories, documents, and responses within the current
* category. If the view or folder has a response hierarchy but is not categorized,
* ViewExpand expands all levels of response documents under the current main
* document.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewExpand() {
return notesc.ViewExpand();
exports.viewExpand = viewExpand;
* Expands all levels of categories, subcategories, documents, and responses within
* the view or folder.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewExpandAll() {
return notesc.ViewExpandAll();
exports.viewExpandAll = viewExpandAll;
* Expands all levels of subcategories, documents, and responses within the
* selected category.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewExpandWithChildren() {
return notesc.ViewExpandWithChildren();
exports.viewExpandWithChildren = viewExpandWithChildren;
* Toggles display of the horizontal scroll bar in a view or folder.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewHorizScrollBar() {
return notesc.ViewHorizScrollBar();
exports.viewHorizScrollBar = viewHorizScrollBar;
* Displays the Choose Certifier ID dialog box, which allows you to specify the
* organizational unit for which you want to certify the selected user.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewMoveName() {
return notesc.ViewMoveName();
exports.viewMoveName = viewMoveName;
* Displays the Folders and Views navigators in the navigator pane and the view or
* folder that the user most recently selected.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewNavigatorsFolders() {
return notesc.ViewNavigatorsFolders();
exports.viewNavigatorsFolders = viewNavigatorsFolders;
* Hides the navigator pane.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewNavigatorsNone() {
return notesc.ViewNavigatorsNone();
exports.viewNavigatorsNone = viewNavigatorsNone;
* Recalculates the fields in the current document or updates the current view or
* folder.
* @throws {Error} method not implemented
* @TODO this needs to be implemented
function viewRefreshFields() {
return notesc.ViewRefreshFields();
exports.viewRefreshFields = viewRefreshFields;
* Updates the unread counts on all database icons displayed on the current
* workspace page.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewRefreshUnread() {
return notesc.ViewRefreshUnread();
exports.viewRefreshUnread = viewRefreshUnread;
* Displays the Certify Selected Entries dialog box, which enables you to upgrade
* the selected user name to a hierarchical name, change the user's common name, or
* change the user's hierarchical name.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewRenamePerson() {
return notesc.ViewRenamePerson();
exports.viewRenamePerson = viewRenamePerson;
* Shows field Help, so that the Help description for the current field (if
* available) appears on the status bar while the user composes or edits a
* document. (Field Help is a design option specified in the Field Properties box.)
* This command is a toggle; selecting it a second time hides the field Help.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewShowFieldHelp() {
return notesc.ViewShowFieldHelp();
exports.viewShowFieldHelp = viewShowFieldHelp;
* Displays the "object delimiter" -- a dotted frame surrounding an OLE/LEL object
* within a field. This command is a toggle; selecting it a second time hides the
* object delimiter so the OLE/LEL object looks like regular, editable data.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewShowObject() {
return notesc.ViewShowObject();
exports.viewShowObject = viewShowObject;
* Collapses the view or folder so that only category and subcategory names show up.
* This command is a toggle; selecting it a second time expands all category levels.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewShowOnlyCategories() {
return notesc.ViewShowOnlyCategories();
exports.viewShowOnlyCategories = viewShowOnlyCategories;
* Shows the results of a full-text search as selected documents in a view or
* folder. This command is a toggle. Instead of listing only the documents that
* satisfy the search query (the default for a full-text search), the view or
* folder lists all the documents it normally lists, with a check mark in front
* of those documents that satisfy the search query.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewShowOnlySearchResults() {
return notesc.ViewShowOnlySearchResults();
exports.viewShowOnlySearchResults = viewShowOnlySearchResults;
* Displays only the selected documents or categories in the view or folder (those
* documents with a check mark). This command is a toggle; selecting it a second
* time displays all documents or categories.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewShowOnlySelected() {
return notesc.ViewShowOnlySelected();
exports.viewShowOnlySelected = viewShowOnlySelected;
* Displays only the unread documents in the view or folder. This command is a
* toggle; selecting it again displays all documents in the view or folder.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewShowOnlyUnread() {
return notesc.ViewShowOnlyUnread();
exports.viewShowOnlyUnread = viewShowOnlyUnread;
* Displays a line representing each page break in the document. The page breaks
* indicate where NotesĀ® will end each page when the document is printed on the
* currently selected printer. This command is a toggle; selecting it a second time
* suppresses the display of automatic page breaks (manual page breaks will still
* be displayed).
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewShowPageBreaks() {
return notesc.ViewShowPageBreaks();
exports.viewShowPageBreaks = viewShowPageBreaks;
* Toggles the display of the ruler while a document is open in Edit mode.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewShowRuler() {
return notesc.ViewShowRuler();
exports.viewShowRuler = viewShowRuler;
* Toggles the display of the full-text search bar at the beginning of the view. If
* the database does not have a full-text index, the search bar displays but is not
* usable.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewShowSearchBar() {
return notesc.ViewShowSearchBar();
exports.viewShowSearchBar = viewShowSearchBar;
* Toggles the display of server names on the database icons in the user's
* workspace.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewShowServerNames() {
return notesc.ViewShowServerNames();
exports.viewShowServerNames = viewShowServerNames;
* Toggles the display of the unread document count on each database icon on the
* user's workspace.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewShowUnread() {
return notesc.ViewShowUnread();
exports.viewShowUnread = viewShowUnread;
* Changes the form used to display the current document.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function viewSwitchForm() {
return notesc.ViewSwitchForm();
exports.viewSwitchForm = viewSwitchForm;
* Toggles the ZoomPreview setting in a view.
* @throws {Error} no plans to implement
function zoomPreview() {
return notesc.ZoomPreview();
exports.zoomPreview = zoomPreview;
//# sourceMappingURL=view.js.map