
"use strict";
* Licensed Materials - Property of HCL.
* (c)Copyright HCL America, Inc. 2023-2024
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.context = exports.debug = exports._notes = void 0;
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
 * @file Volt Formula
 * @module volt-formula
 * @category Volt Formula
const notesf = tslib_1.__importStar(require("../notes/volt-formula"));
exports._notes = notesf;
 * Uses the console object's methods to display Debug messages,
 * prepending them with a timestamp.  Defaults to console.log() if
 * no type of logger is supplied
 * @param {string} msg message
 * @param {string} type logger to employ:
 * 'Error', 'Warning', 'Info', 'Debug', 'Log' from the console object,
 * or javascript alert if type is Alert
 * @returns {Object} Object representing the debug message
 * @returns {undefined} undefined if no logger is available
function debug(msg, type) {
    return notesf.Debug(msg, type);
exports.debug = debug;
 * Gets the current API context (if ctx param is null or not supplied) or
 * Sets the API context to either database for local DOM, for those APIs
 * that require working with differents contexts such as GetField/SetField
 * @param {string} [ctx] the context to set: 'db', 'local', or 'all' (default for any other string supplied)
 * @returns {string} the context
function context(ctx) {
    return notesf.Context(ctx);
exports.context = context;
//# sourceMappingURL=volt-formula.js.map