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Convert a JSON string to a variant array

Imagine you have a JSON object that has an element "products": "Connections,Domino,Volt". But your class has Public products as Variant, intended to hold an array of products. So your custom converter needs to take the string and split it on the comma.

First, create your custom converter class:

Class StringToArraySerializer as AbstractJsonConverter

End Class

You don't need to add a constructor - nothing changes from the base constructor. You just need to add the fromJson() function. This needs the same signature as the function in the base class, so Function fromJson(source as JsonObject) as Variant. The source being passed in will be "products": "Connections,Domino,Volt".

For the body of the function, get the string value from this "products" element and convert it to an array. You get the value using source.scalarValue. Use Split() to split the string into an array, based on the separator ,. So the complete function is:

Function fromJson(source as JsonObject) as Variant
    fromJson = Split(source.scalarValue, ",")
End Function

Use it with the following code:

Dim helper as New JsonConversionHelper
Dim strToArrSer as New StringToArraySerializer()
Call helper.withCustomConverter("products", strToArrSer)

Example code