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Extend CollabSphere Parsing


  1. Complete Parsing Nobel Laureates
  2. Complete Parsing CollabSphere Sessions


  1. Remove unnecessary variables from the Session class.
  2. Add additional arguments to the Session class Constructor
  3. Add dynamic getter properties to the Session class.
  4. Make use of the VoltScript return statement.
  5. Make use of the VoltScript || short-circuiting or operator.
  6. Extend your knowledge of helper methods within the VoltScript Json Converter Library
  7. Create additional Custom Converters

Script Revision

Initial Updates

  1. Launch your VSCode IDE, then open your working project used for the previous tutorials.
  2. Within the IDE Explorer, copy and paste your CollabSphere.vss file as CollabSphere_2.vss.
  3. Find the following block of code (in Sub Initialize):
    sessions = helper.withCustomConstructor(sessionConstructor.withParam("title", ""))._
        withCustomConverter("debug-log", jscDebugLog.forPropertyName("debuglog"))._
        jsonArrayToObjects(job, "Session", "CollabSphere")
    and change CollabSphere to CollabSphere_2.
  4. Save and Run the Script. Your output should be identical to that when running the script from the previous tutorial.

Modify the Session Class

Clean Code is Good Code

  1. Find the Session class within your code, and remove the Public String variables debuglog, backgroundColor, textColor, and className. These variables were initially created to allow for simple importation from the underlying JSON content, but they will never be used, so there is no reason to keep them.
  2. Change the Public String variable names from id, start, and end to unid, startTime, and endTime respectively.
  3. Revise the constructor to accept and additional initial argument unid, and use it to set the Object's unid value.
  4. Add the Private String variables sessiondate_ and sessiontime_ to the declarations area of the Session class.
  5. Add the following getter property:

    Property Get SessionDate As String 
        Dim chunks as Variant 
        If (Len(Me.sessiondate_) > 0) Then return Me.sessiondate_
        chunks = split(Me.startTime, |T|)
        if (ubound(chunks) > 0) Then Me.sessiondate_ = cstr(chunks(0))
        return Me.sessiondate_ 
    End Property
    This code block makes use of the VoltScript return statement in line 4. In this situation, the return statement immediately ceases processing of the property script and returns the value of Me.sessiondate_ to the calling code, which alleviates needing to:

    1. Explicitly set the value of SessionDate to that of Me.sessiondate_.
    2. Add an Else and End If to the If statement, or explicitly call Exit Property.
    short-circuit comparisons

    In LotusScript (from which VoltScript evolved), And and Or comparisions always evaluate every condition (both sides of the comparison operator), which can result in ineffecient code (or sometimes code failures). Short Circuit comparisons (|| for Or, and && for And) will cease comparison at the first condition which logically ends the need for additional comparisons, and will not evaulate additional conditions. The following code example should help:

    Dim a as Integer 
    Dim b as Integer 
    Dim c as Integer 
    a = 1 
    b = 2 
    c = 3 
    If (a < b) || (b < c) Then Print "True: evaluated first condition, skipped second condition"
    If (a < b) && (b < c) Then Print "True: evaluated both conditions"
    If (a > b) || (b > c) Then Print "False: evaluated both conditions"
    If (a > b) && (b > c) Then Print "False: evaluted first condition, skipped second condition"

  6. Add the following getter property:

    Property Get SessionTime As String 
        Dim chunks as Variant 
        Dim strTemp as String 
        If (Len(Me.sessiontime_) > 0) Then return Me.sessiontime_
        If (Len(Me.SessionDate) < 1) || (Len(Me.endTime) < 1) Then return
        chunks = split(Me.startTime, |T|)
        strTemp = Left$(chunks(Ubound(chunks)), 5)
        chunks = split(me.endTime, |T|)
        chunks(0) = strTemp 
        strTemp = Left$(chunks(Ubound(chunks)), 5)
        chunks(1) = strTemp 
        Me.sessiontime_ = Join(chunks, | - |)
        return Me.sessiontime_ 
    End Property 
    As in the previous step, this code also makes use of the return statment. However, it does something rather interesting. If you take a closer look at line 6:
    If (Len(Me.SessionDate) < 1) || (Len(Me.endTime) < 1) Then return
    You will notice the use of a double-pipe (||). In both LotusScript and VoltScript the use of a double-pipe can indicate an empty string (just as {} or "" does). In VoltScript, this double-pipe also indicates a short-circuit Or comparison, depending upon the context in which it appears.

    Because this line of code is performing logical comparison operations (an If statment) the VoltScript processor recognizes that the double-pipe is a comparison operator, not an empty string indicator.

    You will also notice that line 5 ends with a return statement, but has no following value. This causes processing of the current block to immediately stop and return to the calling code. Because the block is a Property that would normally return a String, the default empty string "" value is returned to the calling code.


    The use of return, ||, and && statments result in cleaner, more efficient, and easier to understand code.

  7. Revise the printSummary method to print the values of SessionDate and SessionTime, replace unid with id, and to no longer print values for start or end.

Revised Session class
Class Session
    Private sessiondate_ As String 
    Private sessiontime_ As String 
    Public unid As String 
    Public title As String
    Public room As String 
    Public startTime As String
    Public endTime As String

    Sub New(unid as String, title as String)
        Me.unid = unid
        Me.title = title 
    End Sub

    Property Get SessionDate As String 
        Dim chunks as Variant 

        If (Len(Me.sessiondate_) > 0) Then return Me.sessiondate_

        chunks = split(Me.startTime, |T|)
        if (ubound(chunks) > 0) Then Me.sessiondate_ = cstr(chunks(0))

        return Me.sessiondate_ 
    End Property 

    Property Get SessionTime As String 
        Dim chunks as Variant 
        Dim strTemp as String 

        If (Len(Me.sessiontime_) > 0) Then return Me.sessiontime_
        If (Len(Me.SessionDate) < 1) || (Len(Me.endTime) < 1) Then return || 

        chunks = split(Me.startTime, |T|)
        strTemp = Left$(chunks(Ubound(chunks)), 5)

        chunks = split(me.endTime, |T|)
        chunks(0) = strTemp 
        strTemp = Left$(chunks(Ubound(chunks)), 5)
        chunks(1) = strTemp 
        Me.sessiontime_ = Join(chunks, | - |)

        return Me.sessiontime_ 
    End Property 

    Sub printSummary()
        Print "Title:   " & Me.title 
        Print "Date:    " & Me.SessionDate
        Print "Time:    " & Me.SessionTime 
        Print "Room:    " &  
        Print "Unid:    " & Me.unid
    End Sub

End Class

Modify code that uses VoltScript Json Helper methods

  1. Find the following block of code (in Sub Initialize):
    sessions = helper.withCustomConstructor(sessionConstructor.withParam("title", ""))._
        withCustomConverter("debug-log", jscDebugLog.forPropertyName("debuglog"))._
        jsonArrayToObjects(job, "Session", "CollabSphere_2")
  2. Insert the code .ignoreLabel("debug-log") between sessions = helper and .withCustomConstructor. The .ignoreLabel() method instructs the JsonConverterHelper object instance (helper) to ignore the specified label (and by extension the label's associated value) when processing the JSON content. In this case we no longer want to use the debug-log elements within the JSON content.
  3. Find the block of code withCustomConverter("debug-log", jscDebugLog.forPropertyName("debuglog"))._ and remove it entirely. Because we have instructed the helper object to ignore the debug-log elements, we no longer have any need to convert their values to the target objects's debuglog variables (which we removed as the first step in modifying the Session class).
  4. Find the code jsonArrayToObjects and immediately prior to it insert additional .ignoreLabel() method calls for the other Public String variables that we previously removed (backgroundColor, textColor, and className).

Modify code that uses VoltScript Json Converter methods

  1. Because we have renamed the variables start and end in the Session class to startTime and endTime, we need perform some conversions when processing the JSON into our object instances -similar to the conversion for debug-log that we have removed. In the declarations section of Sub Initialize, find the line of code Dim jscDebugLog As New JsonScalarConverter(), and replace it with the following:
    Dim jscStart As New JsonScalarConverter()
    Dim jscEnd As New JsonScalarConverter()
    The reason for this is that each unique conversion to be performed requires a distinct converter object instance.
  2. Insert the following code immediately prior to jsonArrayToObjects(job, "Session", "CollabSphere_2")
    withCustomConverter("start", jscStart.forPropertyName("startTime"))._
    withCustomConverter("end", jscEnd.forPropertyName("endTime"))._
    This tells the code to take the JSON values from start and end and assign them to the object's variables startTime and endTime.
Loading the sessions
sessions = helper.ignoreLabel("debug-log")._
    withCustomConstructor(sessionConstructor.withParam("id","").withParam("title", ""))._
    withCustomConverter("start", jscStart.forPropertyName("startTime"))._
    withCustomConverter("end", jscEnd.forPropertyName("endTime"))._
    jsonArrayToObjects(job, "Session", "CollabSphere_2")

Revise the search logic

  1. This final change is a very simple one. Find the line of code
    If ("9F3F73226F22F82F862589EB0014CB89" = Cstr(sessions(i).id)) Then
    and change the .id reference to .unid.

Run your Script

  1. Use the <command> + <shift> + <p> sequence (<ctrl> + <shift> + <p> on Windows) to bring up the Command Selector. Choose VoltScript:Save & Run Script (or just press enter) to save and run the script.
  2. A Secondary text box will appear. This text box is for typing in any additional command-line parameters for the VoltScript processor. No additional parameters are needed, so just press .
  3. Your script should now run and any output (or debug messages) should appear in the VSCode Terminal window (directly below your editor pane). Correct any errors that may be reported and continue running until you get a successful result.
The Opening General Session for ColabSphere 2023 should be:
  • Title: OGS101 - Opening General Session - HCL Digital Solutions NEXT
  • Date: 2023-08-30
  • Time: 09:00 - 10:30
  • Room: Auditorium
  • Unid: 9F3F73226F22F82F862589EB0014CB89

Challenge Yourself

For more advanced VoltScript, try the following:

  • Add a getter property to the session class that will extract the CollabSphere session code from the beginning of the title.
  • Revise the search logic to search for a specific session code instead of a UniversalID
  • Revise the SessionDate property of the session to include the name of the month
  • Add a getter property to the session class that returns the title with the session code removed.
Challenge VoltScript
    Copyright 2022-2023 HCL America, Inc.
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, 
    software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License   

Option Public
Option Declare
Use "../src/VoltScriptJsonConverter"

Property Get MonthNames as Variant 
    Static result(1 to 12) as String 
    Static isLoaded as Boolean 

    If Not isLoaded Then 
        result(1) = |January|
        result(2) = |February|
        result(3) = |March|
        result(4) = |April|
        result(5) = |May|
        result(6) = |June|
        result(7) = |July|
        result(8) = |August|
        result(9) = |September|
        result(10) = |October|
        result(11) = |November|
        result(12) = |December|
        isLoaded = True 
    End If 

    MonthNames = result 
End Property 

Class Session
    Private id_ as String 
    Private sessiondate_ As String 
    Private sessiontime_ As String 
    Public unid as String
    Public title as String
    Public startTime as String
    Public endTime as String
    Public room as String 

    Public Property Get Id as String 
        Dim chunks as Variant 

        If (Len(me.id_) < 1) Then 
            chunks = split(Me.title, | - |)
            Me.id_ = Trim$(chunks(0))
        End If 

        Id = Me.id_ 
    End Property 

    Property Get SessionDate As String 
        Dim chunks as Variant 
        Dim dateparts(2) As String 

        If (Len(Me.sessiondate_) > 0) Then return me.sessiondate_

        chunks = split(me.startTime, |T|)
        If (ubound(chunks) > 0) Then 
            chunks = split(chunks(Lbound(chunks)), |-|)

            dateParts(0) = chunks(2)
            dateParts(1) = MonthNames(cint(chunks(1)))
            dateParts(2) = chunks(0)
            me.sessiondate_ = Join(dateParts, | |)
        End If 

        return me.sessiondate_ 
    End Property 

    Property Get SessionTime As String 
        Dim chunks as Variant 
        Dim strTemp as String 

        If (Len(Me.sessiontime_) > 0) Then return me.sessiontime_

        If (Len(me.SessionDate) < 1) || (Len(Me.endTime) < 1) Then return

        chunks = split(me.startTime, |T|)
        strTemp = Left$(chunks(Ubound(chunks)), 5)

        chunks = split(me.endTime, |T|)
        chunks(0) = strTemp 
        strTemp = Left$(chunks(Ubound(chunks)), 5)
        chunks(1) = strTemp 
        Me.sessiontime_ = Join(chunks, | - |)

        return me.sessiontime_ 
    End Property 

    Property Get SessionName As String 
        If (len(Me.Id) > 0) Then 
            return Trim$(Mid$(Me.title, Len(Me.Id & | - |), Len(Me.title)))
            return  Me.title  
        End If 
    End Property 

    Sub New(unid as String, title as String)
        Me.unid = unid
        Me.title = title 
    End Sub

    Sub printSummary()
        Print "Id:      " & Me.Id
        Print "Session: " & Me.SessionName 
        Print "Date:    " & Me.SessionDate
        Print "Time:    " & Me.SessionTime 
        Print "Room:    " &  
        Print "Unid:    " & Me.unid
    End Sub
End Class

Sub Initialize
    Dim job As JsonObject

    Dim parser As New JsonParser()
    Dim helper As New JsonConversionHelper()
    Dim sessionConstructor As New JsonCustomConstructor()
    Dim jscStart As New JsonScalarConverter()
    Dim jscEnd As New JsonScalarConverter()
    Dim sess As Session

    Dim sessions As Variant
    Dim i As Integer

    Call parser.loadFromFile(CurDir() & "/samples/collabsphere.json") 
    ' CurDir() as referenced above is set at RUN-TIME
    ' it represents the directory from which the script is BEING RUN; 
    ' not the COMPILE-TIME directory in which that the script file resides.

    Set job = parser.getRootobject

    ' jscStart.forPropertyName and jscEnd.forPropertyName are both run before either withCustomConverter is run
    ' So if we use the same variable, both custom converters write to endTime
    sessions = helper.ignoreLabel("className")._
        withCustomConstructor(sessionConstructor.withParam("id","").withParam("title", ""))._
        withCustomConverter("start", jscStart.forPropertyName("startTime"))._
        withCustomConverter("end", jscEnd.forPropertyName("endTime"))._
        jsonArrayToObjects(job, "Session", "CollabSphere_challenge")

    For i = Lbound(sessions) to UBound(sessions)
        ' use Id Property 
        If (|DEV113| = Cstr(sessions(i).Id)) Then
            Set sess = sessions(i)
            Exit For
        End If

    If (sess is Nothing) Then
        Print "We could not find the VoltScript Unit Testing"
        Print "Found VoltScript Unit Testing! " & i
    End If
End Sub