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Use the JsonArrayConverter

Scalar array converter

Often a class may contain arrays. You saw that with deserialization, a class member variable thats expected to receive an array must be declared as a Variant. This means that it may or may not be an array. Imagine a class with this code:

Class Session

    Public id as String
    Public title as String
    Public products as Variant

End Class

Assuming that the products variable is only used to hold scalars, such as an array of Strings, you can just use a JsonArrayConverter. So the instance of the class can be created like so:

Dim sess as New Session = "Ad16"
sess.title = "Colaborate around Business Applications in Communities"
sess.products = Split("Domino,Connections,Volt", ",")

The object can be deserialized by adding a JsonScalarConverter for id and title, and a JsonArrayConverter for products.

Call helper.withScalarConverter("id").withScalarConverter("title").withArrayConverter("products")
json = helper.toJsonString(sess, true)

Forcing arrays

The JsonArrayConverter will return an array regardless of the source. So even if the instance of the Session class is created like so: = "Ad01"
sess.title = "Domino HA"
sess.products = "Domino"

The JSON returned will still be an array:

  "id": "Ad01",
  "products": [
  "title": "Domino HA"

Class with array member variable

Currently with VoltScript JSON Converter, member variables like product that are expected to receive arrays need to be declared as Variants. Otherwise a compiler error "Illegal reference to array or list" will be thrown when the code to write to the member variable is executed. This also makes it easier to write to the class. If the member variable is declared as Public products() as String, you can no longer just use Split() directly. Instead, you need to split and iterate the result, and then add each element in the array in turn:

Dim temp as Variant
Dim i as integer

temp = Split("Domino,Connections,Volt", ",")
Redim sess.products(UBound(temp))
For i = 0 to UBound(temp)
    sess.products(i) = temp(i)

Serialization will still work the same though. The helper can still be set up with Call helper.withScalarConverter("id").withScalarConverter("title").withArrayConverter("products").

However, the JsonScalarConverter will also return an array, if the source is an array. So the helper will still have the same result if set up with Call helper.withScalarConverter("id").withScalarConverter("title").withScalarConverter("products").

An array will also be returned if the object is created with the following code: = "Ad01"
sess.title = "Domino HA"
Redim sess.products(0)
sess.products(0) = "Domino"

This is because an array check on the products variable will return true, it's an array under all circumstances.

Example code