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My JSON is an array of objects. How do I process that?

If you're processing a string of JSON, VoltScript JSON Converter's fromJsonString() function automatically checks whether the top level is an array and processes it accordingly. Just remember that the response must be put into a Variant because an object array can't be assigned - the array must be iterated and each element set from a corresponding array.

If you're starting from a JsonObject of type array, use JsonConversionHelper.jsonArrayToObjects(JsonObject, classNameForEach, libNameForClass).

When I use VoltScript JSON Converter to process an array, how do I call a function to save each object to a database?

The framework is designed to convert to VoltScript objects, not to process those objects. You should convert the array of JSON objects, then iterate them in post-processing to perform your save.

Alternatively, you can parse the JSON array and use a For loop to iterate its children. Then use VoltScript JSON Converter to convert each child JSON object to a VoltScript object and call your function, before moving onto the next child.

How do I pass the parent object as a property of a child?

VoltScript JSON Converter is designed to convert JSON objects using the hierarchy of JSON passed in. Therefore children can be properties of a parent, but not vice versa. If you wish a different class hierarchy to the JSON hierarchy, there are some options:

  • Parse both as normal. Then, from the parent, create a reverse linkage back to the child.
  • Parse and return the parent object, skipping the property that contains its child / children. Then use a separate helper to parse and return the child. Finally pass the parent to the child's property.
  • If the child requires the parent as a parameter of the constructor, parse and return the parent object, skipping the property that contains its child / children. Then create the constructor, passing the relevant parameters, including a literal parameter containing the parent. Now use a separate helper to parse and return the child.