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Deserialization / serialization examples

Simple deserialization example

Let's assume a basic class for a Person:

Class Person
    Public firstName as String
    Public lastName as String
    Public age as Integer
End Class

A corresponding JSON structure would be:


This could be processed with the following VoltScript code:

Dim json as String
Dim helper as New JsonConversionHelper()
Dim jd as Person

json = |{"firstName":"John","lastName":"Doe","age":42}|
Set jd = helper.fromJsonString(json, "Person", "PersonIndex")

For more detailed instructions on deserialization, including using custom converters and constructors, see Deserialization.

Simple serialization example

Using the same Person class, an object could be serialized using the following VoltScript code:

Dim helper as New JsonConversionHelper()
Dim jsonObj as JsonObject

Call helper.withScalarConverter("firstName").withScalarConverter("lastName").withScalarConverter("age")
Set jsonObj = helper.toJson(jd)

For more detailed instructions on serialization, including using custom converters and constructors, see Serialization.